G3W-SUITE is a modular, client-server application (based on QGIS-Server) for managing and publishing interactive QGIS cartographic projects of various kinds in a totally independent, simple and fast way. Accessing administration, consultation of projects, editing functions and use of different modules are based on a hierarchic system of user profiling, open to editing and modulation. The suite is made up of two main components: G3W-ADMIN (based on Django and Python) as the web administration interface and G3W-CLIENT (based on OpenLayer and Vue) as the cartographic client that communicate through a series of API REST. The application, released on GitHub with Mozilla Public Licence 2.0, is compatible with QGIS LTR versions and it is based on strong integration with the QGIS API. This presentation will provide a brief history of the application and insights into key project developments over the past year. The developments affected both the administration and management component of the exposed WebGis services, both the aspects of interaction with web maps and their contents, as well as the aspects and functions related to online editing through integration with the QGIS API. A specific development, specifically covered in another submission, concerns the integration with the QGIS Processing API in order to migrate the analysis models, created in QGIS via the ModelDesigner, to a web environment. The talk, accompanied by examples of application of the features, is dedicated to both developers and users of various levels who want to manage their cartographic infrastructure based on QGIS. |