Marc-Andre Lemburg - Advanced Database Programming with Python The Python DB-API 2.0 provides a direct interface to many popular database backends. It makes interaction with relational database very straight forward and allows tapping into the full set of features these databases provide. The talk will cover advanced database topics which are relevant in production environments such as locks, distributed transactions and transaction isolation. ----- The Python DB-API 2.0 provides a direct interface to many popular database backends. It makes interaction with relational database very straight forward and allows tapping into the full set of features these databases provide. The talk will cover advanced database topics which are relevant in production environments such as locks, distributed transactions and transaction isolation. ---- The talk will give an in-depth discussion of advanced database programming topics based on the Python DB-API 2.0: locks and dead-locks, two-phase commits, transaction isolation, result set scrolling, schema introspection and handling multiple result sets. |