MV (Chip & Pin) card ATM's are taking over the industry with the deadlines passed and approaching the industry rushes ATM's to the market. Are they more secure and hack proof? Over the past year I have worked at understanding and breaking the new methods that ATM manufactures have implemented on production ‘Next Generation’ Secure ATM systems. This includes bypassing Anti-skimming/Anti-Shimming methods introduced to the latest generation ATM's. along with NFC long range attack that allows real-time card communication over 400 miles away. This talk will demonstrate how a $2000-dollar investment criminals can do unattended ‘cash outs’ touching also on failures of the past with EMV implementations and how credit card data of the future will most likely be sold with the new EMV data having such a short life span. With a rise of the machines theme demonstration of ‘La-Cara’ and automated Cash out machine that works on Current EMV and NFC ATM's it is an entire fascia Placed on the machine to hide the auto PIN keyboard and flash-able EMV card system that is silently withdrawing money from harvested card data. This demonstration of the system can cash out around $20,000/$50,000 in 15 min. Bio: 11 Years Pen-testing, 12 years’ security research and programming experience. Working for a security Company in the Midwest Weston has recently Spoken at DEF CON 22 & 23, Black Hat USA 2016, Enterprise Connect 2016 ISC2-Security Congress, SC-Congress Toronto, HOPE11, BSIDES Boston and over 50 other speaking engagements from telecom Regional events to University’s on security subject matter. Working with A Major University’s research project with Department of Homeland Security on 911 emergency systems and attack mitigation. Attended school in Minneapolis Minnesota. Computer Science and Geophysics. Found several vulnerabilities’ in very popular software and firmware. Including Microsoft, Qualcomm, Samsung, HTC, Verizon. |