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ODVIS.AT - Visualization Of Austrian Open Government Data

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ODVIS.AT - Visualization Of Austrian Open Government Data
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ODVIS-AT is a project funded by the Internet Foundation Austria and Salzburg University of Applied Science. The goal is to display open data (demographic, open government data) in a quick and easy way to end users. In 2011 the Austrian cities Linz and Vienna launched two Open Government Data services where information was published in textform (csv, pdf, json, etc.), other public authorities joined soon (find a current list at data.gov.at). In an attempt to make this data visible we started the development of a visualization service in 2013 where published data is linked to geodata and the result is put on a map. The project consists of an internet portal (odvis.at) and an api to query the data and allow personalization and combination of information. At the moment the project is still in development phase but scheduled to be finished in September 2013. The project adresses a public audience as well as researchers, journalists, students and developers. Data can be accessed from a central service that provides a snapshot of currently available government data. On thehe backend the visualisation is rendered as a graphic layer to be used with Open Street Map, using Mapnik and a postGIS module. Rendering on demand allows filtering, combination of data sets, mathematical computation (via the api) and hence the personalisation of the information display. In the presentation at FOSS4G we would like to show the project status (finished version should be ready) and experiences with the project.