As part of the schul-frei project of Teckids e.V. we curate free software and offer it to educational institutions. Besides the general equipment of schools with free software, an equal involvement of students in the development is for us important. One of the solutions presented by the project schul-frei is AlekSIS, a web-based school information system that is being developed jointly by Teckids e.V. and students of the Katharineum in Lübeck. The django-based platform provides data structures that can be used by separately developed apps. The special feature of this project compared to other information systems is that apps can be developed that cover specific application areas of a school. AlekSIS is a framework for apps that can be developed together with students in computer science classes, for example, because the development of such apps with python is easy to follow. Since AlekSIS is just a part of the free software curation, it can be excellently combined with other services or network accounts that are used in school. In our talk we will show, how this framework concretely looks like and how people can contribute to this project or use this system, for example at schools. |