Reusable satellite and street maps data will be presented in this talk. Powered by open data and build with open source! Learn about the MapTiler data infrastructure and the high-resolution imagery available for Europe and the US, ready for your next project. Open geospatial data is the new raw material every GIS expert can build upon. Free vectors and rasters are everywhere, but come in many flavors which often make them challenging to leverage. This talk aims at presenting an innovative approach for harmonizing open geospatial data using the MapTiler software tools, powered by open-source. Several open data use cases and processing pipelines will be presented at the global scale, from mapping the OpenStreetMap planet to color toning high volumes of open imagery. Local use cases will also be shown, including on open data released by mapping agencies, such as the Ordnance Survey or the French IGN. Emphasis will be put on creating and sharing ready to use datasets that one can easily self-host and redistribute. Description of new geodata services and cloud infrastructure will finally demonstrate how open source technology significantly adds value to open data for the benefit of all, from the community to the business perspective |