Geospatial data and analysis is more central than ever to data science, research, and policy analyses. This is especially evident in the explosion of tools, both open source and proprietary that have been developed over the past 5 years to help users manage and gather insights from their data. However many of these powerful tools, like geopandas (analysis and modeling) and (visualization)— are technically inaccessible to analysts and researchers without the available time or skills for advanced coding. A number of commercial ventures (Carto, ESRI etc) attempt to overcome this limitation by bringing these tools together as part of polished, graphical user interface driven platforms. While these platforms offer ease of use, they raise concerns about longevity, data ownership, and academic support. Matico is a new free and open-source platform we are developing at the Spatial Data Science center that seeks to fill the gap between open but technically focused tools and commercial platforms. Consisting of a suite of interoperable components, Matico enables organizations and individuals to manage and visualize their geospatial data while easily maintaining their own infrastructure. A backend server allows users to easily load, clean, analyze, and distribute data through APIs, queries, and in-browser data editing tools while a powerful app builder allows users to develop their own rich applications that target diverse audiences. This talk will demonstrate the current features of Matico, our future roadmap , and demonstrate relevant use cases. Matico is now and will forever be open through a permissive MIT open-source license. Learn more at |