Application. Computer vision in Augmented reality
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Lizenz | CC-Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland: Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt zu jedem legalen Zweck nutzen, verändern und in unveränderter oder veränderter Form vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen, sofern Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. | |
Identifikatoren | 10.5446/68386 (DOI) | |
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Erweiterte Realität <Informatik>t-TestMaschinelles SehenProgrammierumgebungInformationTouchscreenElement <Gruppentheorie>AxonometriePlastikkarteTablet PCVideokonferenzSpezialrechnerDigitalsignalMobiles InternetStatistikMarketinginformationssystemStreaming <Kommunikationstechnik>BildverarbeitungPhysikalische TheorieObjekt <Kategorie>AlgorithmusTaskParametersystemZeitabhängigkeitMechanismus-Design-TheorieHeuristikGlobale OptimierungVorgehensmodellGeradeDatenmodellSchnittmengePunktFlächeninhaltCharakteristisches PolynomKomponente <Software>MultifunktionInformationBildgebendes VerfahrenObjekt <Kategorie>Tablet PCAlgorithmusTouchscreenElement <Gruppentheorie>Projektive EbeneMultiplikationsoperatorBildverstehenMechanismus-Design-TheorieDifferenteAuflösung <Mathematik>Natürliche SpracheParametersystemEvoluteErweiterte Realität <Informatik>SchlüsselverwaltungMobiles InternetBildschirmmaskeVisualisierungSoftwareAbstraktionsebenePhysikalisches SystemZentralisatorHydrostatikZusammenhängender GraphFlächeninhaltPunktGlobale OptimierungKugelKartesische KoordinatenSoftwareentwicklerVirtuelle RealitätNeuronales NetzEndliche ModelltheorieHilfesystemResultanteOverlay-NetzPaarvergleichNichtlinearer OperatorDienst <Informatik>ComputerspielZahlenbereichWellenpaketNeuroinformatikMatrizenrechnungUmwandlungsenthalpieBildverarbeitungSchätzfunktionDatenfeldStreaming <Kommunikationstechnik>URLHeuristikOrtsoperatorEinsProdukt <Mathematik>Ordnung <Mathematik>Güte der AnpassungInformation RetrievalRahmenproblemDeskriptive StatistikTermTemplateZweiXMLUMLComputeranimationDiagramm
PunktSchnittmengeSpezialrechnerCharakteristisches PolynomFlächeninhaltKomponente <Software>AlgorithmusMultifunktionMinkowski-MetrikSoftwareVirtuelle RealitätObjekt <Kategorie>Erweiterte Realität <Informatik>PlastikkarteTablet PCMobiles InternetInformationGoogolTouchscreenSystemprogrammierungAxonometrieOverlay-NetzComputerFlächentheorieSoftwareentwicklerFunktionalBitURLObjekt <Kategorie>TypentheorieFilter <Stochastik>PunktEinfach zusammenhängender RaumMultifunktionGruppenoperationRichtungMustererkennungBildgebendes VerfahrenErweiterte Realität <Informatik>Elektronische PublikationSoftwareVideokonferenzSchlüsselverwaltungSpieltheorieMagnetbandlaufwerkAlgorithmusProzess <Informatik>InformationMobiles InternetSatellitensystemMatchingAusnahmebehandlungDatensichtgerätElement <Gruppentheorie>Minkowski-MetrikVirtuelle RealitätPlastikkarteOrtsoperatorGamecontrollerTouchscreenWeb-SeiteNichtlinearer OperatorATMDifferentePhysikalisches SystemWeg <Topologie>ModallogikOverlay-NetzSchaltnetzProjektive EbeneNeuroinformatikBildschirmmaskeProgrammierungHilfesystemZweiDienst <Informatik>BrowserStreaming <Kommunikationstechnik>AdditionVHDSLSmartphoneSoundverarbeitungComputeranimation
FehlermeldungPhysikalisches SystemAdditionProzess <Informatik>Erweiterte Realität <Informatik>TouchscreenInformationChirurgie <Mathematik>SimulationInstallation <Informatik>DatenmodellInformationsverarbeitungKomplex <Algebra>VisualisierungMobiles InternetSpieltheorieObjekt <Kategorie>MenütechnikKontrollstrukturParametersystemKreisbewegungAbstandElement <Gruppentheorie>VerschlingungDateiformatProgrammierumgebungVarietät <Mathematik>SoftwareKonfigurationsraumCodeDreizehnNotepad-ComputerTropfenMultiplikationsoperatorElement <Gruppentheorie>ParametersystemKonditionszahlSichtenkonzeptProjektive EbeneDimensionsanalyseKonfiguration <Informatik>Kategorie <Mathematik>Objekt <Kategorie>DateiformatProzess <Informatik>DatenfeldEndliche ModelltheorieElektronische PublikationAudiodateiTouchscreenElektronischer ProgrammführerQR-CodeAbstandMereologieSystemplattformExpertensystemZentrische StreckungApp <Programm>ProgrammierungDeskriptive StatistikSystem FTrennschärfe <Statistik>AutorisierungAuthentifikationKartesische KoordinatenAdditionTeilbarkeitSchnittmengeZahlenbereichErweiterte Realität <Informatik>GarbentheorieFlächeninhaltParallele Schnittstellet-TestNichtlinearer OperatorProdukt <Mathematik>FlächentheorieDreidimensionales VideoOrdnungsreduktionMailing-ListePunktSoftwareVarietät <Mathematik>Mobiles EndgerätOrbit <Mathematik>DämpfungWeb SiteEin-AusgabeInverser LimesNeuroinformatikVersionsverwaltungInformationDisplacement MappingFehlermeldungTreiber <Programm>Zusammenhängender GraphIndexberechnungPhysikalisches SystemIdentifizierbarkeitWhiteboardWellenpaketMenütechnikGamecontrollerVisualisierungSoundverarbeitungSpieltheorieMAPGeradeMobiles InternetSoftwarewartungComputerspielNetzbetriebssystemSmartphoneComputersimulationMessage-PassingTemplateDickeEliminationsverfahrenKreisbewegungMapping <Computergraphik>ComputeranimationJSONXMLUML
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Good afternoon, today let's talk about computer vision in augmented reality. Today AR is the most promising technology that is rapidly developing, so let's talk about augmented reality or AR.
The definition of augmented reality is related to reasons and its terminology has not yet been established. Definition number one can be that augmented reality is the result of introducing any sensory data into the perceptual field in order to information about the environment and improve the perception of information.
The second definition can be that augmented reality is a projection of any digital information as an image, video, text, graphics and other over the screen of any devices. As a result, the real world is augmented with artificial elements and new information.
It can be realized with the help of applications to conventional smartphones and tablets. augmented reality glasses, stationary screens, projection devices and other technologies. Perhaps it is the second definition that must fully characterize augmented reality.
In the near future, augmented reality systems will affect not only the development of technology but also human perception of the world around us. The advantage of augmented reality is that it has virtually no restrictions on its use in various spheres of life. Augmented reality services have already been implemented in such areas as manufacturing, education, medicine, advertising and others.
But currently there are various estimates of the size of the augmented reality market, but they all agree that the market will grow at a strenuous pace. According to data provided by Statista, the mobile augmented reality or AR market was valued at $12.45 billion in 2021.
The market includes digital goods such as shopping in AR apps as well as LED placement and visualization software. The mobile augmented reality market is projected to grow to over US$36 billion by 2026.
And the slideshow revenue of the mobile augmented reality or AR market will renew worldwide from 2021 to 2026 in billion of US dollars. In the field of augmented reality, computer vision algorithms are used to search for special markets in the video stream.
Depending on the task, markers can be either specially formed images or specific people. After finding a marker in the video stream and calculating its location, it becomes possible to build a projection matrix and position virtual models. They can be used to overlay a virtual object in such a way that the effort and presence is achieved.
The main challenge is to find the marker that reminds its location in the frame and design the virtual model accordingly. In the last decade, a large theoretical base has been established in the field of image processing and retrieval of various objects on it. But first of all, this applies to the counter-analysis, template matching, future detection, and genetic algorithms.
In terms of building AR, the latter two approaches are most often used. Let's give a brief description of each of them. Genetic algorithms are heuristic search algorithms used to solve optimization and modeling problems by
randomly selecting, combining, and varying the parameters served using mechanism that resembles biological evolution. In computer vision, they are used to find an object, a certain class, in a static image or video stream. For each image, various key features are extracted as borders, lines, and central elements.
They are used to build a statistical model, which is then used to search for an object in the image. An example of using this operation is an algorithm for recognizing faces and eyes in a video stream. By gradually training the algorithm, one can achieve higher results of finding a given class of objects.
However, the need for training makes the use of genetic algorithms quite problematic. A significant number of different images, both good or bad, are required to perform well, and the time to build a classifier for each object can take a long time.
Feature detection. The concept of feature detection is computer vision refers to methods aimed at cultivating image abstraction and identifying key features in an image. These features can be either in the form of isolated points, curves, or connected areas. There is no clear definition of what a key image feature is.
Each algorithm understands differently, as corners, edges, regions, and others. Most often algorithms that search and compare images by key points are used to find markers. A key point is a certain area of the image that is characteristic of a given image.
What exactly is taken as this point depends on the algorithm, so three components are used to find them and compare them. The first one, feature detector, which searches for key points in the image.
Matcher, which builds correspondences between two sets of points. First, the detector searches for key points in the template image. Subdated points are described using a descriptor. This information is stored in a separate file for a database, so that this process does not have to be repeated.
But when processing a video stream for search for a given pattern, the described process is performed for each frame, except for saving data. A matcher is used to establish a correspondence between key points and descriptors. It is natural to assume that different algorithms work with different speed and efficiency.
When using them to build augmented reality, it is necessary to use only those that show a high speed of operation with a scientifically high quality of tracking the position of key points. Otherwise, we may get noticeable lags in the captured video that, to increase the speed of feature point
detection algorithms, various methods of filtering points are used to minimalize their number and eliminate very bad combinations. This way, not only can the speed of the algorithm be increased, but also the quality of a marker tracking can be improved.
As mentioned before, there are two main principles of building augmented reality. 1. Marker-based and based on the user's location coordinates Markerless technologies are most often used in mobile devices and are built with the help of special sensors. Accelerator, gyroscope, magnetometer, and GPS receiver.
A marker is an object located in the surrounding space, which is detected and analyzed by special software for further reproduction of virtual objects. Based on the information about the marker's position in space, the program can accurately project a virtual object into it, which will achieve the effect of its physical presence in the surrounding space.
By using additional breath filters and high-quality models, the virtual object can become almost real and difficult to distinguish from other interior or exterior elements. But most often, the marker is a piece of paper with a special image on it.
The type of image can vary quite a bit and depends on image recognition algorithms. In general, there are quite a few markers. They can be simple geometric shapes, a circle or square, an object in the form of rectangle, parallelepiped, and even people's eyes and faces.
Devices capable of creating augmented reality can be divided into following groups. Mobile devices, which includes tablets, smartphones, augmented reality glasses, and augmented reality lenses. Specialized software must be installed on tablets and smartphones. But these browsers can show the closest places of insurance, shops, cafes, rental
shops, service points, and others to the user's location and perform useful functions. Devices that can be used to implement AR. Our augmented reality glasses are a separate, full-fledged device designed specifically for AR.
They are able to project the holograms and information into a real space, but they are not tied to physical objects. In fact, this is just a screen in front of our eyes. The most famous are Google Glass, business plates, epsomable, hololens, and Sony Smart eyeglass compartments.
Our augmented reality lenses are still a technology of the future. Developers are striving to turn lenses into a transparent screen containing a control system, a miniature camera, antenna, leads, and other optoelectronic components. In particular, Samsung has already filled a patient for smart control lenses, and Google is also working in this direction.
However, such devices will enter the market not earlier than 5 to 10 years. Next group is stationary devices, which are also existing. This can be a television, a computer screen, or a connected tape gaming computer.
The TV screen displays an already augmented image. This is specifically common during football and hockey matches. While a computer can use Google Maps and satellite modes when street names and landmarks are superimposed on a satellite image. Sometimes, white screens are used as well as projection systems and can overlay images, not only on screens, but also on any surface.
In the page of mandatory systems in boutiques is shown special devices, and this include, for example, specialized helmets for military pilots. The helmet glass displays important information necessary for the pilot, and he can perceive it without looking at the dashboard. Thereby saving precious seconds.
The protective glass of a smart helmet can display spin, road, text messages, and much more. A similar technology is used to display information on a car by a child. Usage of augmented reality in industry. Augmented reality technologies have found active use in industry.
In addition to being used on training stands and industrial manipulators, air technology is used in the manufacturing process. For example, Boeing has been looking for a system over the past 20 years that can reduce the time it takes to produce cable harness and eliminate errors in the manufacturing. Aircraft onboard systems contain many components that are interconnected by wires and cables.
The total length in a Boeing is 747, for example, is 2250 km. The wires are laid and connected according to a special template. The investing into harnesses and connectors are installed at the ends of the cables.
This work is time consuming and fraught with errors. But in early 2014, the company implemented augmented reality solution on the Google Glass Glasses platform. By implementing air technology, it was able to reduce production time by 25% and reduce errors by 50%.
PBAI-TV and MIMI-PB portable visual facilitators designed specifically for engineers and IT specialists scan equipment and identify errors or faults that need to be fixed. The problem indicators where a damaged connector or connected cord is located. Another common application of augmented reality is GPS navigation.
Augmented reality has been used in GPS navigation technology in a way such as its driver needs to not keep looking at his maps for direction, but will be guided with a virtual pass on a smartphone. For example, a AirGPS compass map instructing augmented reality is art culture is a new hope for managing the challenge of more meaningful demand.
Augmented reality is art culture plays an important role in the field work with checking and detecting pests or insects. In addition, it also determines the properties of the soil and the crops that should be sown in a particular plot or plant.
Augmented reality helps to understand the condition of crops by simply looking at the app. Of course, for an expert assessment, additional sensors that measure soil and air, moisturize, and temperature and authentication need to be used. However, adding this information will help improve the quality of art culture production.
Also, when performing complex surgeries, the use of augmented reality can help a doctor receive operational information on the screen or glasses without distraction. Also, given the peculiarities of the brain, augmented reality technology can be used to treat psychological disease. That was an example of augmented reality in medicine.
Now we will talk about augmented reality in the teaching process, because the use of augmented reality allows students to develop new skills and make learning more cognitive and productive, introduce processes that are impossible or difficult to present in the laboratory, and helping to familiarize students with the complex equipment by working on simulators or model explanations.
Augmented reality in the entertainment industry in computer games. One of the most famous examples of the growth of the mobile AR market is the Pokemon Go, a location-based mobile AR game. These are not all areas covered by augmented reality, but is increasingly used in marketing, in
particular in street marketing, when a large screen with AR is placed in a crowded place. Fashion, social media, press, tourism, and museums, the list of AR applications is constantly growing. So let's consider the process of project creation and practice. It is possible to create your own augmented reality project without having deep knowledge in the programming.
For this purpose, you can use the Adobe AR program. The advantage of this product is that it is free for registered Adobe users, and you can also create an Adobe AR using tablets or computers. The only limitation is that you can only reproduce the finished project using devices with the iOS operating system.
But to create a project on PC, you could install Airo from the official Adobe website and authorize. Then, in the Adobe program, select S3D and augmented reality section. Then the list of the products, Airo, and on the screen, select Try the better version for PC. In the menu, you can choose to create a new project from scratch.
Use one of the predefined templates or open an existing project. When you open a project, you see a workspace, a menu for selecting various elements, a control menu, and a parameter setting menu. The center point in the board is the entry point. It can be either horizontal or vertical.
In our case, it will be horizontal. Let's start working with the project then. From the list of objects that exist in the application, select, for example, a motorcycle. The object appears in the center of the workspace and then, as the most graphic models are editors, it is possible to control the object. You can move the element with the mouse and set the offset parameters in the control panel.
It is also possible to change the rotation and the scaling parameters. And separately, it should be noted that it is possible to change the dimensions of element itself while maintaining the proportions. Then, in the parameters, the lock must be closed. It is also possible to change the parameters at your description.
For example, a motorcycle is changed along the X axis. To do this, open the lock and the parameter size and scale and change the scale factor on a separate axis. In our case, the X axis is set to 5, so the motorcycle has changed along only one axis. Since we are working in a desktop version, need to monitor the felt marker parameters so that
when the project is rendered after launch, it is possible to compare the dimensions in the real world. Further, you can also add animation to objects. For example, you can set motion parameters and sound effects. To do this, you go to the behavior builder menu, you select the element for which we will set the motion parameters.
And since we have only one element in our project so far, it is selected automatically. But first of all, select the option to start the element's movement. It can be started when you open the project, when you click on the element itself, or other parameters, as proximity exit or proximity enter.
So let's choose the starting part of the motorcycle at the start of the project. Next, we can set various motion parameters. If this is an element from the database, then it can have a predefined animation. For example, our motorcycle has an animation. You can see how the project will work by clicking the preview, and you can change the parameters of a given animation.
For example, you can set the number of repetitions, set the time for the animation to run or make it end less, then change the speed of the animation and other parameters. Let's set the number of repetitions to 4. Since in the given animation the motorcycle is moving on a spot, we add movement on a horizontal surface.
The movement can be set either sequentially or in parallel with the previous parameters. You can also set the movement along a straight line for a specified distance in parallel with the animation. It will also move along at the Z axis, not the project axis. Like 1 meter, the speed of movement is also set.
You can also add the sound of the motorcycle. To do this, add an audio file to the folder with the project allocator, and then add it in parallel with the previous parameters. Then, when you play the project, the movement will be accompanied by the sound. Just left to add one more element, a balloon.
The movement of this object will be made on an orbit. The center of this orbit is possible to set the camera or any element. Our balloon will move along the special field orbit around the motorcycle, set a displacement relative to the center of the object, and the height at which the balloon is located, the speed of rotation, and the number of repetitions.
For a more realistic reproduction of the movement, we will also add a specified animation for this object. It will be executed in the finished. As a result, we get the following picture. Once the project is complete, you will need to publish it, so that other people can view it using the Adobe IRE platform on their devices.
To do this, select Share, then create a link. You will get different options than publish the project as a standalone file or export it in a format compatible with other programs and platforms. So we created the first albumint reality project with Yo, where we get acquainted with the main features of the Adobe IRE software product.
Adobe IRE also lets you add a variety of 2D and 3D objects created in other software environments, as long as they can be saved in Adobe IRE-supported formats. Those projects can help in educational process, as well as in production of maintenance of technical facilities,
or as a practical guide for assembling cabinet furniture. For example, let's create a new project and upload a 3D model of a B&B engine. We will configure the parameters, save the project, and get the QR codes for further viewing and albumint reality. Thank you for your attention. I wish you creative inspiration and success. See you next time.