Navigating through the peculiar challenges of a third world country could be sort of an art, particularly towards producing quality work in heavily under-funded libraries. With limited financial resources and limited internet connectivity, the University of Ibadan (UI) Library has had to rely on the generosity of organizations, who provide datasets or metadata in various forms (e.g. LOD, MARC, SRU, etc.), to build tools that can support the classification and cataloguing of items especially those published in Nigeria. One of such is the creation of a Search tool using an LOD from the Library of Congress: the LC Subject Headings (LCSH) Dataset. The developers of the University’s Integrated Library System (UIILS) were able to use this dataset to create a Web Service within the UIILS that allows cataloguing staff search through the LCSH entries, even when there is a downtime internet connectivity and access to updated print copies are not possible. This search tool provides the staff with the Classification Number for an item based the subjects they search for. We'll walk through the processes involved from setting up the Apache Jena and Fuseki Server, to generating SPARQL queries from search parameters, processing of query responses, how those responses are displayed to cataloguing staff and how those responses can LINK to other queries. |