Do you need to communicate with DBus in your application? Do you want a quick and easy solution? Are you confused by the DBus specification? Do you make typos in XML? Let me introduce you to the dasbus library and demonstrate some features and capabilities that might be interesting for your project. DBus is a message bus system that provides an easy way of inter-process communication. It is widely used in the Linux ecosystem, but it can be a bit intimidating to work with. I was involved in development of DBus support for an operating system installer that required a fool-proof easy-to-use DBus library, so I have created dasbus. Dasbus is a DBus library written for Python 3.6+, based on GLib and inspired by pydbus. It is trying to be as Pythonic as possible and relies on exceptions, type hints and decorators with a strong focus on composition over inheritance to make its implementation fully customizable. |