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12 Ergebnisse
37McLennan, Michael
00:09 Introducing the Rappture Toolkit 00:15 Take a trip back to 1985... 01:35 Now back to the present... 04:22 Introducing: The Rappture Toolkit 05:26 Used to deploy hundreds of tools 06:05 Three parts 08:47 Rappture Builder 10:14 Demo: Hello, World! 32:21 Assignment #1: Build a simple Addition tool
10McLennan, Michael
00:09 What's Under the Hood? 00:27 Example: Fermi function tool 01:18 Tool Definition File 01:54 Running produces a driver file 02:52 Running produces a driver file 03:50 Running your program 04:20 Program produces a run file 05:03 Tool Definition File 06:49 All Together 09:36 Run file is a complete record of the run 11:23 How does your program get invoked? 11:59 How your program gets invoked 16:23 Object names in tool.xml and in your program 18:27 Assignment #2: Patch program into tool.xml 21:24 Assignment #2: Patch program into tool.xml
198McLennan, Michael
00:09 Introduction to Scientific Programming in MATLAB 00:27 Accessing MATLAB 02:56 Free Clone: GNU Octave 03:18 Introducing... OCTAViEw 03:54 Using Vectors 06:13 More Vectors 08:59 Matrices 11:57 Image Processing 16:44 Matrix Indexing 19:25 Back to Plotting 21:12 Plotting Options 22:15 Functions 23:45 Loops 25:09 Conditionals 26:11 Programming the MATLAB Way 29:22 Simple Input/Output 32:35 Other Resources 32:59 Assignment #3: Spirograph plot
32McLennan, Michael
00:09 Adding Rappture to MATLAB Applications 00:24 Example: Matlab/Octave Tool 02:06 What is the interface? 03:31 Build the interface: Temperature input 05:42 Build the interface: Ef input 06:29 Build the interface: Curve output 08:07 Build the interface: Use MATLAB/Octave 08:20 Add physics to the generated code 09:54 Add physics to the generated code 10:09 Running the code 10:55 Debugging 13:38 Assignment #4: Build a simple Spirograph tool
179McLennan, Michael
00:09 Rappture with C and Fortran 00:26 Example: app-fermi in C 01:41 What is the interface? 03:29 Same interface - Use C Language 03:56 Generate program and Makefile 04:16 Add physics to the generated code 05:04 Add physics to the generated code 05:18 Build the program 06:07 Running the code 06:53 How your program gets invoked 10:03 Not Much Overhead 11:38 Fortran version 12:27 Same interface - Use C Language 12:36 Add physics to the generated code 13:15 Add physics to the generated code 13:26 Build the program 13:52 Running the code 14:27 How your program gets invoked 15:52 Not Much Overhead 16:28 Reference Documentation 17:42 Assignment #6: Rappture interface for C or Fortran
42McLennan, Michael
00:09 Review of Scientific Programming in C and Fortran 00:33 Monte Carlo Simulator 03:08 Plinko Simulator in C 05:59 Plinko Simulator in C 09:57 Plinko Simulator in C 11:49 Plinko Simulator in C 14:56 Plinko Simulator in C 18:12 Compiling and Running C Code 21:02 C Language Cheat Sheet 23:30 Plinko Simulator in Fortran 28:59 Plinko Simulator in Fortran 31:29 Plinko Simulator in Fortran 33:52 Fortran Cheat Sheet 35:33 Compiling and Running Fortran Code 37:12 Makefiles 41:25 Debugging 43:16 Debugging 44:40 Debugging 45:49 Assignment #5: Simple C or Fortran Program
6McLennan, Michael
00:09 More Rappture Objects 00:19 Groups 01:50 Group of Groups 03:27 Phase 05:55 Enable/disable 08:00 Enable/disable 10:03 Enable/disable groups 12:43 Notes 15:45 Notes 17:21 Under the hood: XML 19:35 Under the hood: XML 20:54 Atoms 22:39 Assignment #7: Add options to Spirograph
7McLennan, Michael
00:09 Using the Loader 00:34 Introducing the loader... 03:36 Loader definition 08:18 Creating example files 10:24 More complex example 14:08 Using the loader to upload/download data 15:55 Assignment #8: Add a loader
13McLennan, Michael
00:09 Advanced Visualization 00:25 Molecules 01:36 Molecules 06:07 Data on a 2D rectangular grid 07:12 Mesh: unirect2d 10:39 Field 13:12 Cloud Mesh 15:07 Field for Cloud Mesh 16:13 Sequences 16:50 Sequence of Curves 18:42 If all else fails, use an image 19:57 If all else fails, use an image 21:42 Assignment #9: Bessel functions in Rappture
25McLennan, Michael
00:09 Regression Testing 00:20 You've published it! 00:50 What's next? 02:53 You've published it again! 03:29 Cautionary Tale 06:18 Guard against those errors! 12:19 Create test cases 13:56 Label test cases 15:09 Demo: app-fermi tests 21:44 Types of errors 22:15 Assignment #10: Create tests for your tool
18McLennan, Michael
00:09 Uploading and Publishing New Tools 00:26 Why not just downloads? 01:53 Access tools online 02:52 Your Own Impact Story 05:00 Start the upload process 05:48 Tool registration form 10:55 Tool development process 12:20 Your project area 13:26 Editing wiki pages 14:21 Wiki mark-up 16:57 Linking wiki pages 18:31 What's happening? 19:51 Know where you stand 20:50 Edit your tool information page 22:09 Know where you stand 22:19 Edit your tool settings 23:29 Putting out Open Source 26:47 Uploading your code 27:13 Uploading your code 28:05 Testing your tool 28:59 Testing your tool 29:42 Need help? 30:20 Use the web interface to communicate 31:36 Testing your tool-again 32:48 Last step... 33:43 Your tool is published 35:01 Updating your tool 35:53 Become a Contributor 37:00 Assignment #11: Add to the \"bootcamp\" project
45McLennan, Michael
00:09 Using Subversion for Source Code Control 00:24 What is Subversion? 02:07 Why bother with Subversion? 06:01 Top 5 reasons why you should use Subversion 09:11 Getting Started 10:44 Getting Started... the nanoHUB way 11:23 Check out your code 13:23 Commit your changes 15:02 What about Windows? 15:47 What about Windows? 16:08 Moving and removing files 18:50 Editing and updating 20:45 Looking for differences and reverting 22:36 Merging changes 23:54 Merging changes 24:28 Resolving merge conflicts 25:18 Resolving merge conflicts 26:37 Resolving merge conflicts 27:33 Resolving merge conflicts 27:36 Resolving merge conflicts 29:12 Retrieving an old version 30:26 Binary files 32:12 Branching and Tagging 37:31 More Information 37:52 Assignment #12: Add to the "bootcamp" project