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Analyzing Fire Department Response with PostGIS

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Analyzing Fire Department Response with PostGIS
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ProduktionsortSeoul, South Korea

Inhaltliche Metadaten

Local government fire departments always face scrutiny of their performance and efficiency. They are continuously asked to do a better job with fewer resources. In this highly technical session we will show how PostGIS is being used to analyze and measure performance throughout the city and plan for future resource requirements. Every city we work with is unique in some way. Some fire departments act as the local ambulance service while other cities contract with private ambulance companies. Emergency “911” response centers are often managed by police/law enforcement departments but not always! Many cities also have “mutual aid” agreements with neighboring cities to assist them when needed. For our customers PostGIS stores and manages the geo-located events (fires, hazardous spills, etc.) and provides details about the departments and individual emergency vehicle performance. It is most interestingly used to create statistical reports about things such as “Effecive Response Force” and “Resource Drawdown”, which are used to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the department. Please come to learn how PostGIS is used to analyze things such as primary response areas and fire hazard severity zones, allowing our customers to ask more advanced, geographically based questions.