Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons are a treasure trove of free information about a lot of topics! Wikipedia alone contains over 50 million articles in almost 300 languages. We're building a new, fun way to explore this content: "The Everything Exhibition" is an open-source generator that creates interactive, virtual 3D exhibitions on arbitrary topics, which you can explore in the browser! It has a multiplayer mode, so you can visit the exhibitions in groups. And, other than in a real museum, you can scribble on everything! In this talk, we want to introduce you to how the generator works, and show you our current progress. We're using the 3D rendering engine three.js, and defined a simple datastructure for describing the exhibition content, to make the generator arbitrarily extendable. We'll go into which algorithms we tried for creating the room layouts, share what we learned in our playtest sessions, and talk about what's next. |