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Do we have a diversity problem in Python community?


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Do we have a diversity problem in Python community?
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The diversity statement quoted as follows: “The Python Software Foundation and the global Python community welcome and encourage participation by everyone. Our community is based on mutual respect, tolerance, and encouragement, and we are working to help each other live up to these principles. We want our community to be more diverse: whoever you are, and whatever your background, we welcome you.” Diversity, big deal! As an active members and event organisers (and also on the minority side of the gender) in the Python community, we have alway been concern by the question of: Do we truly have a problem in diversity? Especially, gender diversity. We would like to find out the truth, by data science, and see if we can find a clue why and how we can fix it. First, we will show the research others did regarding the representation of women in the R and Python communities [1]. Then, we will show the research that we did based on our experience and statistic. Including static analysis of the speakers diversity (regarding gender) at major PyCon and PyData conferences. Finally, as we all care about diversity and want improvements, we would like to find out the reason and what we can do about it. We would propose what we, the minorities and allies, could do against this seemingly unbalance situation and make the community better. This talk is for all that who cares about diversity in our community.
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Transkript: English(automatisch erzeugt)
Thank you very much. Yeah, so Thank you for coming in this room I think I can assume that everybody in this room and also if you are watching the live stream You care about diversity, especially in the Python community. That's why you're here with me
So thank you so much for that You can keep the discussion with me on Twitter is welcome I would tell a little bit about me. So thanks for introducing me. I am I Currently live in London as a data scientist in London. I I'm very active in doing lots of stuff. I try to
Because I love the community. I want to contribute more so I Co-organize some meetups including the AI Club for gender minorities. I'm so glad that I have two Co-organizers here with me in Euro Python. I'm so happy. I love them Also, I organized some Sprints which is mainly to be focusing on contribute to open source. So so far we have
Sprints once per month and so almost once per month, so it's a it's fun time I love doing it. And also I myself contribute to a lot of open source libraries It's a small contribution, but I think everybody can do it if I can do it. You can do it
Also, I created this a pixel mix. Thank you so much. I have some a designer. I Hope I pronounce his own name, correct. It's active Yeah, this designer created this logo for me. Thank you so much. That's about open source, right? It's like everybody contribute. So okay enough for open source
so So a couple of months ago. I found this blog post which kind of Kind of get my attention why women are flourishing in our community, but lacking in Python so Myself my background as a data scientist. I started when I started to you know, I'm doing data science
I was using our but for different reasons, I switched to Python and from there. I know that a Python community is lovely and That come to my like I think about why we have these problems because the Python community is lovely like why we like women are not enjoying Python as much as our so
I need to have a look so We see that actually we have More than like six times more Python users than our users according to the stack overflow survey last year in
2018 so But there's a lot of people using Python right Python is lovely, you know, the community is lovely But we only have one point two five times more Members in pi ladies than our ladies. So what happened is it really like we don't have that much, you know
female Python users or female Python users not active in the community is like Why the numbers doesn't match and then also something worrying is like for contributors again Like I contribute to open source I would love to do more and then but why our has four times more female
Contributor than Python. I was like, oh we are lacking in presence in the in the you know in contribution to open source in Python Communities that oh, no, it's not good also for networks, so As a research organizer, there is like our ladies is this 120 chapters in 40 countries everywhere
But in pi ladies, we have less we have only 45 chapters active chapters in 12 countries So, I'm very lucky I mean one of the biggest city in Europe in London We have pi ladies and I know that like there's also pi ladies remote
Which is you know, it's every mall is for everybody who's like in the city That is you know, like smaller city that doesn't have a pi ladies They can join but still like it's lacking it would be great if like we have more and more Pi ladies chapter to for women to network to you know, feel that they are not the minorities They're not alone. They they are also important in a Python community. So it's like, hmm. There are problems there
also, um It could be the problem is it's not like a problem that you know that somebody want to make right? Yes, because there may be a fundamental problem that you know, the users if you think about the users right for our
Keep, you know having Different people they have like maybe they're statisticians they come from academic background. They said oh our is amazing It's so easy to use and all these I was like, but Python is also amazing and easy to use Have you heard about that? So there is actually statistic that is showing that actually
Most Python uses they're actually maybe from a more engineering computer science background maybe You know most most students in computer science They maybe when they were in university, they learn, you know using C++ I my first computer courses that you know
I attend in university was actually using C++ and also Python now is getting more and more popular this morning You know Martin mentioned that in Basel. There's the Python in education It's like now they're teaching Python in schools. So yeah, maybe computer science students. They have a lot of exposure in using Python
But for people students that you know, maybe the discipline is like More like, you know math or or social science or even like economies Economics or even like journalism because now data journalism is a thing right? They may be using our instead of Python
so so yeah, that that's that's a really like a difference demographic in the in the two language users and we can also see that because Yeah, because So different disciplines We can see that computer science
In computer science graduates, especially in the Western world is mainly male-dominated They're like, you know You can you can see like for this like statistic majors They are like more or less, you know, there's like half and half There's like 44 percent women but for a computer science, it's only 19 percent. It's like oh
Maybe we should think about getting more girls to study computer science. Maybe that's the thing. So um, yeah There's also like million questions that we have to have to attack. I have to answer To help that the diversity also I have seen this
this Jupyter notebooks that actually I can show you the notebook Here, okay The Internet is slow at the moment. Okay. Can you see that? Yeah
right So if I so mean so this notebook is very very good actually the first time I came across it is was in kind of I joined a Non-focused DSC You know mailing list and then they were circulating this Jupyter notebook because what they talk about is about the inequality in the leadership
In non-focused projects. Yeah PI data leadership is like always like an inequality of you know Underrepresenting groups and then they use a very scientific way. I won't show you the details I will upload the slide so you can you know, check it out yourself and they made this notebook, you know And I'm thinking about maybe I could change this data dot JSON and I can do different research on it as well
So this is the result right and maybe I should switch back to the slide. So it's easier to see so they use that scientific method to show that is How how diverse is each project so these are non-focused projects, I think this statistic is done last year
So there's some like new ones that is not updated Anyway, so you can see that the Inequalities like is going to be actually how to look at this It's like if it's lower if you have a lower score like and direct they are very
They are more diverse. So you can see that numpy Pi MC free they are not very diverse. I think these ones are the ones that yeah They got a score this one so the uniqueness is one They have only one gender as the main, you know, I'm contributor. So
So which gender I think is quite obvious and easy to guess so you can see like from these From the the bottom ones are more more equal one and you can see like our own size in it You know like some, you know open journals They are like oh you see that there's actually like a domain difference as well
Maybe things that are more numeric more, you know, maybe Physics related they have they are less, you know Diverse, so yeah, that's very interesting And also in that Jupiter notebook, you mentioned one idea, which I think is very very good. It's
Coactive and passive diversity problems. So active diversity problem means that there are people or a group of members that they are toxic they don't want the community to be diverse and Passive means that actually nobody wants it. But if nobody's do anything to it, then it's the fundamental
bias in it in the inequality, so I think It's my opinion that the Python community is having a passive problem I haven't encountered any active problem in the Python community very luckily
Yeah, I think that's that's even worse Maybe so like the other thing is like maybe in workspace. We could we have a chance to you know, face some active diversity problem But in the community, I think so far my experience mainly passive problem. So
Yeah, so that means that we have to do something to improve it Okay, so the previous information that I gave you is mainly based on a blog post I see and then also like I saw and then also I took a notebook that somebody did which is amazing. So I tried to do something myself
This is a research that I did Refer to last year So I am thinking about because I have been to ten conferences last year very luckily I enjoy every single one of them but it's their imbalance of gender ratio in Python conferences because
You can like I think it's quite obvious if you have a coffee break if you go to the the toilets here The venue is lovely, you know, it's very big So maybe this less obvious, but if you go to a smaller venue, you can see that usually you know outside the male toilet every long queue and a female toilet is like I can't go in like then there's an empty and oh
It's good in that sense, but maybe it means that it's not good in diversity so Yeah, so I try to do something I try to see Is there like an imbalance like how like it was obviously they made there this obviously like an imbalance but how imbalances is
It's difficult to count the the participant because I talk to people but I can't talk to every single one of the participant So, um, okay was the easiest way to To to to to to to count is oh, maybe I should count the speakers because all talks are recorded So it's very easy and um, but I have to really
Say that this is not very accurate reason being Not all talks are recorded because some speaker they may prefer it not to be recorded also For the gender of the speaker. I didn't really do a research of like You know researching on every single speaker. Are they male female or non-binary?
Um, I just based on the pronoun that maybe the chair used to describe them. So Yeah, if I made mistake that's that's that's that's difficult to avoid but um I hope this give a general idea of how imbalance it is So this is the statistic. I hope it's clear enough. Um, so you can see that ooh
The blue blue bars are male and the red bars are non male so including female and non-binary speakers So except icon UK, there is 75 percent of speakers are male
They are doing very well but which means that There isn't enough non male speakers and wise Is it because when the call for proposal open there's a lot of male submission just this year, I mean the programming workgroup of Europe Python and I can see that you have this of really in balance and then I think
conference Organizers, they put into an account. They have the diversity mission in their mind, but still this is difficult to achieve because in the submission is already a very very imbalanced demographic and So, how can we improve that? How can we encourage more diverse speaker? Maybe not just gender maybe
Speaker with different backgrounds to speak so I will also talk about that later but before I specifically talk about
some Suggestion that we could do in the Python community. I would like to talk about the diversity problem in theater Because as the person living in London, I love going to a theater I'm very lucky that you know, London is a theater city. So, um, yeah So it's like this is also a hot topic in London like theater goer critics
They they really like notice this diversity problem in theaters So maybe from learning from them we can we have some idea of how we can improve So, um, I also read a lot about news and blog posts in theater, so this is one of the posts that I come across It's talking about sorry. It's talk about the best way to address the theater's lack of diversity
So yeah, there's a problem. So so what's the problem specifically? Um, Who's on the stage? It's like it's kind of similar to my problem about you know conference speakers. So People on the on the stage is actually
Attracting people who will be participating But like for example in London theater, there's a problem because some productions They have a whole cast of 22 white actors on stage. So there's for them the more diversity questions they're addressing is maybe
ethnicity of the actors so Sometimes you know a play it could be a modern play could be the the race of Actors not the most important thing but still it's kind of very white dominating on business And who is in the audience? Also in London. I
Love London being such a diverse city. It's like 44 percent of the the people in in London They are they are you know, they're classified as B a me which is Kind of we can say there they are like Ethnic minorities there, you know, you know Asian, you know black, you know
So, um, yeah but still if you if you are like a London theater go or like me you can see that if you go to the Royal Court Theatre in London You can see most audience because my experience I go to see a play. There's an Asian play It's like almost all the cars are Asian girls and then but but still because it's the Royal Court Theatre is located in the very
Pestigious location in London. It's like in the in the audience. It's like it's still very like white middle-class dominating and Also, there's a problem in influencer It's kind of like the leaders of theater like who is making the decision who? Who are the artistic director of theater who decided what production to put on stage?
And you know all the critics they would be like, you know The identity may kind of change the way they how they judge whether this place a good play or not a good play so this inference that there's also not very much of them are from a
ethnic minority group, so So in that blog post also talk about the chicken the next situation because um The Writer he mentioned that one time there's a play called called fella
Happening in London and his fella is actually about a Nigerian singer So like he's very popular in Nigeria, I guess so when this writer at that time He was like, you know traveling in the cab and a lot of the cab drivers in London They are from Nigeria and they mentioned to him that oh, I love this play I went to see that again and again again, you can imagine a cab driver
They are not earning a lot of money, but they may be rarely go to the theater But then because they're from Nigeria their identity kind of give them like attraction to this show about a Nigerian singer So they love the show. They go to see it again and again and again, so So what's being on stage actually affect who is watching it or who is participating?
but but sometimes the problem is like If your audience is mainly, you know I said before that if your audience mainly wise then maybe you want to have white actors on stage Because you have to attract people to watch it But this then then it's become a loop and healthy loop that it will really stay into only one
Majority group and ignoring the minority groups, which is not very good so Also, there's another right another article which is a very very interesting. It's about
How to improve this situation like how to make it more accessible for people from a different background So for example, it mentioned about the inference of the people who make the decision the gatekeeper so nowadays in London you can You can see that there's like in some kind of very famous theater the artistic director of those theaters
There's like more and more people from the minority groups. They are being the artistic directors I've met one lady. I think she she she is not white But she is the artistic director of one of these
Famous theater, I think she really can't remember But yeah She she's an artistic director and and I'm sure that there's a lot of artists that they are like talented artists In the minority group and it's just like it's taking them like quite a long time We if we like kind of discover them they may become you know
Driving these, you know big Will to go to different directions. So it's a good thing that they they kind of changing now in London And also in the theater itself this accessibility for example in London now there I kind of enjoyed that as well because um
There's always some kind of cheaper tickets like ten pounds to watch a play in the West End, which is which is very very good So if you book early enough you'll be able to enjoy some cheap tickets So it is kind of become accessible for even though for people who don't have a lot of budget also the theater You know sometimes, you know, there's the bar and the restaurant. They try to not always have expensive stuff. Maybe some kind of
Still more expensive than you know buying from a corner shop But but they try to make it not super fancy and or not for people who are like in a dress and a suit To enjoy which is good Also Some
Accessibility measure was implied for example, they have They have some sign language Performance so is for people, you know hearing impaired they have a poem They can enjoy the performance even though they can't hear I've been to a Production with one of the drama school a famous drama school in London and they have two cars
One cost is the student very talented student and the other cost which is performing with them side by side. They are They are Actors that you know, they use sign language They they may be deaf, but they use sign language to perform which I think is amazing
It's amazing production because it's accessible for everybody and also sometimes there's like audio Describe performance including the one that I went to For some stage direction, they would describe it they'll say it out because for people maybe they have sight impaired They could still enjoy the performance
And also for example accessible toilet and all this is is for people who maybe have mobility problems Also, and it's this one thing that a lot of places overlook. I think it's more popular in movies It's a relaxed performance So the lights won't be totally dim people are welcome to come in and out because maybe they are parents with kids
So like they can bring kids into the movie or bring the baby to movie if the baby have needs they need to Care for the baby they can go in and out and everybody go to that screening They understand that is for parents with the baby, which I think I think it's a good thing I mean like parents shouldn't be um, you know pinned down to not enjoy this
So Okay, I will spend the rest of the talk talking about what we could do in Python community Can we learn something from the theater? The how they improve so in the blog post I mentioned in the beginning
I also mentioned that PyCon now is having a great improvement because you can see that By doing like, you know encouraging women to come to the conference. They have You know talks by women starting from a very low percentage to us 40% which is really really good
And this is my coin in the US. So I think in Europe we are doing that as well Which is which is very very good is the we need to carry carry on the momentum also non-focus, um, you can see that they're both outside their their Organization that is like
Helping this, you know funding this PI data community So you can see that they have also measures they have this DIC Committee and that they are they have all these like mailing list and discussion. I joined a mailing list So that's why I receive informations and also they are giving diversity scholarships
so for people from the minority group if they kind of have Struggling to get a ticket and they could maybe apply for scholarships to attend the conferences Also jungle girl is amazing. We have the jungle girl day on Monday Which is it has been like a recurring thing for your Python now every year with they have this jungle
Kind of like a beginner's day to encourage Women especially to start using Python and do something about jungle to build blog posts using jungle and It's translated to 12 languages it's blooming and then also, um, my friend mentioned it's very empowering for women because
jungle girl prefer of course like they they also have male mentors, but they prefer girls who have been of women who have been to the participate before come back to become the mentor because um
Well, it shouldn't be always man teaching women It should be you know, we we shouldn't care about the genders like who who are experienced teach to people who don't have experience so So in my opinion for conferences because yeah, I'm now involved in conferences a lot
So I have a lot of ideas for example childcare facilities I think Python UK is doing it, PyData is doing it. Um, yeah, PyData London is doing it. So, um, yeah I think maybe your Python maybe we should consider as well because um, yeah because You can it's it's like those theater thing, right? It's like parents shouldn't be um
You know, they shouldn't have this mind that oh, I have to care about my baby. So I kind of go to conference Also a diversity in topics again, you know, um how we can make this Call for proposal more diverse. It's like maybe we encourage different topics. So, um
like the academic, you know diversity, you know, maybe people from Generalist background or a statistic background. They could also talk about their work So we are not limited to one kind of a profession one domain or one topic. So people from a different Background like a different, you know professions. They can also if their work related to Python in some way
Then they could also present And also we should also put some emphasis on education again, you know, we see from the university example Maybe we have to inspire more young girls to be, you know doing a more
You know a computer science or an engineering subject. So yeah, um Also, I think we should go beyond the jungle girl workshop. Jungle girl workshop is amazing as I said But um, I think it shouldn't be limited to one Topic like jungle one framework jungle. We should expand it to Are the topics because now Python is not just used for web, you know
Web development it could be used in all different type of stuff So maybe um, because I'm data scientist I involve in data science. Um, and also Python is very popular in data science now So maybe we should have something similar in data science
To you know, have a workshop to encourage Gender minority, especially women to Just start the careers, you know in data science and also we should fear free the gender barrier for example, we have People who are like, you know, we have trans code which in palindenium
They have the trans code workshop. That's what people identify as trans or you know It's more for people have certain, you know Identity they could you know feel that they're not alone. They're not a minority scene. They got support from the community as well also
This one. I love it non-gender label toilet So my lashing pike on UK and that they did a lot of work in this Non non gender labeled on toilet. So it's the toilets is labeled As whether you have a urinal or not
It doesn't matter what gender it's like what facility you you're using and also the t-shirts it should like My friend just told me in the non focus guideline if you organize a PI data conference your t-shirt should be Not gender label should be is whether it's like a straight cut or it's fitted
so it's also it's about your body shape is not about your gender, which I think is amazing and This is mainly for conference But also we have other problems in the community and we have to try to solve it For example, maybe we meet we need more female leadership and contributors So for me my my idea is I maybe if I organize some sprints meet up
Maybe I should have some you know against like jungle girl, you know some Meet up that is mainly for encouraging people in a minority that you are not alone You're not you got support from the community. Let's do it together. So Get them started to get them, you know work their way towards the leadership or become a maintainer in the contributions
Also Yeah in in you know for young people and in academia or even not not just young people maybe for researchers We have to maybe do some outreaching to tell them Python is a good tool. Let's use Python instead of our
So Yeah, I only got one minute left so I don't think I could take a lot of questions now here But I have this survey which you can give me some feedback I remember there's some like free text that you could type whatever you like Please be kind to me and please give me feedback as I hope this talk
I could keep giving it and maybe I can add more and more like for example some Some things like some opinions from my from my friend or informations from my friend which I can improve this presentation so, um, I could keep raising awareness and I hope we can work together and make the
Community more diverse and better. So thank you so much yeah, so I
Think we can like if anyone has one question, I think we can have a minute spare You can talk after that. Yeah, you can grab me in the conference or Yeah, the surface always there so please your feedback. I value a lot. So thank you so much