Lightning Talk: Solr Cloud Manager
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Anzahl der Teile | 48 | |
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Lizenz | CC-Namensnennung 3.0 Unported: Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt zu jedem legalen Zweck nutzen, verändern und in unveränderter oder veränderter Form vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen, sofern Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. | |
Identifikatoren | 10.5446/68819 (DOI) | |
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Abstract |
Berlin Buzzwords 202010 / 48
PunktwolkeKlumpenstichprobeKontrollstrukturBefehl <Informatik>MultiplikationCluster <Rechnernetz>DatenverwaltungCASE <Informatik>AliasingSoftwareentwicklerPunktwolkeFront-End <Software>BenutzerfreundlichkeitWrapper <Programmierung>Automatische IndexierungSpeicherabzugProzess <Informatik>ComputerarchitekturMailing-ListeEinfache GenauigkeitPunktGamecontrollerZweiSchnittmengeInterface <Schaltung>KonfigurationsraumDienst <Informatik>ZentralisatorSicherungskopieMathematikAbschattungATMKonfiguration <Informatik>RichtungAmerican Physical SocietyCodeFlächeninhaltEINKAUF <Programm>AuswahlaxiomComputerspielMereologieQuick-SortZählenKonditionszahlMultifunktionDiagrammComputeranimationBesprechung/Interview
Open SourceCluster <Rechnernetz>CASE <Informatik>DatenverwaltungProdukt <Mathematik>Einfache GenauigkeitOffene MengeAuthentifikationPunktwolkeRepository <Informatik>ComputersicherheitDokumentenserverNichtlinearer OperatorComputerarchitekturMathematikVollständigkeitAutomatische HandlungsplanungWiederherstellung <Informatik>Ordnung <Mathematik>Dienst <Informatik>SystemprogrammSchedulingGarbentheorieVerschlingung
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Hey, everyone. I'm lucky. Today, I'm going to talk about the Solar Cloud Manager, which is a powerful tool to manage your solar clusters from a single point.
What's the origin of the Solar Cloud Manager? The reason why we came up with the solution is, we have multiple solar clusters and to manage them, there was no centralized API or control center so that we can make the changes and get propagated to all the solar clusters.
To make that, we basically create a Solar Cloud Manager, which basically has much more potential in the capabilities. It can initialize your solar cloud along the clusters with the configs and this could happen across clusters. Second thing is, it's a single interface where if you want to change any config or updating them or uploading a new config itself,
so you just need to upload that config to the API or the UI we have and it will just update that config inside the suitkeeper and reloaded your solar cluster if you want to. It has multiple options to do that. Other thing is tracking down the CDCR changes and the status.
It will basically track down the CDCR changes which is happening. Once you trigger CDCR, it will check the status and notify you what is the status going on the UI or the API status. Then you can also trigger the backup and the restore, and it can notify you if it's in Async mode that once they're completed. Along with that, there are cases.
In our current case, we basically have a live shadow alias to manage the data and indexes. To switch the aliases or creating or managing the aliases in the multiple course or across clusters. This Solar Cloud Manager is helpful in that cases.
In a case where you just want to switch the aliases something goes wrong in your live cluster, we can the backend or team or the DevOps team can just use a single API to just switch the aliases on that. Here's the architecture proposed for this one. Once we have multiple Solar clusters,
like cluster 1, cluster 2, cluster n, there's a single set of services which is like Solar Cloud Manager running on top of them. There's a React UI which basically enhance the ease of use to use these APIs. If there's a service running, we just want to interact with the clusters,
like ingestion has to switch the aliases after ingestion, then they can use this API directly. Or if something goes wrong and someone has to create the collections or update the collections, the developers or DevOps can use the React UI or can just use the API which can directly update your clusters.
It's basically a wrapper around all the APIs we have, but brings all of them under one umbrella. This is the API list we have. We have for aliases, CDCR, data restore management, and the core management. As you see in the aliases, we have deleting all the aliases,
switching the aliases, or you want to switch more specific clusters, all the aliases or just a specific collection you want to switch. Similarly, for other processes like CDCR and the core management, we have cluster-based thing. If I go to the UI part, this is how a simple UI looks like. You can select the cluster from the drop-down
and you can see the Solar Health. There could be cases that you can see that one of the cluster is down, but other cluster is alive. You can see from this UI itself that which cluster is down, and what are the health on other clusters. This is the single point or the first point of check that if someone wants to do how the health of Solar clusters is,
and they want to update the Solar cluster, or they are all the clusters, they can just use this UI and the services to do that. That was the Solar Cloud Manager. If you have any questions, you can just post to Slack.
That's all I have on the Solar Cloud Manager. I have some of the questions. I want to post them on the channel, Naki. One of them is also mine. I would bring my question as well. But before that, we have more questions.
There's a question that, do you use the CDCR for the disaster recovery? The CDCR is not for disaster recovery, but currently, they're not using CDCR. In cases when there are CDCR, it basically enhances the use case, but some of the cases where we need to use CDCR as a recovery,
because cluster one could be a blue cluster, cluster in the red cluster. In that case, yes, CDCR will be using, but we are not using in that way. Okay. There's another question that is the Solar Cloud Manager open source, which was one of my questions as well.
Actually, I have created a Git repository which I'm working upon. I have created the API which I open source right now, but I'm working on the UI. The UI which I've shown earlier is not a fully-fledged UI. I'm still working on that. It will be launching soon. But yeah, the repo is already open on GitHub. Well, I think we all look forward
to this being available for the use. I think it's going to be a great utility. Plus, one of the questions that I had was that, do you plan to extend this for the master-slave architecture as well? Sometime in future, maybe something similar? Sorry, I missed the question. Can you repeat? Do you plan to extend this kind of
capability for the master-slave architecture as well? Yeah. Basically, I'm planning to cover all the cases or all the APIs Solar provide, so that it will be a complete big umbrella, so nobody has to go to Solar UI to make the change. Because in our normal case, we have multiple clusters. We don't operate on a single Solar Cloud, most of the time in production.
To manage such cases, I'm planning to evolve it to cover all the Solar APIs. Okay. We have lot of more questions coming in, but we are tight on these schedules, so I would say that we would have to take them in the social session. We have very good questions, I would say.
I think I can take one last question from Anshu. It says, how do you plan to handle security? Does the manager gets access to all the clusters? Exactly. Actually, for security, what we're doing is the UI is made on React and we are putting authentication services,
like HTTP-based authentication. The operations which is basically a post or put operations, we are putting security there, so nobody can directly do that. Okay. You've got to share the link, and I think people are really excited to explore. Sure. Definitely.
Okay. Thank you so much for a great talk. This was pretty interesting, and I think it's going to be super useful for a lot of us who will be using the Solar Cloud. I look forward to your master-slave manager as well sometime soon. Sure. Thank you so much. I think we are going to bring you back again.