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Performing LOD: Using Europeana Data Model for the aggregation of metadata from the performing arts domain

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Performing LOD: Using Europeana Data Model for the aggregation of metadata from the performing arts domain
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Imagine a theatre play. There are contributors such as the playwright, director, actors, etc. The play may have several performances with changing casts while actors may contribute to other plays. The play might be based on a drama which also has a screen adaption. All this is documented in manuscripts, photos, videos and other materials. The more relations you find among these performance-related objects, the more it emerges as a perfect use case for linked data. At the University Library Frankfurt am Main, the Specialised Information Service Performing Arts aggregates performing arts-related metadata of artefacts gathered by German-speaking cultural heritage institutions. It is funded by the German Research Foundation and aims to give researchers access to specialized information by providing a VuFind-based search portal that presents the metadata modeled as linked and open data. The Europeana Data Model (EDM) offers a universal and flexible metadata standard that is able to model the heterogeneous data about cultural heritage objects resulting from the data providers’ variety of data acquisition workflows. Being a common aggregation standard in digitization projects a comprehensive collection of mappings already exists. With the amount of delivered manuscript data in mind, the DM2E-extension of EDM was used and further extended by the ECLAP-namespace covering the specific properties for the performing arts domain. The presentation will show real life examples and focus on the modeling as linked data and the implementation within the VuFind framework.