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Open Science Festival 2022

The first Open Science Festival in the German-speaking region offered exchange and impulses on Open Science practices with international experts, practice-oriented workshops and a marketplace for networking activities on August 30 - 31. Open Science lives from scientific practices based on transparency, reproducibility, reusability and open communication. Openly accessible publications and open research data are probably the best-known elements of Open Science.

DOI (series): 10.5446/s_1299
3 hours 28 minutes
3 results
102Miedema, Frank
2022Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) et al.
97Becerril-García, Arianna et al.
With international experts we want to discuss the comercialization of research (publication) infrastructure and how this affects open science.
Mit internationalen Expert*innen wollen wir diskutieren, inwieweit Datenströme in der Wissenschaft kommerzialisiert sind und wie das auch Open Science betrifft.
2022Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) et al.
97Miedema, Frank et al.
How can Open Science support scientific integrity? How does the present system of research evaluation slow down the implementation of open science practices?
Wie kann durch Open Science Praktiken wissenschaftliche Integrität befördert werden, wie stehen die Anerkennungssysteme in der Wissenschaft im Widerspruch zur Umsetzung von Open Science Praktiken?
2022Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) et al.