Robert Lehmann - Teaching Python Using Python in bringing people closer to programming has been popular for a while. But what are the most effective ways to do so? The OpenTechSchool reports. ----- Python has been used in educational programmes ever since. With a bandwidth that large, navigating the landscape of Python tutorials is hard indeed. This talk will look at successful Python teaching material. From the numerous iterations our material has gone through, we draw conclusions on what's crucial in teaching Python. It will introduce how the OpenTechSchool is teaching Python and what measures it found most effective in spreading programming in general and Python in particular. Among these are rapid feedback, supervised learning, localization, and knowing your target audience. The author is a member of the OpenTechSchool, a free community initiative which offers Python workshop on a number of topics. Some of the workshops have been running for more than two years now. He has written the first versions of "Python for beginners," a workshop which has been used in many cities to teach Python to programming novices. |