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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Okay, my name is Hideaki Takeda, so I'm working with the National Institute of Informatics, so today I'm representative of Japan Link Center, so we call it JALC. So I'm chair of the joint steering committee, so I'm happy to present our
activity here. Okay, so Japan Link Center, JALC, is a little bit new organization, or precisely is a project. This was founded in March 2012.
The primary mission is to become a center to register the UI for academic content produced in Japan or Japanese. So
it is because it is, yeah, you know, so the UI is a well-known system to to identify research papers, so actually, so it's of course closed-left, it's a majority of
scientific papers, so journals are written in Japanese, so it's not so, we don't have so much UI for these journals, so I'll take it later, so what's the problem?
So we need some, so our own activity for the UI, so so we talked a long time, so with these four institutions like Japan Science Technology Agency, JST, National Institute of Materials Science, it's a research institute, National Institute of Informatics, this is the
institute I'm working for, it is a research institute for computer science, also something like also database center for university library, and also National Diet Library, so it is a central
library in Japan. So we established the Japan Link Center, so actually, so it's operated by JST, and it's then managed by joint joint steering committee, so it's formed by these four
four institutions. So then, so we are now a member of, so now we are a member of the data site, so from March 2014.
So it is a little complicated, so as already mentioned, we are a research agency for IDF, yeah, yeah, so it is a
RA of UI, and also we are a member of SACROSAF. And then, so we become a member of the data site. actually, we have a member, we have a JAG member here, and also an associate member here, so we accept
metadata and DOI from these members, and so the majority of our DOI is our DOI, so it's directly connected to the RDF, but some members prefer to cross it. So then, so we just hand it out to cross it.
And so, we are planning the same way, so the collaboration with data sites, so if a member prefers a data site, so we hand it to DOI and
we ask to use the data site DOI, and so hand it metadata to the data site. So this is a whole feature of JAG. actually, so we so data site is new for us, so we have some already collaboration with CrossLift, so this is some
statistics about how we already register DOI, so yeah, so JSTAGE, it is a platform for
operated by JST, it is a platform for e-journals, so we have already have so 200,000 DOI for for JSTAGE address. Also have some, some is the cross-SDOI, is say
20,000, so that's now, so have so, and also we are now, so assign so doctoral thesis, it is a it is opened by National Diet Library, so it is a the one
140,000, so that's total number is something like that. So we are, we just started just two years ago, but so we are now renewing our system, so we, new system is
started in this December, so yeah, so before that, now, so we just, we just use article metadata, so, so but now, so we are, we are now, so
accept so different type of metadata, so I will explain later, and so also some additional information, like so, so also multiple resolutions, so I also, it's, I will explain later, and also researcher identifier, so like, so Orkut, and also
Kaken, is a, it is a it is a research ID maintained in Japanese government, so it is also, we can, we have, so we, we allow to put so these kind of, so
ID as as an author ID, and also link data. So yeah, that's so, we are, so new category is journal article, books, and report, and so research data, and also
e-learning resources, that is so, so new categories. So, so especially the metadata, so we are, so yeah, we have so four different type of metadata, and a fifth one is, it's a, okay, so this is a
okay, there's a four different metadata formats, and the fifth one is a, it is a, it's a common part, so it is a common part, so it means so all four, four metadata shares, so some
property, like DOI, URI, and also information, affiliation, and so research ID, and publication date, publisher, edition, related contents, and founder. So, so that means, so even so,
so we use now, so don't say author now, so because now we just say creator, so that's really different from cross-left metadata, so, so actually, so we, our metadata is four, four different metadata, it's a register, so in
JAROC, so metadata database, but so, if so, it's a cross-left DOI, so we translate its metadata to, and then pass to cross-left, and the same way is, so the data, if so, if so metadata is data, so we just translate and pass to data site.
like, so it is a, okay, it is very small, so you can, you can, so, like, so it is a part of common metadata, so it is now, so we call so creator, even the author is creator,
and so it's also ID for, for creators, and also some, it's also a related, so content, so this is, this is a, is a borrowed from, so data site, so like, so even, but you can also use this, this,
this related content, so for journal articles, so, and so also, and so much good information is at the bottom, so, so, okay, this is, this is a
RDF version of metadata, so it is still in, in, in, in process, so we are not so determined yet, so yeah, so, so, but, so I mentioned, so data is not registered yet, so we, because we are now so
trying to start, we're going to start experiment project about so data DOI, so, because we are, this is new for, for us, so we need so experience, so we will start so this
project, so next, for next month, so, so we, so exact, so we have to define this policy for registering, so data DOI, so, and also some workflow for data registration, so we started some, so organization to, to, to
to kick off the project, so yeah, some like, so what, so we express through this project, like, so flow of operations, so how we can, so deposit, so metadata, and especially so, and
some, some, so organization have own repository and own register, registry system already, and some is new, they're now creating, so also some, some different, so problem is like, some,
like, so in, so in, even the journal article case, NNI is something like, so have a work as a proxy to register, so article DOI, because we are, we are harvesting, so
repository metadata, so, so NNI is actually, so registering, so these, these article
on behalf of, so library, university libraries, so this kind of, so it is some complicated process, so, so we are also thinking, so this kind of proxy is possible for data registration,
so also it is a, so a lot of things, so to, to, to consider, like, so granularity is also the main, one of the main concern, like already many people mentioned that, so it is a, okay, that's, so we are starting, so many, many things to consider, okay,
so, okay, I'm running out of time, so yeah, that's the timeline, so yeah, also, okay, this is a multiple resolution, it is a little bit different, so data, data registration, but so we are now, so are also multiple resolutions for DOI, so yeah, so it is a,
also, it really depends on cross step, so it's a, we have so priority number, so that's not, so you can, you can, so set up, so any, any publisher can set up, so multiple resolution.
Okay, this is a summary, so JARUC is a service as hand scientific communication with DOI in Japan, so the reason we want to support, so all activity by researchers, so we started from so journal article versus now, so we are going to extend, so for books, e-learning and data,
so we need knowledge and experience about data registration, so we are happy to join this community and share so experience, thank you for attention.
Thank you very much, any questions from the floor? Yes, Andrew, it's on its way.
Okay, first of all, so if the publisher, we have metadata about multiple resolutions, so it is, you can, so the publisher assigns 0 to 100, so it is a priority number,
so it is a, if so, it's a, if 0 is a no, no multiple resolution, so you assign so 1 to 99, so it's a, okay, so 1 is very strongest, so, and if so, as a publisher, so
publish metadata with the same DOI and but different number of priority number, like so, okay, so 99, for example, so one publisher say, okay, so DOI with priority number 1,
and as a publisher, so publisher metadata and DOI with priority number 99, so then so, and then so, when we ask DOI, if so, if API in case, like so just so, priority one is returned,
so and if so, it is a UI case, then so intermediate page appears, like so, okay, this is a highest priority, this one, and second one, this one, so that's a similar way,
so cross there, but so it is a more flexible way to assign so priority. Any additional questions? Oh yeah, so in Japan, there's loads of research on forestry dynamics, and I was interested in doing
a synthesis collaboration with Japanese scientists, but we realized that, you know, language was a big barrier in collaboration, does a jail work with those issues in any way, in terms of translation tools, or so, you know, imagine, you know, someone who doesn't speak
Japanese, wanting to hit a repository such as that, to try and, you know, do synthesis, are you know, tools for us to do that? You mean translation of the content or metadata? Yeah, yeah metadata. We don't provide any translation service, yeah, but so, and we, some metadata,
some content is have so metadata with two languages, so English and Japanese, but some is only Japanese metadata, so of course, so it is depend on the purpose of contents, like if so,
content is intended to distribute in Japan, so only Japanese metadata are available, so we are now, so yeah, problem is the data, so data is probably, so we access the data, metadata, even in the English, but we are not sure, like so, even as like so,
like it's a tool, like so, scientific data, but if we say like data about so sociology or so, then so they may prefer so Japanese metadata in Japanese, so that's,
now so we are the start, we want to examine, so what's the researcher or research community want to express? Have you considered maybe executive summaries, so you know, you know,
Cochrane style reviews where there's an effort just to summarize like meta metadata, so that if you were outside of that research community and you wanted to get a landscape view of what are the different forms of data or you know, the different types of data that you can
at least access that? A problem is the summary. Yeah, so imagine that, you know, even if there was a data set that was in Japanese, because the metadata is in Japanese, there was a really high-level executive summary that was in English across the board to promote this kind of interdisciplinary, interoperability issues, right? Yeah, so that's something like so and room for meta data, so if, of course,
okay, we can't probably, we can't decide, but we, so we, community can decide like so, okay, we choose three, so title is the two language or some short summary in language, so yeah, but
so yeah, it depends on the, my impression is still it depends on the community. Okay.