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State of GeoNetwork 2022


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State of GeoNetwork 2022
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The GeoNetwork-opensource project is a catalog application facilitating the discovery of resources within any local, regional, national or global "Spatial Data Infrastructure" (SDI). GeoNetwork is an established technology - recognized as an OSGeo Project and a member of the foss4g community for over a decade. The GeoNetwork team would love to share what we have been up to in 2022! The GeoNetwork team is excited to talk about the different projects that have contributed with the new features added to the software during the last twelve months. Our rich ecosystem of schema plugins continues to improve; with national teams pouring fixes, improvements and new features into the core application. We will also talk a bit about the health and happiness of the GeoNetwork opensource team. Progress of our main branches (3.12.x and 4.0.x), and release schedule. Attend this presentation for the latest from the GeoNetwork community and this vibrant technology platform.
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Welcome everybody to this session, so the first talk is about the state of GeoNetwork, so I'm Francois Preneur and I've been working on GeoNetwork since quite a long time and I will do the presentation also with Yaron Tichler here from GeoCAD and also
Florent Graven from Camp2Camp. So, currently GeoNetwork, we are mainly working on two main versions which are actively supported, so in 2022 we have been making a regular release of version 3.12, almost every month, every
maintain by the GeoCAD team and we are also making a version of GeoNetwork 4 and the last
one is a 4.2.0 made in May. So version 3.12.6 is mainly improving the quality of the application, testing in more details of metadata workflow which is quite new feature in version 3 and improve this part.
We are also adapting the application to the Inspire validator changes, so this is more for the European users of GeoNetwork. Michel Gabriel, also a committer in GeoNetwork from GeoCAD, he's working a lot on accessibility
and there will be a talk later on this during the first 4G here. We are also adding support for new authentication system, key clock, open ID is also something some of the contributors are working on and improving the way you configure maps even
in multilingual catalogues, sometimes you want specific maps depending on language and stuff like this. In 3.12 we also do security updates, updating libraries when we can. The main differences between version 3 and version 4 is the move to Elasticsearch, so
we are not using the homemade search index as in version 3 using the library Lucene, so in version 4 we are using Elasticsearch for the index of the catalogue and in version 4.2.0 the main improvement we made was focusing on multilingual search and be able to better
support searches when your catalogue is in one or more language or a mix of language, sometimes everything is not translated. So we also improve search results and also the way we are making sometimes nested queries,
so on the screen shot for example we are displaying some child records of one record, so this is also part of the search API we improved. We also worked on projects like Wallonia region, EEA, if I may, on improving the way we
are showing all the relation between records, so when you have series, projects, collections or whatever group of records you are creating in your organisations and how you navigate to focused data sets for temporal series or other type of collections.
We also improved the way we navigate between services, source data sets or when you supersede a record, so you can also follow which data sets replaced another one when there is a
new release, a new version or a new edition, so it depends a lot on how organisations are describing the information. So here we have a series which is composed of three data sets about land cover and
we can also create summary information like the table at the bottom of the screen shot which can list formats and link to services and stuff like this. In some catalogue we have also more and more information in the metadata record described
and at some point it was, it could be quite confusing to search for all the links we have in the metadata record, so we try to improve the way we are displaying all the links which may have been adding to metadata, so for example in this case we made the distinction
between API downloads to download the files and in this case we also have files to be used in GIS in S3 or QGIS file for the legends, so you have all the various type
of files available and we try to better categorise all this information. You also have the catalogue attribute which is a data model, in this case it is described in a PDF that you can download, but also sometimes it is also displayed directly in
the metadata record view, so you can browse attributes and so on. Geo Network is also more and more used for publishing data sets which may be used
in scientific publications and we got more and more requests about improving the way we can cite a data set in scientific publication and for this we have been working on two main items, one is be able to provide the way you can, you should cite this data set in
values formats, so HTML text is a common, a simple way to do the citation but you also have some exchange formats for exchanging citation like RISC, BIP text which are specific
format for this. So we worked on this, I think geocaching mainly with Canadian projects and in France with IFRMIR and BRGM to cite data sets easily and also be able to register digital object
identifier, DOI directly from the catalogue, so you can register your data site account in Geo Network and create the DOI from the Geo Network interface. In version 4 we also provide the capacity to create easily a focus on subset of records
that can be called semantic portals, in this case at EA we are using this for semantic portals, focusing on biodiversity, marine water and so on, but this you can configure for whatever focus you want to provide on your catalogue.
On the slide you have a link to the workshop details where we try to learn how to configure this and if you want to test this. Some more technical changes, in the harvesting we also added the capacity to harvest a G-Zone
source, which allows to harvest open data portals and tools like CCAN, open data soft, which is quite flexible where you can define how to collect information from the G-Zone
and create metadata in Geo Network which will be stored in XML as Geo Network is using XML for storing the information. We also provide improvements for editing and doing batch editing, search and replace and batch editing in the database. We did major changes on the libraries between version 3 and 4, including technical library
like Spring and Ebernate moving to major versions and also for security updates. This year in 2022, So Yeroun organised a code sprint in Bolzena, north to Rome,
so after two years we get back to the monastery and have been able to work together in this nice place. We have been working on code quality, so Cam2Cam team set up SonarCloud, which is a tool
which helps us analysing the contributions and the Geo Network code base is quite old using various languages with various levels of expertise in contributors, so it helps
learning good practice and improving the quality of the application. So this was one topic in Bolzena, we also added some new preview of the data in the upcoming versions, some features which were available in version 4.0, even in version 3,
but were more accessible in the map application, now you can from the record view preview the WMS, but you also have the capability to index the data and do full text search in the data, so for example in the sample river basin of Africa we have in Geo Network
since a long time, you can search for Niger and you get the river basin of Niger and you can also do aggregations. Last point for 4.1, so in Bolzena we also worked on some steps missing from the migration
to Elasticsearch, for example the Inspire atom services, we worked on this with Jose Garcia from Geocat in Spain during the cut sprint, we also added some options to easily drag and drop files when you simply want to upload a simple resource in your record
and we are currently working on trying to improve the indexing performance, we moved to Elasticsearch, it was quite fast and then we added some new stuff in the indexing process and it was a bit slower, so now we are trying to improve what we did in the last year and we will finalise this before releasing 4.2.1 probably in September.
We are also currently, we worked yesterday with Judy Garnett on the log4g2 migration which is on its way, so this will be the major changes for the coming versions. We are still maintaining some schema plugins, the one for North America maintained by Geocat
team, so basically you have one release of the schema for each release of Geonetwork as you have to use the same versions. Geocat is also updating and maintaining the profiles for services and datasets for Geonetwork.
We have more and more users using the ISO-19115-3, there is a link to a presentation here that you can get more details. We did an experiment about Deacat 2, there is probably a work plan by the Flemish
regions this year later, but for the time being it's still something quite experimental to use. Maybe Jeroen or two. Hello, welcome.
So a mature project as Geonetwork is, it started in 2000, so it's really an old beast I would say. And we still use code that we have been building in that time. So that has technical challenges and frustrations also in the team from time to time.
So there's technical challenges that we are facing as a group, at the same time we also see that because of the majority of the project it provides so many facilities and
features that it's also hard to just start rebuilding something. So we face problems in updating libraries, old libraries that may be vulnerable for problems.
We are looking at strategies how to deal with those. I'm sure that with all the brain power that we have in the developer team we will have solutions for that. But it's definitely challenges that I think every old project faces. We have moved slowly to have combined searches for metadata as well as data.
Those are challenging but really interesting because not only do you look at what was written in the metadata record, which most people don't really like to write, but you can also drill down into the data immediately.
And when you search on a particular road, if you are looking for a particular road network data set, you may find the metadata even though nothing was written about that road in the metadata record itself.
So linking those two is really something that I think is important in the future. Another one that is not listed here is how do you search in multiple catalogs. GeoNetwork has a lot of facilities to harvest or to expose metadata to other catalogs
and harvest from other catalogs. How could you do this in a life or in an instant that you think of something? And how do you then find data from other catalogs? This is something that I'm sure we'll be looking into also in the coming year.
So those are some of the technical challenges. More of the community challenges, we have a really solid group of developers. At the same time, it's hard to find people that are able to dive into
especially the core code because it can be quite complex. How do you attract new contributors to such a project? This is a challenge that we face. At the same time, we see that sometimes a new developer comes in, slowly starts doing some things, but people also tend to leave.
And the last thing that we have some challenges which I think is very healthy is how do you actually develop new things? Do you do those on the core application or do you make separate applications that do particular tasks around catalogs?
And I think we're more and more moving in the direction of having smaller applications do specific things. So we have, in the context of the European INSPIRE project, developed a harvester that is a complete separate application from the core geo network
that does the harvesting very well. Then there's another application that does things like link analyzing. So knowing that all the links in that metadata or even in the services described in the metadata are healthy or not,
this is important and there will be a presentation tomorrow in the European Commission track about this together with Jordi on how we've worked on that technically. Then there's also projects that are looking at the user interface.
How do we make a very easy metadata editor? The editor is quite complex because it's really built around metadata standards but we also want to make sure that there's lower level entry for people that just want to do a very simple description.
And Camp2Camp and Flora has been working on that quite a bit. Next slide. Oh, so now it's social and it's moving. So we also have health and happiness in the community. When we meet in Bolsena, we also have other developers coming
from other companies, other projects. We cook, we have dinners together and lunches together, go out for tours this year. Since we didn't have Bolsena cold sprint for two years, we actually had Francois suggest to do a two-week cold sprint,
which we did and it was really fun. And we basically had a vote and decided to do this also next year. So make it a two-week event where you really have time to sit with each other and actually develop things, but also interact and be happy.
Flora. Yes, so a quick word on Geonetwork UI and a different project we are trying to develop as an alternative to the UI. I think it's worth mentioning all the work that has been done
in Geonetwork UI project, which is within the Geonetwork organization as in the state of Geonetwork presentation. So there will be a presentation on the data hub on Friday morning
and it's a project, Geonetwork UIs, that try to focus on the user experience and gives alternative UIs for different use case that Geonetwork Core addresses. And based on this, we would like, as Jeroen mentioned,
we would like to improve, or not improve, but to provide an alternative to the editor because Geonetwork, we figured out that Geonetwork is widely used, very spread over the world, and by different kind of people,
that there are people who really use it to be narrow to specific schemas, but there are also people who use it because they need metadata, they need to be inspired compliant, or they just want to have a patrimony or a search service to their datasets, and those people can find the edition too complex,
so we would like to provide a facet to simplify the edition process. So there is a participatory funding that we are launching, so if you are interested in simplifying the edition of Geonetwork, you could just check the information about that, and we will talk, I think, again about that on Friday morning
for the presentation of Geonetwork UI and the data. So that's the other presentation, so Jeroen was talking about the European harvesting,
the re-open project to harvest all the metadata. There will be the presentation of the data hub, which is trying to merge the open data world and the geo data world, the work on the accessibility on Geonetwork, and, is that it, or another one?
Yeah, there's another one. So there's another slide. So the first one is on accessibility this afternoon by Michel, and it's not only around Geonetwork accessibility, it's also around other OSGEO applications. We've been also working on accessibility for our geo server, for instance.
So tomorrow morning, the revamped inspired geo portal, so the portal run by and operated by the Joint Research Centre of the EU, that will be based on Geonetwork and therefore has to be able to do all the reporting of metadata
that member countries have to provide. There's a European inspired data tour, which is diving much more in depth, very technical on how links can be analysed of all these metadata that are collected and how those can be reported and validated.
That's on Friday afternoon, and then, I think there's, oops, there was one, oh there was, yeah, so this one is the one that you mentioned on the data hub, which is Friday morning. So thank you for listening.
Thank you for your great presentation.