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It is not all Greek anymore: use of LOD to increase the interoperability of data created by the National Library of Greece

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It is not all Greek anymore: use of LOD to increase the interoperability of data created by the National Library of Greece
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Given that cataloguing policies have an impact on the interoperability of bibliographic data, the National Library of Greece (NLG) initiated its efforts to increase the interoperability of Greek bibliographic data by selecting a new set of standards to implement, and by changing its cataloguing policies and workflows. The set of selected standards consists of the IFLA/LRM model, the official RDA rules, the MARC21 format (Linky Marc approach) for the Koha integrated library system, and the RDA/RDF format for the Wikibase prototype. The presentation summarizes the key decisions and practices applied in everyday business to integrate Linked Data in MARC21 records and to enable future transformations of those records to Linked Data using the RDA/RDF vocabulary. As a proof of concept, the NLG develops and maintains a Wikibase prototype where NLG data is transformed, mapped, and linked to other Linked Data sources. This is an ongoing process that, in each iteration, focuses on a specific RDA entity. So far, the authority records describing RDA Persons have been represented using RDA/RDF. The next RDA entity to be transformed and mapped using the LRM/RDA conceptualizations and vocabularies is the RDA Nomen entity. Nomens (e.g., pseudonyms) related to the RDA Persons will be incorporated, aiming to provide integrated displays of a Person and the names (Nomens) that this person has used. The presentation will conclude with a short demonstration of the Wikibase prototype and a discussion of the next steps for transforming data and further developing the prototype.