Digital distribution of geodata makes it possible to improve the efficiency and accuracy of our professional users' data collections on an ongoing basis. The Agency's Digital Map Supply is a national infrastructure to distribute geospatial data to all kind of users. Subscribers to the Digital Map Supply receive their geodata via web services, eliminating shipping time and resources. All services are based on OGC standards e.g. WFS, WMTS, WMS and WCS. Furthermore the Digital Map Supply exposes a range of REST and SOAP services for geocoding, address searches etc. As part of the common public-sector eGOVERNMENT strategy 2011-2015, the government and Local Government Denmark have agreed on a basic data programme. The programme contains a number of specific improvements and initiatives in public-sector basic data, which will underpin greater efficiency and growth. The Digital Map Supply is the infrastructure that is used to supply the geospatial data to public agencies, end users, private companies etc. Furthermore the Digital Map Supply also supports a number of INSPIRE compliant services that The Geodata Agency is responsible of - such as a cadastral WFS. The presentation will show the architecture behind the Digital Map Supply including the number of open source components such as PostGIS, MapServer, GeoWebCache and GeoServer. The Digital Map Supply has been in service for more than ten years and the architecture has evolved during that time moving from commercial software to open source software. Moreover the presentation will outline the future of the Digital Map Supply including the migration to a new, common National distribution platform for all common public-sector data. |