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Global Shutdown: Voices from Universities Around the World

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Global Shutdown: Voices from Universities Around the World
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

Digital technologies have had a great impact on higher education institutions (HEI) in recent years, but COVID-19 has propelled the integration of technology into the education sector worldwide. This panel discussion will give an account of different university stories from Europe, North America, and Africa. Universities were faced with the task of offering online or blended learning scenarios overnight. What effects did the shutdown have on their country’s educational sector and HEI? How was digitalization perceived after the lockdown? How did the institution deal with transforming their traditional classes? Are there state or federal policies in place that support and provide mechanisms to address technical issues, social inequalities, accessibility issues and training for faculty and staff? What are the biggest challenges in digital learning that need to be overcome? What lessons were learned and how can we learn from each other. Global learning and virtual exchange can offer new opportunities for the global educational community? Can COVID-19 be a blessing in disguise for the educational community? What lies ahead and is there going to be a “new normal” after this crisis has died down? Each panelist will present a short brief about the educational policies in their respective country by highlighting how their HEI tackled the enormous challenges caused by the pandemic since March 2020. We will hear voices from Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (Portugal), Conestoga College, Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning (Canada), Middle Tennessee State University (USA), University of Cape Coast (Ghana), and University of Nairobi (Kenya).