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South American precipitation and SASM variability during the Common Era

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South American precipitation and SASM variability during the Common Era
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

Paleoclimatological field reconstructions are valuable for understanding hydroclimatic variability. While being similarly impactful on societies as temperature variability, hydroclimatic variability has still remained less in focus. However, reconstructing globally complete fields of climate variables lacks adequate proxy data from tropical regions like South America, limiting our understanding of past hydroclimatic changes in these areas. This study addresses this gap using low resolution climate archives, including speleothems, previously omitted from reconstructions. Speleothems record climate variations on decadal to centennial time scales and provide a rich dataset for the otherwise proxy data scarce region of tropical South America. By employing a multi-time scale Paleoclimate Data Assimilation approach, we synthesize climate proxy records and climate model simulations, capable of simulating water isotopologues in the atmosphere, to reconstruct 2000 years of South American climate. This includes surface air temperature, precipitation amount, drought index, isotopic composition of precipitation amount, and the intensity of the South American Summer Monsoon. The reconstruction reveals anomalous climate periods: a wetter and colder phase during the Little Ice Age ($\sim$1500 - 1850 CE) and a drier, warmer period corresponding to the early Medieval Climate Anomaly ($\sim$600 - 900 CE). However, these patterns are not uniform across the continent, with exceptions in northeastern Brazil and the Southern Cone, indicating regional variability. The anomalies are more pronounced than in previous reconstructions, but align with local proxy record studies, thus highlighting the importance of including speleothem proxies. The multi-timescale approach is essential for reconstructing multi-decadal and centennial climate variability. Despite methodological uncertainties regarding climate model biases and proxy record interpretations, this study marks a crucial first step in incorporating speleothems into climate field reconstructions, potentially enhancing insights into past hydroclimatic variability and hydroclimate projections.