Pull Request your government
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Identifikatoren | 10.5446/67237 (DOI) | |
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FOSS Backstage 20229 / 39
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Yeah, again, hello and welcome to my talk, Pull Request Your Government. And thank you for having me and us as a city lab at the FOSS Backstage today, it's a pleasure.
So the talk is about how the CityLab Berlin helps the city government become more innovative and resilient through the use of open source software and agile methods. As I said before, my name is Ingo Hinterding and I am the product lead at the CityLab Berlin.
So for those who don't live in Berlin and have no idea what is the CityLab, so what is the CityLab actually? We are the innovation lab of Berlin, which means that we develop open source prototypes
for the civic society and the public administration. And we are a nonprofit organization of the Technologie Stiftung Berlin, very German word. And we are funded by the Berlin Senate Chancellery.
And here on this photo that I'm showing you, this is us in front of our lovely lab at the former Templehof Airport, a really, really nice building. So at the CityLab, we follow the rule, public money, public code.
But actually our developers are only a small part of our team and we do so much more like participation workshops and meetups for the civic society and service design, UX and UI design and prototyping ideas
for the administration. And we host open source services and produce a lot of content in the form of podcasts, videos, or articles. For example, on the topic of the Berlin Smart City Strategy.
Everything we develop is open source and whenever possible, we use and share open data. So overall, one could say that we support the administration,
transition their processes and services to match the requirements of a modern digital city. And this applies to the use of open source software, but also the need to become more agile when dealing with software development.
And since this is quite a unique position we are in, I'd like to focus on this today and give you some insight. So this conference is probably the last place
where I would need to explain what a pull request is, but for those who are not into software development, pull requests are basically code submissions to a software project. They intend to improve the current status of a software.
And in this presentation, we look at the current situation of open source software for the Berlin administration. And ways to improve the process of procuring custom open source software.
And since everything we develop at the city lab for the Berlin administration is open source, let me start by presenting you four brief project examples and why you can submit your own pull requests to them and why you should present your own pull requests to them.
So the first project I'd like to talk about is called Berlin Open Source, which is a repository of open source projects funded by or developed for Berlin's public administration.
And you will find many of our own projects there, but some other very cool ones as well. And to be honest, right now, the list is still short and there should be many more open projects, open source projects there. So I invite you to check it out
and maybe add projects that fit the criteria and might be missing from the list. We would really love to see this turn into the best knowledge base of Berlin's open source landscape.
The next project I'd like to talk about is Geistenkietz, which can be translated loosely as water your hood. This website displays over 700,000 of Berlin's public trees on a map
and gives detailed information about their type, their age, and most of all, their water consumption needs. Berlin's trees suffer during the hot months of summer, especially the younger ones, by the way.
And this is obviously further accelerated by climate change. But the citizen of Berlin have a lovely tradition of watering the trees in front of the houses on hot days. So join the community and adopt one or more trees
and help water them. And you can support the project by adding or requesting new features or deploy the project for your own city. Leipzig, for example, has done this very successfully
with Leipzig Geist and has since then helped us a lot with the project. Just recently, we launched the new beta of Statpuls or CityPulse, which is our new free and open platform
for Internet of Things sensor data in Berlin. We think sensor data is a great way to understand and explain our city. And with Statpuls, we want to make this information
available to developers as well as city planners or scientific researchers or maybe school projects. And in addition, our Statpuls stories is a format where we invite you to tell your own data-driven story
with sensor data and share it with others easily. You can pull request this project with features or bug fixes, always one of my favorites, so thanks in advance.
Or new translations, currently the website is only available in German language and we'd like to change that. Or you could update the documentation at your personal product description or project descriptions and much more.
The last project I like to mention is Digitalfe Eind, which is aimed towards nonprofit organizations, as well as the local soccer club or other social initiatives. The website informs about free open source software tools like video conferencing, chat or file hosting
and offers several hosted open source services for free. We do workshops and these workshops have been attended by over 400 people so far. And roughly 200 organizations have registered
and use our free open source services. Your pull request could extend our curated list of software tools and if you provide free open source tools or services yourself, please get in touch with me
so that I can add them to the list and let others be aware of your offer. So these were just a few of many more open source projects of the administration that you could improve with your pull requests.
The next part of the presentation looks at the current struggle the administration has with open source software, both typical and special to the situation the employees of public administrations find themselves in.
Of course, the usual misconceptions about open source software apply here as well. Like for example, that the free and false implies that the software or service doesn't cost anything. That is not always true.
While it might be free to use, one would need to pay for let's say technical support or hosting. And of course, open source software isn't inherently less secure or of lower quality than propriety software.
These are basically mostly myths and these misconceptions don't exactly help promote open source software but there are even bigger challenges that we need to consider. For employees of the public administration,
it is sometimes challenging to even realize that open source alternatives to their commercial counterpart exist and could actually be considered. And it's not only about if, for example, Linux should be used instead of Microsoft Windows
or if OpenOffice is as good as Word or Excel. It is crucial that open source needs to be understood as the default, the standard for new procurements
and that it's not sufficient anymore to think of software as something that can be bought once at a fixed price and then be used without the need to change
and to adapt to new requirements. I know I'm generalizing a bit. Of course, this greatly depends on the knowledge and commitment of the individuals working in the administration but I think it's true more often than not. So what we need is a fundamental mindset shift
when it comes to the procurement of custom-made software and why open source and agile ownership is so important. So let's look at the process of software procurement.
Again, this is overly simplified and exceptions exist but this is the general approach when the administration needs new software. First, the need for a software is identified
and the requirements are written down in a very detailed document which in German is called the Lastenhaft. A public tender offer follows, here the German word is Auschreibung with commercial companies making offers.
The cheapest but still reasonable offer usually wins the contract and the software is then deployed based on the documentation developed, I'm sorry, developed based on the documentation. After the agreed development period,
the software is rolled out, employees will get training, documentation and workshops and after that can productively use the new software. Happy end. So what could possibly go wrong? Well, a scary lot can go wrong actually.
There might be a lack of market research to begin with which excludes existing solutions on the market to be considered as a quick win. The lack of technical expertise and insufficient internal user feedback
leads to either unspecific or even over specific requirements that have very little room for adjustment. The complicated documentation scares away small and medium businesses and therefore mostly the bigger companies on the market
accept the risk which doesn't exactly bring the prices down. So the administration doesn't understand the need to play an active role in the process of software development.
After all, they might argue they have done their part by writing the documentation, right? As a result, development takes up much more time and exceeds the initial budget and ultimately the software is behind schedule, behind expectations and in some worst cases,
even dysfunctional and outdated right before this use for the first time. So what can be done about it? The CityLab has become a valuable partner for the Berlin administration.
We support the procurement of new software or the transition to digital processes by looking at the problem from a service design perspective first. That means that we ask questions like, who are the persons that should be involved in the process
and what are their current pain points and who else is using the software and in which context and how might the current process be improved on? We apply service design methods like expert interviews
or user shadowing and get a much better idea of the initial problem. For example, here on the picture, you can see a workshop where seven out of the 12 Berlin districts participated. That day, they have met for the first time
and were excited to share their individual problems and insights. This, by the way, is important to point out. The employees in the public administrations are really motivated to improve and digitize the processes and they are thankful
if maybe a bit skeptical at first for any help offered. They are happy that people are actually listening. And after all, they use the same iPads, iPhones or other modern hard and software at home
that we all do. They have kids who play Minecraft too. They know what modern software looks like. They just don't get to use it in their work environment. So moving on, our Ideation and Prototyping department develops ideas on how to solve the given challenges
in a lean and user-centered way. We create paper prototypes, mock-ups and sketches. We create click dummies or even working software prototypes. Most important, we get feedback from our stakeholders continuously,
for example, in the form of user testing. The deliverables of each project can vary a lot. It very much depends on each use case. Here, for example, you can see our documentation
for a digital micro process. The German word for it is ITkleinstfafahren. Being an innovation lab with a small development team, we can only support the administration until the end of the prototyping phase.
Because in addition to our lack of resources, we would not even be allowed to develop and maintain software that would be used productively in the administration. But these prototypes and the easy to understand documentation, including detailed user test results,
greatly help both the administration when preparing their public tender offer and the software companies in understanding the task to be solved. But these are only the first steps on the journey.
It is critical for the administration to adopt a more agile mindset and take ownership during the development of open source software. The prerequisite for this to happen is to train and practice agile methods
and empower employees to become what I would call public product owners. They need to dedicate time and commitment to participate in short feedback cycles during development from the first MVP
to the final release. And while this initially takes up significantly more time than usual, it ultimately saves a lot of time and also money and frustration as the risk of failure is greatly reduced.
So software development would start with a minimum viable product and give public product owners almost instant results on what to iterate on further. As a result, the new software service would become more modular and better integrated
into the existing infrastructure. And as a positive side effect, the new software is almost guaranteed to be easier to maintain and extend. And the agile approach would make it less risky
for smaller businesses to provide their services. For all this to work, public product owners would not need to become technical experts, but gaining experience in that area is almost a given when working more agile with the software companies.
And this is valuable knowledge to build up inside the administration. So how to pull request our government after all? Well, simply put, we should show the administration
how open source software can immensely, can help immensely solve their problems and fulfill their needs and how it can be done in an agile, collaborative and supporting way. Developers could pull request fresh ideas
by creating open source solutions that help the administration or the civic society. You may start by browsing the open data website of Berlin, looking for interesting data resources.
That is actually how we came up with Giesing Kietz. We found this amazing data set of hundreds of thousands of trees mapped to locations in Berlin. Or you scratch your own edge and find a software solution to a problem
others might have too. Then present your ideas to the Senate administration or a citizen office. They might be very interested in projects that help them provide a better service to the public.
And finally, get in touch with the CityLab and get some useful feedback. We might be able to open the door for you when you're looking for the right person to talk to. We would really love to hear from you.
As for the CityLab Berlin, we will continue to build open source prototypes for the civic society and the public administration. And we will support them in their transition to a more agile workflow.
If you are working in public administration and you are interested in learning methods, how to become more agile and innovative, check out our free handbook, Uffentliches Gestalten, which provides useful exercises and practical examples that we find very helpful in our daily work.
It can be ordered for free or downloaded from our website. That's it from me. I'd be happy to hear from you and your ideas on how to pull request your government.
Thank you very much.