Armin Rigo/Romain Guillebert - PyPy status talk (a.k.a.: no no, PyPy is not dead) The current status of PyPy, with a particular focus on what happened in the last two years, since the last EuroPython PyPy talk. We will give a brief overview of the current speed and the on-going development efforts on the JIT, the GC, NumPy, Python 3 compatibility, CFFI, STM... ----- In this talk we will present the current status of PyPy, with a particular focus on what happened in the last two years, since the last EuroPython PyPy talk. We will give an overview of the current speed and the on-going development efforts, including but not limited to: - the status of the Just-in-Time Compiler (JIT) and PyPy performance in general; - the improvements on the Garbage Collector (GC); - the status of the NumPy and Python 3 compatibility subprojects; - CFFI, which aims to be a general C interface mechanism for both CPython and PyPy; - a quick overview of the STM (Software Transactional Memory) research project, which aims at solving the GIL problem. This is the "general PyPy status talk" that we give every year at EuroPython (except last year; hence the "no no, PyPy is not dead" part of the title of this talk). |