German | German Unter Beteiligung von Gästen aus den anderen Krahó-Dörfern findet im Dorf Pedra Branca der letzte Teil des Piegré-Festzyklus statt, der von zwei dafür neugebildeten Zeremonialgruppen getragen wird. Die geschmückten, bemalten und z. T. mit Federn bedeckten Teilnehmer singen und tanzen vor den einzelnen Häusern längs der Rundstraße. Der letzte Tanz findet in der Nähe der als Nest des Piegré-Vogels errichteten Plattform statt. Abschließend werden die darauf gesammelten Nahrungsmittel an die Festteilnehmer verteilt. |
English | English The climax of the Piegré festival cycle, which extends over months, is the concluding Piegré festival, held during the dry season. Visitors from other Krahó villages have come to the village of Pedra Branca to join in the festivities. The festival is conducted by two ceremonial groups newly constituted for this festival cycle, the Hóg and Krokok, and by the Kiñaré and Piegré group, all named after animals. The film presents the dances performed during the festival, which take place in the circular village road and are repeated successively in front of each house of the village. The Hóg, singing, move in a circle around the Kiñaré, then the Krokok join in an outer circle and both groups circle with quick lateral steps around the group in the centre. During the dances threee boys decorated with white feathers - the children of the Piegré bird - and three men are sitting on a platform representing the Piegré bird's nest. Finally articles of food collected on the platform, such as manioc tubers, are distributed among the partakers. |