Maximilien Riehl - Practical PyBuilder PyBuilder is a software build tool written in pure python which mainly targets pure python applications. It provides glue between existing build frameworks, thus empowering you to focus on the big picture of the build process. It will be shown through demonstrations and samples how a simple, human-readable and declarative configuration can lead to an astonishingly well-integrated build process which will make maintainers, developers and newcomers happy. ----- # Why another build tool Starting up a simple python project with best practices still takes a lot of boilerplate and glueing (e.G. chaining unit tests and integration tests in the build process, adding a linter, measuring coverage, ...). It often results in extremely ugly homebrew scripts and edge-case solutions that are not reusable. There are even programs out there (e.G. cookiecutter) that encourage boilerplate code generation! # Build orchestration PyBuilder borrows from the *maven* idea of phases (packaging, verifying, publishing, ...) to set up a fully declarative and automated build that can be run locally and remotely (build servers) in the very same way. Rather than reinventing the wheel, it provides glue between existing solutions (like unittest, coverage, flake8, ...) through a simple but powerful plugin mechanism. # The talk After a more theoretical talk with a colleague at PyConDE 2013, I want to show how it's actually like to work with *PyBuilder*. This includes * starting up a project * running builds * using plugins * writing a plugin |