Rusty Days 2020
7 Stunden 48 Minuten
8 Ergebnisse
Kotwica, MichalinaWhile high-level advantages of functional programming and algebraic data structures in comparison to object-oriented programming are quite well known in the Rust community, numerous low-level advantages are not as commonly mentioned. While some programming languages use the functional approach as a means of optimization, Rust optimizes the very tools the functional paradigm is built upon. In this talk, I want to present how Rust's approach to basic data structures (products/structs and coproducts/enums) is different from that of most functional programming languages. Further, I want to illustrate how low-level optimization is performed, which makes it possible, and what can be improved even further depending on how the language evolves.
2020Rust Wrocław
11Palmieri, LucaIs Rust ready for mainstream usage in backend development? There is a lot of buzz around web frameworks while many other (critical!) Day 2 concerns do not get nearly as much attention. We will discuss observability: do the tools currently available in the Rust ecosystem cover most of your telemetry needs? I will walk you through our journey here at TrueLayer when we built our first production backend system in Rust, Donate Direct. We will be touching on the state of Rust tooling for logging, metrics and distributed tracing.
2020Rust Wrocław
76Lechev, LachezarHave you flown a drone? What about writing Rust? Let me tell you about our efforts to hack on a drone using Rust and build a demo project that will showcase some practical capabilities. The drone we are using has a couple of ways you can communicate with. We are focusing our efforts on the WiFi (UDP) communication and decoding the Frames used by the drone using the open-source C SDK provided by the manufacturer. We will share with you what were the hurdles we've encountered as well as what we are planning for the future of the project.
2020Rust Wrocław
87Rediger, Jan-ErikAt Mozilla, Firefox is not the only product we ship. Many others — including a variety of smartphone applications, and certainly not just web browsers — are built by various teams across the organization. These applications are composed of a multitude of libraries which, when possible, are reused across platforms. In the past year we used Rust to rebuild one of these libraries: the library powering the telemetry in our mobile applications is now integrated into Android and iOS applications and will soon be powering our Desktop platforms as well. This talk will showcase how this small team managed to create a cross-platform Rust library, and ship it to a bunch of platforms all at once.
2020Rust Wrocław
1McNamara, TimIs it safe to use unsafe? Learn why some projects need unsafe code and how projects manage its risks. This talk will briefly discuss what the unsafe keyword enables and what its risks are. The bulk of time will be spent discussing how projects manage those risks. It finishes by providing recommendations based on that analysis. Projects surveyed include: * Servo (Mozilla) * Fuchsia OS (Google) * fast_rsync (Dropbox) * winrt-rs (Microsoft) * Firecracker (AWS) * Linkerd2
2020Rust Wrocław
2Klabnik, SteveIn 2018, Rust adopted an "edition" system. This lets Rust evolve in ways that feel like breaking changes but are opt-in only, and that do not disturb the open-source ecosystem. Given that Rust 2018 happened three years after the initial 2015 release of Rust, this has everyone wondering: is 2021 the year we have our next edition? In this talk, Steve lays out his own feelings on this question, as well as talks about the history of the edition system, how it works, and what it might look like in 2021.
2020Rust Wrocław
31Parkanyi, PeterZerostash is a deduplicated and encrypted file storage format that is optimized for speed. The talk will walk through the problem domain, the design decisions that were influenced directly by the need for speed for tools like this, and how to reduce synchronization latency in for remote or p2p sync. The listeners will learn about how backup software generally works, and where the design tradeoffs lie when designing a storage layer. In addition, they get some insights into generic Rust optimization tricks and gotchas: * Reducing the number of copies * Slicing a slice will reduce performance * LTO * inlining * reducing code size on the hot path * threads and pipelining * trusting the operating system * using vectorization for the costliest things
2020Rust Wrocław
25Shamrell - Harrington, NellThe Rust compiler's borrow checker is critical for ensuring safe Rust code. Even more critical, however, is how the borrow checker provides useful, automated guidance on how to write safe code when the check fails. Early in your Rust journey, it may feel like you are fighting the borrow checker. Come to this talk to learn how you can transition from fighting the borrow checker to using its guidance to write safer and more powerful code at any experience level. Walk away not only understanding the what and the how of the borrow checker - but why it works the way it does - and why it is so critical to both the technical functionality and philosophy of Rust.
2020Rust Wrocław