Miracast is the name of a WiFi-Alliance certification program for the WiFi-Display standard. It basically defines a "wireless HDMI-cable" so you can connect monitors via WiFi. Some Android vendors implement it, Microsoft ships it with Windows 8.1 and with OpenWFD we now also have the first Open-Source implementation available. This talk shows what Miracast is, how it works, and how you can use it on your favourite linux distribution already. The Wifi-Display standard (abbr. WFD) was created to define a common way to connect TVs and monitors to your PC or smartphone. It is not meant as media-file streaming protocol like DLNA, but rather as a "wireless HDMI-cable". It provides only a single video/audio stream from a source to sink, is optimized for low-latency and allows easy setup. WFD uses Wifi-Direct (wifi peer-2-peer / Wifi-P2P) to create a direct connection between two devices. A mode-negotiation follows and once all parameters are clear, an mpeg stream is established. Several extended features like split video/audio-sinks, enhanced timing-protocols or more are available. OpenWFD is the first Open-Source implementation of WFD. It is targeted at linux and provides some example source/sink daemons so you can already use it. However, proper integration into the linux software-stack is still ongoing and the final setup will probably differ highly from the current project state. |