A Framework for an Open Source Geospatial Certification Model
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Teil | 82 | |
Anzahl der Teile | 193 | |
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Lizenz | CC-Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland: Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt zu jedem legalen Zweck nutzen, verändern und in unveränderter oder veränderter Form vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen, sofern Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. | |
Identifikatoren | 10.5446/20448 (DOI) | |
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FOSS4G Bonn 201682 / 193
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
This is Franz Josef, and he shall share his thoughts about the Open Source Geospatial Certification Model and its development, of course. Thank you.
Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, and friends, okay, first of all, I'd like to introduce my co-authors, most of the work was done by Tanseel Khan, who is sitting over there, and that's me, and this was the second supervisor from the USA.
We had, during his master thesis, thank you, well, during the conference, we hear a lot about open source, we hear a little bit about open data, we hear very few things about
open standards, I would say, and we hear, as well, not so much about open science and open education. But I want to take the opportunity to treat a little bit, to talk a little bit more about education and about something like certification, which is applied as a result
of the educational process. My talk has the following outline. I will introduce a little bit who, whom do we address, why, what, what's behind the term body of knowledge.
Then I will explain our methodology and research approach we have done, show you the results, summarize a little bit, and invite you to contribute and to collaborate. Okay, regarding education and certification, we can have different people and organization
in mind. Of course, we can think about students and the relevant universities, but as well, we can think about the job market in general, the job seekers, which might be not so easy,
even if we are well educated, we can think about the professional people in the field and about the companies seeking for employees working in the geospatial field.
If I attend the talks here, I see we have a very high level regarding skill, already in education, knowledge, and the conference itself offers a nice opportunity for collaboration, for networking.
Nevertheless, especially for young people and also for people like me who are a little bit older, we need an opportunity to extend and to enhance the skills and enhance our
market value. In addition, we are convinced that there is a growing need and a request for open source and open data and open standards and open science throughout different countries and continents.
And in this context, a certification regarding the usage of open source, open data, and etc., can be like a proof of competence and of skills, which can be useful for each and every body who is working in this field.
And our goal was the development of an open source geospatial certification model. How this can be done? Let me introduce the term body of knowledge, B.O., because B.O.K. Basically it's a base for curricula, for academic education, and of certification,
and you can find some definitions here. Of course, Wikipedia, and from different authors, and from usage GIS, 2006.
If we look here, it's always about a certain professional domain, as we have here the domain of open source applications, data, etc., etc. We see that it's related to a professional association, and in this context, I would
like, of course, to mention the OHS-Geo Foundation, and it's about the representation of a knowledge organization, and a knowledge organization, we are all part of this knowledge organization.
And there will be several bodies of knowledge in the field of geospatial science, and I will mention some of them later on. What we did is the following. We started with an analysis of existing certification options, like certified Oracle
engineer certified, Microsoft blah, blah, blah, something, something, and so on. Then we had a look to different bodies of knowledge, especially one which is called the Geospatial Technology Competency Model, GDCM, abbreviated.
In addition, we did an online survey regarding the relevance of open source and open source certification. I will show you only some results, and then we did try to make some expert interviews
with different people in this field. We brought all the findings together in a synopsis, and then we developed the certification model, and now we are in the step of dissemination of the results, and to, well, to spread
the good news about perhaps this option which could be valuable for all people involved in this field. I will come back to this later. Regarding already existing certification approaches, we analyzed about eight different organizations
and institutions, as you can see here in the first column, starting with ASPIS, then the U.S.-based GIS certification institute, ESRI, Oracle Metaspatial Institute, run by
Admulf Kristel, then here we have the GVZIG Association, and because Tansel is from Pakistan, we integrated the Pakistan Institute of Modern Studies, and finally we added United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation.
What we see here, let's say, offer typically several kinds of certifications, most of them like user certification, expert certification, or software developer, software professional, et cetera, et cetera, or desktop developer, enterprise, et cetera, et cetera.
And then we can distinguish between different levels, quite often like professional level, or technical level, or entry level, and higher level education, associate and expert,
and in most cases we found information about the source of the educational and certification approach in the corresponding institution.
Okay, and finally in the last column, we see the kind of examination, just one example for GVZIG Association offers an online test, other is more comprehensive, like online
tests, educational and professional credentials, and a tactical interview, which needs much more work, and it's much more intense compared to a simple online test, or in some cases it must be even a written exam at a university, for example, and we can analyze all these
approaches, and to find the optimal way for our own approach. Regarding the bodies of knowledge, there's an ongoing development, I found some first
approaches in 1990s, NCGIA core curriculum, which was very famous at this time, since you are a body of knowledge, and the GDCM, and others, and it's still an ongoing project,
here is an EU-wide project to develop a new body of knowledge, perhaps with focus on European, on the European side. If you look to the first four of them, you see it's USA centered, most of them are
USA centered, and perhaps we will have here a body of knowledge which takes more care of our European situation. Well, one of them, we decided to have a closer look
to this GDCM model, which consists of these tiers, you see here, tier 1, tier 2, et cetera, et cetera, starting with personal effectiveness competencies, well it's always about competencies,
you see here competencies which are evident nearly for everybody, especially for the professional work, integrity, lifelong learning, reliability, et cetera, et cetera, then on top of it we have academic competencies, then workplace competencies, which are still
very general, and in tier 4 and in tier 5 we have geospatial competencies, especially we have these industry-wide technical competencies and industry sector technical competencies.
In the tier 5 we see positioning and data acquisition, analysis and modeling, and software and application development, and we, first of all, we put our focus on these three competency fields. There might be additional fields like system architecture or standards
and other things which could be also taken into consideration, extending these main competencies
we see here. After analyzing these bodies of knowledge, we implemented an online survey in order to get information about the target group of education, and how many people
are interested in which kind of software to use, and will it be useful for them, and we unfortunately could not find that many respondents, only 105, but nevertheless
we could derive several information out of it, and I just want to summarize the last thing, that most of the respondents would say yes, we support this approach to have open source certification. Of course, we may not neglect that there are only some
doubts about it, if it is useful or not, but nevertheless we would say yes, open source certification has to be supported. The next step was we contacted
face-to-face or via telephone experts from industry and academia about their meaning regarding open source certification. To summarize the findings of the online survey and of the interviews we conducted, I think we thought it's really a confirmation
that geospatial open source-oriented certification should be launched, and it will be useful to enhance capability skills and the knowledge. To summarize, so far we can learn
from existing certification approaches, we can learn from these bodies of knowledge, and we integrated the meaning of the experts and the results of the online survey, and we created our certification model so far. It consists basically, according to the GDCM,
about these three main categories you see here, and these main categories are subdivided
into further certifications. As you can see here, for example, open source, associate developer, professional developer, and architect. This is a general approach, and for each of these certifications, we specified the requirements we have, the scope and the objective of
the certification, the course content, the software from the field of open source software to use the target audience, and how examination should be done.
Skip this. Well, now certification is not only about having theoretical knowledge, it's only one part, as you can see here, it's about educational achievement, which can be examined, for example, through an online test or at a university,
but it can be supported by professional experience, several years of professional experience, and contributions to the professional field and to the adherence to a code of ethics.
Now, if we have a look to the open source field, of course, we have certain ethic principles we are following and we try to achieve, and each candidate should agree to these
ethical guidelines and ethical conduct. In addition, of course, there should be contributions to our open geospatial community in different way, for example,
giving presentations or giving workshops during such a conference, and the other things are more evident, but we should not neglect these things here if we go further and if we want to examine the qualification of a candidate.
Now, we have several players here. Basically, it's about certification. Certification should be seeked by applicants and by professionals, as you can see here. The education can be provided by educational institutions or by universities, what you see here.
We need somebody who is organizing the whole process of education and of certification.
This means we need one or more certification bureaus. We need somebody who provides accreditation to the certification approach.
It could be OSHO, for example, or another organization, or an accreditation committee somewhere, and in addition, certification could be guaranteed or approved by the integration of universities to the whole process. Therefore, we have several people involved
and I'm convinced that each and everybody who is involved will have a good, large benefit out of it. There exists some business ideas about it.
Two approaches you can see here. You see different fees regarding certification and I think it's necessary to find an affordable fee which is somehow between 1,000 euros and 100 dollars.
I think this must be the range. In addition, we conducted a SWOT analysis, how to proceed and how to establish such a certification bureau
regarding strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. But the final decisions and developments are not yet finished. The steps we did so far, the initiative came originally from Arnulf Crystal
who gave an impressive talk, in my opinion, at FOSFOTG Conference 2014 in Portland. And then we did the research work and the development of the concept and last year at FOSFOTG Europe we had an interesting BoF meeting
and since this time we did some presentation at different opportunities worldwide and we tried to disseminate the idea of this certification approach in the geospatial field.
Well, we did, as I showed you, we did an analysis, excuse me, time is over,
and we did an analysis of approaches and in this case we have a certain extensible certification model which could be based off further discussions and enhancement.
Nevertheless, this approach needs support, endorsement and accreditation from official parties like OSGEO Foundation or OSGEO Europe or whomever. Education, we need educational partners, this means universities or companies who provide education in this field.
And I expect benefits, as I listed here, I am convinced that it could be a very valuable approach which can push our community and the members of our community and also the business forward.
And finally I would like to invite you and if you are interested in this approach and if you are somehow, if you have the hope or the conviction that it might be a good approach
and it might be valuable for our community, please contact us or drop me your business card and thank you for your attention.
So thank you for sharing yourself. Do we have any questions here? Thank you for your presentation and I have a question about the harmonization and the domestic certifications.
For example, in our country, the Japanese GIS Association has their own certification of the GIS Technics, not for the open sources, how to harmonize this kind of domestic certification systems.
Do you have any idea? Yes, of course. I think there might be two things. One is to analyze the existing approach, first step, and perhaps to integrate or to harmonize the two approaches.
And the second one could be to create something like liaisons. This means establishing some kind of relationship between, let me say, OSGIO and another body or another organization
like some organization you mentioned in Japan and to collaborate and to move our profession and our community forward. Second question.
Coming from a university, you point into a very, we live by having students at our universities and if I come to my head of department and say now we want to create online and certification outside the university, what do I say to him?
From my experience in our state, there is a certain pressure regarding education
for people who are in the job, like long life learning and such things. And in order to refresh and to extend the skills people have, which are already working since many years in the professional field,
there might be a need in the professional field from the staff. And the other thing is universities might have an interest to extend their outreach and the number of students they have or they educate.
It's like offering additional options for education. But of course, I and my colleagues would say this needs additional work.
Perhaps work on the weekend or Friday evening or something like that. And of course there must be somehow a compensation regarding some work.
And of course there could be some fees involved, which could be also an argument for a university, perhaps. That was the last question. If I see the time correctly, thank you one more time.