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There is more than one way to install Plone


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There is more than one way to install Plone
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Plone Conference 2013 and Palestras da 9ª Conferência Brasileira de Python (PythonBrasil[9]) - Brasília / Brasil
NetzbetriebssystemMehrwertnetzInstallation <Informatik>Lesezeichen <Internet>BildschirmfensterPhysikalisches SystemMetropolitan area networkStatistikAutomatische HandlungsplanungAggregatzustandSystemverwaltungDifferenteDatenfeldDifferenzenrechnungKlon <Mathematik>FitnessfunktionUniformer RaumElektronischer FingerabdruckKreisbogenStrömungsrichtungWechselsprungVerschlingungVorlesung/Konferenz
EbeneVersionsverwaltungEinsWeb-SeiteMomentenproblemLesen <Datenverarbeitung>NetzbetriebssystemSkriptspracheAutomatische DifferentiationSoftwareentwicklerSpeicherabzugInstallation <Informatik>Konfiguration <Informatik>InformationsspeicherungDivisionGrundraumElektronischer FingerabdruckServerKlon <Mathematik>Vorlesung/Konferenz
Interface <Schaltung>MultiplikationsoperatorInstallation <Informatik>SoftwaretestBildschirmfensterSiebenDifferenzenrechnungPasswortHilfesystemMomentenproblemProgrammfehlerSkriptspracheProzess <Informatik>Message-PassingFormale SpracheVirtuelle MaschineDigitale PhotographieRippen <Informatik>Physikalisches SystemSoftwarewartungInformationsspeicherungBitrateInklusion <Mathematik>NetzbetriebssystemKonfiguration <Informatik>Generator <Informatik>Skeleton <Programmierung>Data MiningWeb-SeiteMereologieFunktion <Mathematik>BitHook <Programmierung>Offene MengeViewerDatenfeldUniformer RaumKlon <Mathematik>FitnessfunktionCodeKonfigurationsraumMetropolitan area networkHydrostatikSichtenkonzeptGebäude <Mathematik>Vorlesung/Konferenz
HilfesystemInstallation <Informatik>ProgrammbibliothekFitnessfunktionGamecontrollerUniformer RaumKlon <Mathematik>QuaderVirtualisierungBitHoaxBeweistheorieBildgebendes VerfahrenDifferenteProdukt <Mathematik>NetzadresseVirtuelle MaschineFokalpunktVersionsverwaltungOffene MengeMultiplikationsoperatorDienst <Informatik>LoginSystemplattformVerschiebungsoperatorPasswortDokumentenserverDistributionenraumStützpunkt <Mathematik>App <Programm>EinsMAPProzess <Informatik>Softwaretestp-BlockGeradeGrundraumVorlesung/Konferenz
DifferenteProdukt <Mathematik>ServerVorlesung/Konferenz
Physikalische TheorieVorlesung/Konferenz
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Hello can I start okay, and this talk we will talk about
Different ways to install or try clone because there's more than just one way to do it Well, that's basically the same. It will tell you they are people talk about the different clone installers the current state
plans for the future and Hidden secrets in the uni fit installer for example Well, that's me and I work as sysadmin for Friends of the Earth Netherlands and Yeah, I like to install clone on different operating systems
And I'm really sorry there will be a couple of pictures from Kittens in my talk and this man some of you may know him forced me to do that
So and a really special thank you to these guys if you see some of them here running around You just go and talk with them and buy them lots of beer or caipirinhas or whatever you want because without them the installers were not possible at all and
They're really nice. So really do it So I like statistics that are the statistics from clone 4.2.1 and I think it's nice to see that still lots of people using the uni fit installer
well, even Windows or OSX and It brings me to the first questions What kind of installer or what kind of way do you use to install clone? Let's start uni fit installer cool
Windows Okay, OSX Wow interesting Other ways like your own built-out deployment systems or whatever Me too. I use all of them Okay, I like that
so This question we have kind of often every year again. Lots of people asking why I can't install clone. We are up gets jump or Pikmin for my favorite operating system like Debian arc or SUSE well
Let's have a closer look this is taken from the officially arch links repository four days ago. I Don't know if they have something like the third party not officially repository because I'm not using arch all the time But as you can see, I mean, it's still blown four dot two dot one and
We are now on four dot three dot two. That means it's not really up-to-date and This Is kind of annoying The other problem is what you do once you install it. We are arts for example here with our yum installed blah blah blah But what will be happen? Let's say with a new release of clone
You never know for example if these gear guys from arts or it could be also Debian or SUSE or whatever Will make a new release with a new version and then the next problem how you do the upgrade? I never saw a clone version distributed via for example
Arch Where after it the upgrade to new version went really good. I mean, I don't know but We have other ways for example what we do have no for plume since I think Two releases or one release if we have wagon installers and they are really nice for developers because you can easily repeat
The same build again and again again, and we have two different versions of them one is for example for blown core developers, and we have also one for People who just want to install blown but not the core let's say for example now we want to install for three
dot two and Now we come to the secrets Actually, they are not really secrets, but lots of people still don't read read me or install pages or whatever and
That is sometimes annoying. But yeah, we have it. So for example what we have and what's maybe not so known much knownness We have a script. It's called our install blown dependencies. We will talk about that in a minute All we have and it's really handy in the universe store There are lots of built-in options and that is really really handy sometimes
But first talk about installing dependencies a Lots of people still forgetting to install all the dependencies which you need to run blown on the server because basically they don't know The blown version then they try to install it and then the operating system or blown itself in the bill
That is complaining. They're missing certain dependencies To solve this problem or trying to solve this we came up with a script It's called install dependencies. Basically at the moment currently supported this Debian Ubuntu and Centris and what it basically does
You can start it up and then you will get this nice little wipe tail interface we're just telling you what you're doing to do and you can over stop it or say you want to continue and basically, it's checking for your operating system and After that, it's checking for missing packages. And after that it's asking you do you want to install it?
And you can always cancel and then run it from hand later And it comes also with a really nice Help page or if you just want to install the dependencies But you don't want to see all the boring graphical stuff again You can also run this with their options like man in the buntum and then Debian and then it's just checking for your certain operating system
And now we come to the built-in install options, which are really nice I for example use all the time Configure my passwords because I like for test setups to have easy passwords and then you can just say
Install as h-minute password is equal your password. And then if you want to use standalone or zero All it's really handy. For example, if you're using sento SS is Using Static Lxml which build your your lxml otherwise
It will not if you don't do that on centers, for example, that will not work really well. It will not work at all And also really handy as to say Build me my own Python because I want to use a system Python. I mean, it's big for itself
and now we come to the clone 5 sneak preview and Starting with the uni field installer what we want to do is to find some way to Include the dependency check in the uni field installer We're still not sure at the moment how we want to do it in a really nice way
but it would be really nice because otherwise you have to run first another script and that's just not handy and The other thing what we really want to do is to enclose The Skeleton generators for Building up the other themes dexterity or portlets the whole idea that it's for beginners easier to start
Developing so you just can run the installer and after that the build out and after that you can say I want to have Now a skeleton for the other team because I want to try out my first theme for windows, it's a bit more but that is also because
The Windows installers need more love that basically means if you are good with windows You should have this guy Giacomo because he's doing at the moment the windows installer, but he's alone. So we really need help and What we really want to have is first of all
Better and beautiful documentation for end users and windows But sometimes building blown on windows is different from building on OS X or on Linux And Also, we don't have much documentation at the moment about how we are building or how he is building the installer on Windows
So it'll be all too nice to have that Next steps are we want to update Python We are still running on Python to fix I guess at the moment because there are problems with two sevens last time we tried it on Windows and also How the installation process works on Windows or better? Let's say
To build an install on Windows Windows or Microsoft is asking you have to sign stuff. Otherwise, it will pop up messages So we are thinking about buying an official license to the signs and install the installer And also we want to include more languages because in the moment, it's just English and we want to install
Different languages makes easier for people to install it and of course we want to have Installation options like you can choose between view DB or standalone well basically the same is for the OS X installer we have some nasty bugs since a couple of
Months or releases, but we had no time to fix them that and we are working on that otherwise this The install I'd say if it's Basically the uni fit installable top but then a bit changed But the whole idea is to make the built-out scripts for
OS X more make like that we rip out all the stuff We're just checking for stuff on Linux machines and just have a plain OS X installer because then the code base is smaller and easier to maintain and also, we're working on documentation for maintainers and also new documentation for users for especially for all six and
This is the next big thing for Plone 5 we want to have Automated tests for all the installers on different operating systems because at the moment we're doing that's more or less from hands or with dirty
Bestrips and open visit containers what is working some way But it would be nice to hook it up to Jenkins and then get the output from Jenkins So and now we're coming to the fun part Because they also other ways if you want to try or install a clone
for example, we have some kind of appliances like turnkey which gives you basically a Completely image. It's Debian based. You can start it up and then you just run it There that is good on the other hand. It's Less good on on the other side because we don't know what they are doing. They tweak the
Installation process and the clone setup on their appliance that it fits in the infrastructure from turnkey So we have no control about how they setting up stuff and in which places they install libraries or whatever that makes it really Hard if people asking for help to help them because we don't basically know how turnkey is doing the stuff
And we also never know when they upgrade will they upgrade at all and stuff like that But if you if you are using appliance stuff and using already turnkey and you just want to try it out. I mean, why not? And Basically the same goes for a bit Nami
We also have no control about bit Nami and the same like turnkey if you use it Okay, if you want to try it, okay, but it's different there are also some proof of concept now for Open shift or juju open shift explore a platform as a service from ratat and juju is the same from Ubuntu
we wrote For both of them a proof of concept, but we never seriously tried to take them to the production level because Before we invest time to do that. We really want to know that people actually using that stuff at all
I mean, it was nice to see how it went and I was going well, yeah, it's just time-consuming to write it and then no one's using it and Then we have more we have new since two weeks Plone app virtual box. That's a virtual box image based on
Ubuntu 1244 latest LTS version and the main focus. It's really really user-friendly Plone comes pre-built on the machine with working nginx and lots of entries of documentation and if you start up the virtual box and Log in the first time you get a nice pop-up which is saying here your IP number you use the name your password
Where you have to browse through and then you can try it out and We have also blown gaff Brazil, which is also a virtual box based image and we made it That's in the next three four months ago for the guys here in Brazil from plug-up to try it out basically it was it is a built out of the
current version what was mentioned and officially Released three days ago so It's also worth a try and it's also nice and then if you're really a Linux nerd and you like
Doing crazy stuff. You can also try out nyxOS and nyxOS this nyx based Linux distribution and You can snapshot it easily and you just can install that from the package repository
but yeah, I mean It's I think it's really just for trying out but they you have the same problems which I already told you from a debut in art Linux or or whatever, but this is at least actually maintained by Rock garbas, so it should work and
If you like Pip you can also use a block that is really it's blown installation like pip install blown and then you get It's from Mark Lark and I tried it it's working so if you want to try blown out and you live pip Why not and?
You can also do with deployment with this for example What I used to install it on for testing on Debian and Ubuntu it's just three rhymes really easy dirty ansible to no fancy stuff at all But it's just doing the job and working So if you are in deployment stuff and I
Mean you can also do it with puppet chef CF engine. It also depends what they're using in your infrastructure And this is also a kind of proof of concept So with idea to try to make the uni fit installer more user-friendly
so I was playing with some kind of fake who is also whipped a based and it's Because people are less scared if they give get something like this if normal people have to do something like Installers h min stand-alone or whatever they're getting scared sometimes and that is doing the same in the background
but it's looking a bit nicer and basically you can choose between stand-alone zero and Basically that was all Any questions cool? Oh, I have a question
It's automatically upgraded or something can we make our own product so like we're have different Installation in different server, but we want one product to be upgraded everywhere when we read on the build out Can we do something like that?
I mean you could but this is Then we are talking not really about installation anymore but I mean in theory you could do that with Puppet or ansible or fabric or what you want No, no trying more questions. That is good. Cool
Okay, then that was all thank you