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Plone Conference 2014

The Twelfth Annual Plone Conference - Plone Conference 2014: The event has a week-long programme featuring Training (27th-28th October), the Conference with guest speakers (29th-31st October) and Sprints (1st-2nd November).

DOI (Serie): 10.5446/s_905
1 Tag 7 Stunden
Ergebnisse 1-36 von 45
Jung, Andreas
Jung explained some common developer problems with Plone (for example migrations and z3c.form usage) and gived some food for thought and suggestions for the future roadmap of Plone.
2014Plone Foundation
Jay, Dylan
This Talk about the user experience and the developers problem in thinking like simple users (also known as the curse of expertise) when they work to find the best solutions that solves their real problems.
2014Plone Foundation
4Zupan, Nejc
Zupan had a talk about services like Travis, Heroku, New Relic and how they can help us to be more productive and automate some parts of develop/releaser process.
2014Plone Foundation
2Stevens, Guido et al.
2014Plone Foundation
1Kleinfeldt, Sally
2014Plone Foundation
1Andrei, Érico
Andrei was explaining how important it is to focus on similar “Plone distributions” for other use cases.
2014Plone Foundation
Bréhault, Éric
2014Plone Foundation
3Forsythe-Cheasley, Adam et al.
2014Plone Foundation
Pellegrini, Franco et al.
2014Plone Foundation
3Jordaan, Jean et al.
2014Plone Foundation
1Varley Sargan, Helen
2014Plone Foundation
3Stross-Radschinski, Armin
2014Plone Foundation
2Kleinfeldt, Sally et al.
2014Plone Foundation
5Lewicki, Pawel et al.
2014Plone Foundation
1Alba, Víctor Fernández de et al.
2014Plone Foundation
1Russell, Matt
2014Plone Foundation
Voinea, Alin
2014Plone Foundation
Maurizio, Delmonte et al.
Eric Brehault (Why CMS won’t die) All CMS are old. Wordpress is young at 2003. We can make a no-CMS site quite easily. But a validation workflow and access rights would be nice. Newsletter. Document sharing, with some people. Multilingual. Next thing you know, your no-CMS crashes. Face it, you need a CMS! CMS are special. We are CMSistas, and only CMSistas know it. CMS are huge projects. For example: who needs buildout in Python, except us? Wordpress is about 60 percent of all CMS websites. Huge! But 100 percent tomorrow? No way. I never saw Wordpress at any of my customers. Nobody promises it will be easy. Is Plone too complex? Every CMS is complex.
2014Plone Foundation
1McMahon, Steve et al.
- Steve McMahon (Plone installation, the future) What is the Installer team doing for Plone 5. You can still use your custom buildout, no problem, so your future may still vary. Unified Installer will still work. Platform binary installers may not work; possibly Windows; nearly certainly not OS X, as it gets harder and harder to do open source development there. The hot newness is Cloud or VM kits. We are working on making that happen for Plone too. Our principal tool is going to be Ansible. Build a full-stack server. Vagrant instance to test it before you deploy it. We are not scaring people away from other approaches. Targets: from 5 to 5000 dollars per month, with configuration. Working on boxes for Digital Ocean, AWS, etc. Plone 5: no longer ZopeSkel or templar, but mr.bob as tool for bootstrapping a new project. You are free to use the tool you like. - Paul Tax (Anniversary sprint) I am the new guy at Four Digits, Arnhem, The Netherlands. We are organizing a sprint on 22 till 26 June 2015. Hotels near, good wifi, standing desks if you want, agile planning, standups, food and drinks. Party on Friday, because it is our ten year anniversary. No problem if you only want to join for the party. Homebrewn beer. - Paul Roeland (Paragon) Paragon is the search for the very best in Plone add-ons. The hunt is on, especially for add-ons making the lives of integrators easier. No undead add-ons please, no unmaintained. Just good, useful add-ons. You can nominate until November 14. Are they maintained? Are they safe to put on a production site? - Asko Soukka (venusianconfiguration) Venusian configuration: no more zcml. Put that configuration in a Python file. It can scan modules, a bit like grok, but explicitly. It will not be released, because I don't want all the hate mail. :-) But maybe incorporate it in Zope configuration. - Sally, Cris, Jens, Alexander, Andreas (bibliographies) Bibliographies are really important to a certain segment of users, academics specifically. There is funding to make some things better. This is a call for help. I scheduled an open space for this topic on Friday, please come and give your input. Create a plan of action. - Manabu Terada (Recent topics about Plone in Japan) PyCon Japan September 2014, 500 people, one English track. I conducted a session about Plone, about 100 people attended. Number of Python developers is increasing in Japan. We wish to spread Plone usage in Japan. Next year: Plone Symposium Tokyo! May/July 2015. Get interesting sessions, so speakers from overseas are very much invited. Airport, big city: English is no problem, outside may be difficult. Tokyo is very cheap. Safe? Yes, we even hold the Olympics in 2020. See you in Tokyo next year.
2014Plone Foundation
1Kallistratova, Yulia et al.
2014Plone Foundation
1Rowe, Laurence
Modern web applications present new challenges in managing software complexity for developers used to traditional web frameworks. This talk presents a layered approach, a rich Javascript application built on top of a JSON Linked Data web service; and the lessons learned building the ENCODE Portal, a central hub for a large collaborative genome sequencing project. As web users, our expectations for the sites we interact with have been transformed over the past few years. Meeting those expectations with traditional web frameworks has become increasingly difficult. Building pages first with server-side templates followed by progressive enhancement in JavaScript has begun to feel like building a site twice, and tends to fragile interactions that are difficult to reason about or test. In building the ENCODE Portal, we took a layered approach with a web application sitting atop a web service. This helped to clearly delineate responsibilities between the server-side Python – information architecture, access control and validation – and browser-side Javascript – page display and form generation. Our web service is built to expose JSON Linked Data (JSON-LD), a standard for expressing the semantic content of JSON formatted data, exposing and connecting them with other resources on the Semantic Web. This opens up the possibility for others to present or integrate our data in new ways, but even within a single application exposing type information on resources has allowed us to avoid duplicating routing logic on both browser and server. Separating the web service from the web application also allowed us to open up programmatic submission of metadata. Consortium labs script the transfer of experimental metadata from their internal information management systems into the same web service that drives the portal.
2014Plone Foundation
5Johnson, Michael
2014Plone Foundation
6Steele, Eric
The first day was opened by the keynote of Eric Steele showing the new features of Plone5, for example: - The new toolbar - Barceloneta theme and customization with the new resource registry tool - Mockup patterns - New security settings control panel - Revisited login form - Improved security (for example automatic csrf protection)
2014Plone Foundation
Hendryx-Parker, Calvin
2014Plone Foundation
Navarro Bosch, Ramon et al.
In this talk explained what is the new resource registry tool, how it works and how developers can use it to customize the look and feel of a Plone site.
2014Plone Foundation
Williams, Wyn
2014Plone Foundation
1Nguyen, T. Kim
The talk was about some use cases where Plone proved to be effective in reducing costs, time and frustration when used as a solution to replace paper forms, for example in Universities.
2014Plone Foundation
8Bătrânu, David et al.
2014Plone Foundation
1Kling, Maarten
2014Plone Foundation
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