SWIB 2015 - Semantic Web in Libraries
7 Stunden 14 Minuten
16 Ergebnisse
3Charles, Valentine et al.In large cultural heritage data aggregation systems such as Europeana, automatic and manual metadata enrichments are used to overcome the issues raised by multilingual and heterogeneous data. Enrichments are based on linked open datasets, which can be very beneficial for enabling retrieval across languages, adding context to cultural heritage objects and for improving the overall quality of the metadata. However, if not done correctly, the enrichments may transform into errors, which propagate to several languages and impacting the retrieval performance and user experience. To identify the different processes that impact the quality of enrichments, Europeana and affiliated projects’ representatives have organised a series of experiments applying several enrichment techniques on a particular dataset constituted of random metadata samples from several data providers from several domains, but mainly from library held cultural heritage digital objects. Comparing and analysing the results shows that selecting appropriate target vocabularies, fine-tuning enrichment rules are as important as defining evaluation methods. The development of flexible workflows will contribute to better interoperability between enrichment services and data, but might make individual enrichment processes more ambivalent. Efforts where users evaluate and correct enrichments as well as the enrichments’ impact on retrieval and user experience also need to be considered. The presentation will show how a better understanding of enrichment methodologies will help cultural heritage institutions and specifically libraries to get the semantics right.
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
1Bayerl, Sebastian et al.This work describes how XML-based TEI documents, containing statistical data, can be normalized, converted and enriched using the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary. In particular we focus on a statistical real world data set, namely the statistics of the German Reich around the year 1880, which are available in the TEI format. The data is embedded in complex structured tables, which are relatively easy to understand for humans but they are not suitable for automated processing and data analysis, without heavy pre-processing, due to their varying structural properties and differing table layouts. Therefore, the complex structured tables must be validated, modified and transformed, until they are suitable for the standardized multi-dimensional data structure - the data cube. This work especially focuses on the transformations necessary to normalize the structure of the tables. Performing validation- and cleaning-steps, resolving row- and column-spans and reordering slices are available transformations among multiple others. By combining existing transformations, compound operators are implemented, which can handle specific and complex problems. The identification of structural similarities or properties can be used to automatically suggest sequences of transformations. A second focus is on the advantages, which come by using the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary. Also, a research prototype was implemented to execute the workflow and convert the statistical data into data cubes.
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
2Capadisli, SarvenLinked Research is set out to socially and technically enable researchers to take full control, ownership, and responsibility of their own knowledge. This is so that research contributions are accessible to the society at maximum capacity, by dismantling the use of archaic and artificial barriers. It is intended to influence a (paradigm) shift in all aspects of scholarly communication by fostering the use of the native Web stack. Linked Research proposes an acid test to the research community in order to verify, approve, or test the openness, accessibility and flexibility of the approaches for enhanced scholarly communication. Dokieli is a decentralized authoring, annotations, and social interaction tool complying with this initiative. This talk will discuss and demonstrate what works!
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
9Gareta, CristinaALIADA is an open source solution designed by art libraries and museums, ILS vendors and experts on Semantic Web to help cultural heritage institutions to automatically convert, link and publish their library and museum data as Linked Open Data. If they can export their metadata as MARCXML or LIDOXML, they can choose ALIADA as their ally in the challenge of liberating cultural institutions from their current data silos and integrating library and museum data onto the Semantic Web. ALIADA uses its own ontology based on FRBRoo, SKOS, FoaF and WGS84, the ontologies most used by the linked open datasets analyzed during the design of the tool. It's expected this ontology to be updated with the new emerging models and vocabularies, such as RDA or BIBFRAME, according to the ALIADA's community demand. ALIADA can be integrated with the current management system in a library or a museum allowing non-expert staff to easily select and import metadata into ALIADA. Once the file is validated, the user can start the "RDFizer" to create the triples using the existing mapping templates. All the MARC mappings were not carried out into RDF using FRBRoo ontology because of the complexity of the format. Along with the RDF conversion, ALIADA provides a set of predefined SPARQL queries to check the URIs. The next step in the workflow is the linking to other datasets. ALIADA offers a list of external datasets that can be linked to, including Europeana, DBpedia or VIAF. Finally, ALIADA will show the dataset before publishing it on the DataHub.
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
1Baierer, Konstantin et al.Data citations are more common today, but more often than not the references to research data don't follow any formalism as do references to publications. The InFoLiS project makes those "hidden" references explicit using text mining techniques. They are made available for integration by software agents (e.g. for retrieval systems). In the second phase of the project we aim to build a flexible and long-term sustainable infrastructure to house the algorithms as well as APIs for embedding them into existing systems. The infrastructure's primary directive is to provide lightweight read/write access to the resources that define the InFoLiS data model (algorithms, metadata, patterns, publications, etc.). The InFoLiS data model is implemented as a JSON schema and provides full forward compatibility with RDF through JSON-LD using a JSON-to-RDF schema-ontology mapping, reusing established vocabularies whenever possible. We are neither using a triplestore nor an RDBMS, but a document database (MongoDB). This allows us to adhere to the Linked Data principles, while minimizing the complexity of mappings between different resource representations. Consequently, our web services are lightweight, making it easy to integrate InFoLiS data into information retrieval systems, publication management systems or reference management software. On the other hand, Linked Data agents expecting RDF can consume the API responses as triples; they can query the SPARQL endpoint or download a full RDF dump of the database. We will demonstrate a lightweight tool that uses the InFoLiS web services to augment the web browsing experience for data scientists and librarians.
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
Verborgh, RubenSome 17,000 years ago, cavemen, cavewomen and cavekids picked up their cavebrushes to paint caveanimals on their cavewalls in a place that eventually would become known as the Lascaux complex. Their cavehands eternalized cavehorses and cavedeer in shady corners, an art form which continues to inspire contemporary artists such as Banksy. Despite the millennia-long deprecation of cave technology (X-caveML 2.0 never really caught on), we can still admire Lascauxian cave art, even though we will probably remain eternally oblivious of its purpose if there ever was any. This sharply contrasts with an Excel 97 sheet named mybooks.xls.bak I tried to open yesterday: perfectly remembering its purpose (my dad was maintaining a list of books he had read), I'm unable to revive the splendid tabular chaos undoubtedly typeset in Times New Roman or worse. 17 years ago somebody made a simple spreadsheet and it's literally less accessible than a 17,000 year old scribble by an unknown caveartist. Not to mention the philistines who are blacking out Banksy's recent works, which date back to last year or so. And certainly don't get me started about sustainable Linked Data. I mean, is there really such a thing? We'll be lucky if any triple at all survives 17 years. Or 17 months, for that matter. Some even have trouble keeping a SPARQL endpoint up for 17 hours. Or minutes. We might not be very good cavemen. This talk combines lessons learned from the Semantic Web, the REST principles, and the Web in general to think about what sustainability for Linked Data could really mean and how we just might achieve it. SWIB15 Conference, 23 – 25 November 2015, Hamburg, Germany. http://swib.org/swib15 #swib15
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
4Panigabutra-Roberts, AnchaleeThis project will explore how American University in Cairo (AUC) faculty members distributed their scholarly and creative works, and how their names are identified in author identifier systems and/or on the Web. The goal is to explore how best to present their data as linked data. The project will use the AUC faculty’s names listed in AUC Faculty Publications: 2012 Calendar Year. Their names will be used to search in author identifier systems to answer; 1. If they are registered on these sites, 2. if their names are consistent, or with variants and how the variants are handled, 3. what metadata are included, 4. sources of data, and 5. other relevant data. The systems to be checked, but not limited to, are 1. ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID), 2. ResearcherID, 3. Scopus Author Identifier, 4. arXiv Author ID, 5. eRA Commons Username, 6. AuthorClaim, 7. OpenID, 8. ISNI, 9. Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF), 10. Virtual International Authority File (VIAF), and 11. Google Scholar. The presentation will include the overview of these systems. The data analysis and discussion will shed light on: 1. how some author identifier systems fail to represent some faculty members; 2. how the linked data model, such as BIBFRAME, can be used to better represent them and to increase their visibility on the Web, and 3. the collaborative roles for librarians and faculty members to contribute data into these systems. 4. The presentation will conclude with the discussion on the faculty’s potential use of the data to demonstrate the impact of their scholarly and creative works.
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
Meyer, Thorsten et al.Thorsten Meyer, ZBW - Leibniz Information Center for Economics and Silke Schomburg, North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Center (hbz) are opening the Conference SWIB15 - Semantic Web in Libraries.
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
Manguinhas, Hugo et al.Cultural heritage institutions are looking at crowdsourcing as a new way and opportunity to improve the overall quality of their data and contribute to a better semantic description and link to the web of data. This is also the case for Europeana, as crowdsourcing under the form of annotations is envisioned and being worked on in several projects. As part of the Europeana Sounds project, we have identified the user stories and requirements that cover the following annotation scenarios: open and controlled tagging; enrichment of metadata; annotation of media resources; linking to other objects; moderation and general discussion. The first success on bringing annotations to Europeana is the integration of annotations to Europeana objects made on the HistoryPin.org platform covering both the tagging and object linking scenarios. The next step, will be to help data providers to support annotation at their side, for which we are working with the Pundit annotation tool. As a central point on all the efforts around annotations is an agreement on how these should be modelled in a uniform way for all these scenarios, as it is essential to bring such information to Europeana and in a way that can also be easily exploited and shared beyond our portal. For this, we are using the recent Web Annotation Data Model supported by the Open Annotation community as it is the most promising model at the moment. Due to its flexible design, we have made recommendations on how it should be applied for these scenarios and we are looking for discussion/feedback from the community in the hope that it will help cultural heritage institutions to better understand how annotations can be modelled.
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
1Coyle, KarenThe cultural heritage data communities are racing forward into the future with FRBR, BIBFRAME, RDA, and other bibliographic models. Unfortunately, these models are weighted down with the long history of bibliographic description, like stones in our pockets. As someone who worked on the cusp between card catalogs and machine-readable data, Coyle looks back on the moments in our recent history when we should have emptied our pockets and moved forward. As one who was there, there are ''mea culpas''. Coyle will also surprise you with the truth about FRBR and some radical thinking about what to do with that past that is holding us back from achieving the future we should be pursuing. SWIB15 Conference, 23 – 25 November 2015, Hamburg, Germany. http://swib.org/swib15 #swib15
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
6Johnson, ThomasAdvocates for the use of RDF as a model for metadata in the cultural heritage sector have frequently spoken of the death of the “record”. Indeed, the shift from a document-centric approach to one based on identified resources and atomic statements is an important one. Yet current work on validation as well as requirements for day-to-day metadata management and attribution point back to aspects of a record-driven worldview. This session will address some historical views of records, contrasting them with the formal model adopted by RDF 1.1 and commonly accepted best practices for Linked Data. Practical implications of the RDF model will be explored, with questions raised regarding the management of state, mutability, and “record” workflows. A provisional approach for managing RDF resources and graphs in record-like contexts is proposed, with connections to RDF Shapes, DC Application Profiles, and Linked Data Platform. Use cases from the Digital Public Library of America will be presented as illustrative examples.
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
5Gómez-Pérez, AsunciónLinked Data (LD) and related technologies are providing the means to connect high volumes of disconnected data at Web-scale and producing a huge global knowledge graph. The key benefits of applying LD principles to datasets are i. better modelling of datasets as directed labelled graphs, ii. structural interoperability of heterogeneous resources, iii. federation of resources from different sources and at different layers inlcuding language annotation, iv. a strong ecosystem of tools based on RDF and SPARQL, v. improved conceptual interoperability due to strong semantic models such as OWL and shared semantics due to linking and vi. dynamic evolution of resources on the web. In this talk, I will explore challenges related with the (Re)Usability of library linked metadata in the field of cultural heritage and for other purposes. I will argue that for maximizing (re)use of library linked metadata it is crucial to represent core aspects related with Linguistic, Provenance, License, and Dataset metadata. A proper representation of these features using W3C standards and the use of W3C best practices and guidelinesfor multilingual Linked Open Data: i. produce better library linked metadata that could be used later on for diagnosing and repairing other external resources; ii. facilitate rights management, and consequently the access and reuse of metadata and data delivered under different license schema; iii. enable navigation across datasets in different languages thanks to the exploitation of links across multilingual data; iv. help data providers and data consumers to go a step further when cataloguing, searching and building cross-lingual applications that use open library linked metadata; v. increase exploitation when library linked metadata will be used with licensed (open or closed) linked data in other domains. I will also present approaches that use datos.bne.es library linked metadata with geographical information to produce new insights and innovation. SWIB15 Conference, 23 – 25 November 2015, Hamburg, Germany. http://swib.org/swib15 #swib15
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
5Christoph, Pascal et al.It is often correctly noted that many datasets got published in the library world with little or no stories about actual use of these datasets. In this talk we want to highlight some of this usage in the context of the hbz linked open data service lobid (which stands for "linking open bibliographic data"). The hbz has been experimenting with linked data technology since 2009. In November 2013 the hbz launched a linked open data API via its service lobid. This API provides access to different kinds of data: • bibliographic data from the hbz union catalogue with 20 million records and 45 million holdings • authority data from the German Integrated Authority File (Gemeinsame Normdatei, GND) with subject headings, persons, corporate bodies, events, places and works • address data on libraries and related institutions, taken from the German ISIL registry and the MARC organization codes data base. The talk starts with a brief outline of the concept and the technology used behind the lobid API and how lobid itself benefits from other linked data sources. After that it is shown how applications are making use of the lobid API, focusing on the development of the North Rhine-Westphalian bibliography (NWBib) as an example. In the end we provide some lessons learned regarding the transformation of legacy data to linked data and the provision of a web API for it. SWIB15 Conference, 23 - 25 November 2015, Hamburg, Germany. http://swib.org/swib15 #swib15
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
1Simon, Rainer et al.Pelagios is a community-driven initiative that facilitates better linkages between online resources documenting the past, based on the places they refer to. Our member projects are connected by a shared vision of a world in which the geography of the past is every bit as interconnected, interactive and interesting as the present. Pelagios has been working towards establishing conventions, best practices and tools in several areas of "Linked Ancient World Data": i. Linking and aligning of gazetteers. Gazetteers are the primary knowledge organization mechanism in Pelagios. In order to foster integration of gazetteers from different communities, we have been developing an RDF profile for publishing gazetteer metadata as Linked Open Data. ii. Tools to aid linking. To simplify the process of linking documents to the places they refer to, we have developed an Open Source geoannotation platform called Recogito. iii. Tools to visualize and navigate. To make the growing pool of data in Pelagios more accessible to everyday, we are working on a search engine called Peripleo. Peripleo will allow the navigation of the interconnected gazetteers that form the backbone of Pelagios, as well as the objects and documents that link to them. iv. Infrastructure for re-use. Data created in Recogito is available under CC terms for bulk download. Peripleo will feature similar capabilities and, in addition, offers a comprehensive JSON API to enable re-use in 3rd party applications and mashups. SWIB15 Conference, 23 – 25 November 2015, Hamburg, Germany. http://swib.org/swib15 #swib15
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
7Warner, SimeonThe Linked Data for Libraries (LD4L) project aims to create a Linked Open Data (LOD) model that works both within individual institutions and across libraries to capture and leverage the intellectual value that librarians and other domain experts add to information resources when they describe, annotate, organize, and use those resources. First we developed a set of use cases illustrating the benefits of LOD in a library context. These served as a reference for the development of an LD4L ontology which includes bibliographic, person, curation, and usage information. This largely draws from existing ontologies, including the evolving BIBFRAME ontology. We have prioritized the ability to identify entities within library metadata records, reducing reliance on lexical forms of identity. Whenever possible we seek out persistent global identifiers for the entities being represented — identifiers from established efforts such as ORCID, VIAF, and ISNI for people, and OCLC identifiers for works for example. One group of LD4L use cases explores circulation and other usage data as sources that could improve discovery, and inform collection building. We are exploring the use of a anonymized and normalized metric that may be shared and compared across institutions. Ontology work and software from the LD4L project is available from our Github repository. SWIB15 Conference, 23 - 25 November 2015, Hamburg, Germany. http://swib.org/swib15 #swib15
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.
2Greenall, Rurik ThomasTalk by Rurik Thomas Greenall, Computas AS, Norway. Title: HTTP-PATCH for Read-Write Linked Data Abstract: It can be argued that HTTP-PATCH is essential to read-write linked data; this being the case, there seems to be no absolute definition for how this should be implemented. In this talk, I present different alternatives for HTTP-PATCH and an implementation based on practical considerations from feature-driven development of a linked-data-based library platform at Oslo public library. Grounded in the work done at Oslo public library, I show how HTTP-PATCH can be implemented and used in everyday workflows, while considering several aspects of specifications such as LD-PATCH, RDF-PATCH, particularly in light of existing efforts such as JSON-PATCH. In the description of the implementation, I pay particular attention to the practical issues of using linked data in REST architecture, the widespread use of formats that do not support hypermedia and blank nodes. The talk views the cognitive constraints imposed by the dominance of the traditional library technology stack and how these colour development of new workflows and interfaces. Further, I provide some thoughts about how specifications like the linked-data platform can be reconciled with modern development techniques that largely shun such specifications, and how we can create read-write interfaces for linked data. SWIB15 Conference, 23 – 25 November 2015, Hamburg, Germany. http://swib.org/swib15 #swib15
2015ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft et al.