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Advances in Hybrid Simulation to Coastal Hazard

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Advances in Hybrid Simulation to Coastal Hazard
Alternativer Titel
Advances in hybrid simulation for tsunami loads
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

State-of-the-art engineering relies more on simulation now than ever before, and virtual testing is rapidly replacing experiments. Nevertheless, virtual testing requires a-priori mathematical models of the overall systems. When dealing with complex structures, such models are often not available for some critical subcomponents. This is the most likely situation that engineers face in applications when, for example, hysteresis and friction-contact interaction are involved. Rigorous answers to future engineers’ requests will increasingly be given by the integration of virtual testing and experiments. Hybrid simulation (HS) is the resulting simulation paradigm. HS combines numerical and physical subdomains to provide a reliable emulator of overall structural dynamic response. The Chair of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics of ETH Zurich is leading Swiss research on HS at the basic knowledge, implementation and application levels. HS has strong potential to raise the bar of standard engineering practices, but engineers and researchers should be able to run HS without needing the advanced skills of developers. Furthermore, synergetic efforts are needed to develop a new generation of HS platforms where multi-hazard scenarios can be accommodated. The objectives of this workshop are to develop a reference vision for best practices for HS, including requirements for standardization of tools and testing protocols, and to point out future research paths. A panel of established researchers will give presentations at the school, which will address the range of state-of-the-art hybrid simulation topics, and attendees will learn about both the basics and the leading-edge developments of the technique. The lecture series will form a basis for a final round table discussion.