This talk will present two ways of working with LibreOffice user interfaceelements for an extension or a macro - legacy Basic dialog designer, as wellas the new feature using .ui files editable by Glade User interface for LibreOffice extensions and macros has never really been inthe spotlight of attention of LibreOffice developers and users despite thefact that built-in dialog designer was pretty advanced piece of software inits time. It still contains quite some powerful features (such as drag-and-drop editor, live preview or easy access to l10n). And while core LibreOfficedialogs have been converted to modern .ui format (thus making it possible forLibreOffice developers to use even more powerful UI editor - Glade),LibreOffice peripherals were still stuck with legacy home-grown obscureformats. Come and see for yourself that extensions and macros don't have to be dull,interfaceless pieces of software and that with minimum effort and basicknowledge of UI design, you can make them rock. Now you can even use all thecapabilities of Glade as .ui format can be read by/included in extension ormacro as well. |