This talk will give an overview over the last 2 years of the GStreamer projectand gives an outlook into the future. It is targeted at both applicationdevelopers and anyone interested in multimedia on the Linux desktop andelsewhere. GStreamer is a highly versatile plugin-based multimedia framework that catersto a whole range of multimedia needs, whether desktop applications, streamingservers or multimedia middleware; embedded systems, desktops, or server farms.It is also cross-platform and works on Linux, *BSD, Solaris, macOS, Windows,iOS and Android. Since the last GStreamer status updated at FOSDEM in 2014, there were 4 newmajor releases of GStreamer, packed with lots of new features and otherimprovements for everybody, making the life of application developers,GStreamer plugin developers and also end-users easier and hopefully better. Join us to find out more and why you should care! |