German | German Wiesensalbei; Hummel. Melittophiler, hummelblütiger Lippenblütler mit Unter- und Oberlippe und von oben wirkenden Bestäubungsorganen; verborgene Nektarquelle, Landesteg mit Leitstrukturen; Nektarentnahme durch die Hummel, Bestäubung. Verschiedene Stadien der proterandrisch dichogamen Pflanze. |
English | English The protandrous gullet flowers of the Meadow Clary (Salvia pratensis), typical (bumble-)bee-flowers, are explored for nectar and pollinated by workers of Bombus ssp. By forcing their way in, the visitors set the ingenious lever mechanism of the stamens in motion which dusts their back with pollen. At a later stage the mature stigma is exposed in a corresponding position. Illegitimous visitors (small Apidae, Hover-Flies) fail to effect pollination being incapable to reach the nectar or by-passing the lever-arms. |