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18 Ergebnisse
2Primke, Thorben et al.
Creating designs and experiences that are consistent across different platforms and device factors can result in increased complexity for both design and engineering. One way to reduce the complexity is to create a design system that provides reusable building blocks and consistent guidelines. A design system may include guidelines for how components should be spaced or sized, typography, color scheme or how animations should behave. This talk will focus on building the foundation for component spacing/sizing and typography. At Pinterest, the design team created a system that strives to provide a consistent experience across different platforms and device form factors. At the core of this is a new unit to define a component's dimensions and spacing. The unit is called Boints or BT and is similar to DP but the multiplier is based on the device’s classification instead of the device’s density. In order to support a new sizing unit at the system level, the layout system has to be customized. This allows having custom attributes for width, height, margin or spacing whose values are in BT. Furthermore this system makes it possible to continue defining layouts in XML instead of programmatically in Java. This talk will go into detail on how this was achieved as well as the challenges we experienced. Our design system also includes guidelines for typography in order to achieve visual hierarchy among text components. This includes leading, tracking and word spacing. Leading or line spacing is supported by the TextView. Tracking or letter spacing is only supported in Lollipop and above, while word spacing is not supported at all. In order to support all three attributes for Ice Cream Sandwich and above, a custom TextView was created to abstract the complexity and provide engineers with a simple to use text component. The takeaways from this talk are that you will have a deepened understanding of the layout system and typography. The layout system is at the core of how views are inflated and a powerful tool for system wide view modifications. Typography can distinguish your application by utilizing advanced design conventions; from this talk, you’ll have a hands-on example on how to push the boundaries of the TextView component.
2016droidcon Berlin
7Soneff, Steven
Do people have trouble with registration or sign-in for your app? How often do potential customers use the "Forgot password?" button or give up completely when trying to create an account? In user experience research at Google and throughout the industry, we've found that over half of people seeing a sign-in page will fail to authenticate, ranging from making typos to creating duplicate accounts. Building a secure and usable auth experience is complex and difficult. But there are some simple principles of good authentication user experience design that can make things a lot easier. We'll discuss examples that you can apply in your app, from tips for effective UI to techniques for secure, password-less authentication built on open standards and APIs available on Android that make account creation as easy as one-tap, and keep users signed-in across devices automatically. Make the most of your app installs and never lose someone at the account screen again. Keep your users engaged when they come back on another device by showing them their content as soon as they open the app and resuming activities right away. And make it all a secure experience that protects user data.
2016droidcon Berlin
Smith, Joanna
Android has changed significantly year over year, and we all have our horror stories of updates and refactoring and code spaghetti. Despite that, we manage to build better apps, for better devices, for increasingly demanding users. So join me for a discussion of Android yesterday, today, and ~tomorrow~.
2016droidcon Berlin
1Latislaw, Corey Leigh
Android is the most popular operating system in the world and growing rapidly. Emerging markets are where most of the mobile growth over the next decade will occur, but there are too few solutions that specifically target (or even consider) their needs. Building solutions that serve all of your customers will become increasingly more important. In this updated version of the talk, we will explore emerging use cases, technical challenges, and social challenges you will encounter when serving these markets. You will walk away with guidelines to write globally inclusive applications in order to make a broader global impact.
2016droidcon Berlin
1Kalicinski, Wojtek
The Developer Preview of the next release of Android is here early this year, with a host of new features and APIs such as multi-window mode, notification enhancements and many behavior changes targeting battery life and system health. It's the best time to start testing your apps to make sure you're ready for the final release later this year. We are also eager to hear feedback on the N Developer Preview so that we can make sure we deliver the best possible product for developers to build upon.
2016droidcon Berlin
Karpouzis, Thanos et al.
Micro-service architecture is one of the most hyped topics in backend development the last few years. However, when it comes to mobile projects, in most cases, we are stuck with big monoliths in our code bases. In combination with agile environments, that causes problems not only in project scalability, but also team flexibility. At Babbel, we work in full-stack product development teams, implementing scrum and also set up Android projects, based on a fully modular architecture. This approach allowed us to reduce dependencies and achieve team autonomy, and also sustain a very flexible and highly maintainable code-base. This session will be a showcase of our current project architecture, focusing on tools (Gradle, Git Subtrees , Dagger 2, CIs) and best implementation practices, including code examples and configuration snippets. We will explore the flexibility that modular architecture provides for feature switches, versioning, demos, testing, quality gates and DCL, but also the overhead of the configuration, the build times and shared code ownership. We will also provide migration guidelines from monolith to modular project set-up.
2016droidcon Berlin
2Lotutovici, Serghei
Let's face it - the more successful a product is, the more complex it becomes. New features are pulled into the backlog, bugs pile up like candy on Halloween and deadlines move from "We need it Tomorrow" to "It had to be done last week!". As a result teams grow, new ones emerge and a once small and simple app overpasses the dex limit and requires 300 seconds for a cold build (if you're lucky, of course). At XING we value quality, but we also require speed and a continues delivery that should never stop. With seven+ teams contributing to the main app the risk of breaking the stability of the project is even higher. Thus a clean and straight forward architecture is key for a successful rollout and our QAs sanity. This talk is about our journey from a one-block app (with a twisted maze of legacy code on top), to a multi modular and sustainable project consisting of small semi-autonomous components that assemble into our flagship app. Almost like a jigsaw puzzle.
2016droidcon Berlin
8Guntli, Michael
Join our journey! We are sharing our hands-on experience of building an industrial device based on a customized Android platform with you. This talk is targeting system architects, software architects and software engineers having a distinct sense for performance-aware programming on Android. Create your own hardware platform Customize the Android BSP Key concepts of application architecture A traditional programming approach quickly reached its performance limit when processing sensor data with a high sampling frequency. How can we avoid frequent garbage collections? How can we offload as much as possible from the UI thread? The key concepts of the chosen application architecture will be discussed in detail: - simple concurrency with actor model - data flow & event driven design - performance aware programming on low-end hardware - lockless & heapless queue for single producer / single consumer - real-time data visualization of sensors with 200Hz sampling rate
2016droidcon Berlin
2Brewin, Leonie
When we speak about accessibility in design, we refer to the degree in which a product or service is available to every user, regardless of language, culture, location or physical or mental abilities. Designing applications for such a diverse set of users can be a daunting task for any designer, so this talk will introduce a set of guidelines that can help us to integrate accessibility considerations into our everyday design process, without hindering creativity.
2016droidcon Berlin
Ballinger, Keith
In today's world, you can't just build a mobile app and call it done. You need to build a high-quality mobile app and react to your user's needs before they know them. This constant iteration, continuous delivery, is difficult for mobile today. What are the best developers doing today to overcome these limitations? How are the world's best companies implementing continuous delivery for mobile? This closing keynote was sponsored by Microsoft.
2016droidcon Berlin
4Belz, Jörg
The mobility of the blind and visually impaired is associated with many barriers and risks. A lot of information that we use without thinking about it is not available to them. This particularly applies to crossing intersections: How does the intersection look like? Is there a bicycle path next to me? Where is the waiting area? Is there an acoustic indicator for the walking signal? And if there isn't, can I walk now? This is made even more difficult by unfavorable environmental conditions such as traffic noise. Smartphones have the potential to assist blind and visually impaired people’s mobility. Not only are they literally mobile devices that can be carried around everywhere, they can also sense and connect to the environment and augment the user’s perception. Additionally, also the infrastructure is increasingly being equipped with sensors and communication devices. So why not leverage these factors by creating an app? Within the BMWi (German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology) funded research project InMoBS (intra-urban-mobility support for the blind and visually impaired), an Android-based prototype of a route planning and navigation system specifically designed for blind and visually impaired users has been developed and evaluated in an exploratory manner. In this talk, you’ll get answers to the following questions: - How do blind people use smartphones and how can you make your app more accessible? - What are specific challenges when developing a pedestrian navigation app (compared e.g. to vehicle navigation)? - How we used Car2X communication infrastructure to show the walking signal directly on the smartphone. - How we incorporated feedback from blind and visually impaired people into the development process and how the app performed in a field evaluation. After this talk you will have a good idea about some of the potential smartphones and smart cities have to make mobility easier and safer for everyone in the not-too-distant future.
2016droidcon Berlin
5Reeve, Jon
We spend a lot of time putting apps together, but when was the last time you pulled one apart? How wonderful is it that Android is open-source, so we can simply look at the code when we need to? What if it were just as easy to look at the source code and behaviour of any other app? If we can streamline the process of looking inside a compiled application then we're more likely to employ it to answer questions and teach us valuable lessons we can apply to our work. We may learn from others and also make our own apps more secure. We can pinpoint bugs that come from closed-source libraries such as those for ad and tracking networks, and work around those bugs, get them fixed faster, or even patch them if need be! This talk will present simple real-world examples for maximum practical benefit using some of the ever improving set of reverse engineering tools for Android. You don't need to have any experience reverse engineering anything before, but hopefully even if you do you'll pick up a few useful tips. This talk aims to make every developer more familiar with the reverse engineering tools available for Android, and how and why they should apply them. There's an incredible amount that can be learned from taking things apart!
2016droidcon Berlin
1Dao, Huyen Tue
XML layouts are the foundation of Android UI, and while they are seemingly straightforward, understanding how to develop efficient, “lean” layouts can be vital to both user experience and app performance. This session examines the importance of lean layouts, tools for analyzing layouts and their performance, tips and techniques for making layouts leaner, common mistakes and misconceptions, and general good practices.
2016droidcon Berlin
2Dorfmann, Hannes
Nick Butcher, developer advocate at Google, has open sourced an android app called Plaid with an outstanding UI, meaningful animations and a lot of others material design goodies. However, from the software architecture’s point of view, the architecture of this app more “traditional” so that both, beginners and expert developers, can understand the source code easily. Unfortunately, that means that there is a lack of separation of concerns that modern software architectures offers. This talk discusses how to improve the architecture of this app by applying Model-View-Presenter (MVP) to create modular and decoupled components that are easy to test. Furthermore, this talk shows how to improve the code quality by using well known libraries like RxJava (foreknowledge is not a strong requirement), dependency injection and how to test such an App by doing Test-Driven-Development (TDD) from the very beginning. The aim of this talk is to showcase the importance of a well thought out software architecture and how to implement such an MVP based architecture and last but not least to clarify what the word “reactive” actually means in this context.
2016droidcon Berlin
Schweiger, Frederik
Android Marshmallow has introduced a lot of fresh features and the new permission system is by far not the only new security enhancement. Most of you already use their finger to unlock the smartphone and may have heard about this new fingerprint API - but have you ever played with it? And once we’re there: Do you know about the newly introduced improvements in the keystore API? No? Then this talk is definitely for you! Still hesitating? Just remember that security and a good user experience is something we cannot know enough about. With just a few simple steps you can learn how to increase the security of your app, making authentication easier and your users happier - all at once. And to be honest: in the end that’s all we want, right?
2016droidcon Berlin
2Voronkevych, Dmytro
There are many rumors surrounding Uncle Bob’s clean architecture. Many believe it’s a silver bullet that will solve every problem. This sounds great for anyone who wants to write a new application, but how do you safely transition a code base with ~100k lines of code and 5 years of history? The story I am going to tell is about an Android application with over 100 million installs, used by millions of people everyday and is very profitable. The journey started with legacy code, then grew and transitioned into clean architecture. This was implemented all while working in a high pressure environment with tough deadlines, constant changes and a lot at stake. It all started as a j2me application, which rapidly grew, becoming legacy. It then required changes overall for improvement and maintenance. On top of the complications we faced, we then had to split the application, creating several new ones. Through this process we managed to improve our code by experimenting a lot, having many discussions, internal tech talks and also restructuring our team. Overall we learned a great deal!
2016droidcon Berlin
2Weiss, Ben
This session will guide developers through Android's transition API. We'll get started with the basic set up and end at custom transitions and some pro-tips.
2016droidcon Berlin
Friedrich, Matthias
The paper metaphor, bright colors and print like typography are what make Material design beautiful. What really lets it shine though is movement! While it’s not hard to animate single Android ui components, it becomes harder when these components and their animations shall depend on each other. With CoordinatorLayout the official Android Design Support Library provides a powerful, top-level ui component to make these highly dynamic dependencies easily manageable. The first part of this session wants to cover what’s possible out of the box using CoordinatorLayout together with some other widgets and latest additions of the Design Support Library. The second half then aims to provide deeper insights of how CoordinatorLayout actually works. The talk will explain the basic concepts it is build on as well as its apis that developers can use to build their own ui behaviors. After the talk you will be able to define complex dependencies between your ui components and make your app shine without losing your mind in animation listener hell.
2016droidcon Berlin