The code of conduct has been broken. Now what?
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FOSS Backstage 202312 / 38
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Thank you all for being here. I know everyone is super exhausted, so Taking that big breath and a little stretch before beginning and really thank you for staying around and sharing your time So this topic came up to my life for
Dealing our community and And being a community organizer And I do have to first before starting actually acknowledge how brave Foz backstage it is to accepting this talk because it can be a quite of a delicate subject, so really thank you for the opportunity to share those thoughts with you and
When I created this talk it was because I do I did feel so unprepared when that happened to my community and This is a perspective from a community organizer to help you When you become in my position to have some tools at hand to deal with that
Or some sort of like a toolbox or essential tools to deal with what the heck do you actually can do when the code of Conduct, it's broken This is me. So I am Paloma Liviera. I have been involved with open source for quite a while a lot in South South America and here in Berlin now and
I am one of the organizers of pilot is Berlin which is a volunteer based community it is all around the world, but we have this chapter in Berlin and My full-time job is at source labs. I am a Developer relations and taking care specifically of open source communities
And that means that I'm thinking about communities all the time so my free time that pi ladies were mentoring a follow-up or I'm working full-time of that and Understanding and taking care of the communities for them to feel safe. It's always in my head And just so I can understand you around could you do some
raising hands of signaling if have you yourself ever got involved into some organization of an event or a community Are You yourself a community organizer and
Do you have you ever you who organized those stuff? Have you actually been prepared to do that? Have you been prepared to deal with human nature in those events?
You were interested in don't have to talk to you to understand the human condition So the code of conduct that today it's a very everyone knows everyone hears is there in the the wall It's written they are all around I believe there is no event that can exist nowadays and or community that can do not have a code of conduct
That's pretty standard and I want to acknowledge that that started around 2009 when someone very brave that it's Caroline Ada and I Sorry, I don't know you in person I'm sorry if I say your name wrongly all the time but I want to acknowledge that this person started this project called code covenant after
interacting a lot with autonomous communities that thought there was the best way to deal with humans like let's be autonomous and free and It's being understood today for several reasons that's not quite and this is why the code covenant which today would mainly call code of conduct was born and It was kind of created to be a safer card, but and I do like the metaphor just like the airplanes
Safer instructions who actually reads all of the code of conduct in the event they go Interesting. There is some bands. I want to acknowledge for the ones that's not here that there are some hands
Mostly there take it for granted because we believe we know where the exits are though They're always there in the back. I don't care or And we believe that we know the code of conduct as well. They are all the same. Are they really? What do they say? They are meant to create and to foster our safe environments
But mostly to protect the ones who feel uncomfortable and in open source This is a great conference not the case all the time There when a code of conduct It's there to feel the ones that are there and are feeling uncomfortable because they're being represented for people
That do not represent them. They have we have to find a way to make them feel comfortable. This is why it exists and What he has to count what what do we need there? Well, basically it's a rule to say well something happened how can it happen and we think about that as a manual that it's super clear and like a
Scandinavian style beautiful pieces very easily got together and this is what we ended up with. It can be fairly complicated because this common agreement on this rule how clear is actually that and When we start reading the code of conduct, there are some things that they do look very nice on the paper
But we're humans and the Misunderstanding is that most of the time if you're in the communities you see or probably live there They are in between the lines. They are not so clear that you actually know how to deal with and
The one thing that to me particularly strikes is when me a non-prepared Volunteer person dealing with an organization. I read that it's my responsibility as an organizer to enforce The code of conduct that I do not fully understand That freaks me out one because of the force
Obviously, I do not have that even if I want to But it does bothers me somehow like which tools do I actually have to enforce it? This is not a law I cannot call some number or authority that would do something. I am the organizer I have to deal with So thinking about that those are my tips for you and I don't know if that's a karma or not
This is like a third time I try to give this talk and every time I do give the talk something happened and I sum up incidents to the talk So those are one of the takeaways and those were the first ones we find out really fast first of them
When you're in the position of organizer we tend to really take the responsibility and feel like it's my responsibility for my community to feel safe and try to impersonate kind of the hero and I've seen that happening. Please don't do that yourself. Don't put yourself as target
Do not act impulsively and try to solve it right away trust that this is a Community thing and you are not alone to do it. So the most important thing do not put yourself as a target Things can scale up very fast and you won't be able to stop a hurricane
So avoid making any kind of decisions alone and with your front face on it Be behind the wall of the community The second thing is having those clear processes and if you don't know what is a clear process or how Canada look like There's this great
guideline Made by Mozilla that kind of guide you exactly what happened So if something happened you send an email and that email should contain dead and dead with a date So it's a clear process that also happens if you felt hurt in some event or some Whatever you're organizing, you know who to reach out to and which will be the steps that is gonna happen
and that has a lot to do with a Don was speaking today about how do you feel or no work or Claire in the morning saying that will Slow down a lot all the anxiety and the pressure because you know what has to happen The third thing is if this is a community instead of just
Downloading and duplicating the code of conduct Try to actually write it down and take the time to write it with the language your community actually understand Try to create it together that can be quite complicated especially for communities too large
But it is something that ideally will make sense. So instead you're having a 100 lines of possible things right three, but they are clear that this is a Agreement and it does make sense for your community Fourth seek for help. You don't need to have all the answers and nor all the
perspectives when the first time something happened to our community I seek help for Elliot that they and Which is a gender major studies and she brought a lot of Restorative justice perspective to our community and that was quite important when we were like really?
I don't know what to do. This situation happened. You scaled up quite quickly This organizer became a full target being managed to several things. We don't know what to do How how do you do that? And the first and Elliot brought many tips some of them I will put it in the
Resources guide to help broaden our perspective and going out of this really corridor. We feel trapped in and The fifth it is to consider instead of a punishment or traditional justice try to open your mind to seek restorative justice and What is that? Well mainly?
Understanding that we are society and besides of your community We are dealing with systemic issues and that will of course affect our society So this is a big Resume what I've just said Responsibility is to be shared with the community
Be transparent about a process build together this code of conduct, which is this general agreement seek for help and Respect anonymity. I skip that part when you seek for help you don't do Names and describe the person you try to keep the anonymity. That's super important both
For the victim or the person who fell hurt, but also who the person is being accused of something part of the scaling up can be for the accused to feel so threatened that it comes a Very possibly scaling up situation So ask for help
But preserve anonymity and also the person who fell hurt probably do not want to relieve that all the time And you have to respect that and the fifth You Always assume that restorative justice is about assuming the best intentions of people all the time Sometimes this is very hard. Sometimes you really feel frustrated and you're like, oh
So mad with that breathe in assume it was the best remember we live under a culture of systemic many injustice but Always privilege and protect the ones who fell hurt It doesn't matter your opinion your bias and everyone has it done
protect the one who feels hurt before and I'm talking about there's a weird word called a resortive justice and it seems interesting But what is that right? It is kind of a framework That is concerned in healing the victims ones. This is why Putting this person who fell hurt in front is the most important part
It gives a chance to repair the harms that was done to this person that has a voice in doing so and how to repairing and It does provides the opportunity for us to grow as a community It is not so simple and it's hard because you have to have the whole framework
it's not just like a downloaded account of conduct, but it can bring a lot of benefits and What is key is this Helps accountability, maybe accountability is the best word to define all of this framework besides of the safety and support
This is a little comparison. That is super simple and easy to find image So when we seek the traditional justice, it's like oh my god, it has broken You change that question to which kind of harm has been done
You go out of the thought of it's it's broken What who who broke it and pointing the finger and you go to to the thought of? What are the needs? What do they need what to understand what happened and you go out of what kind of punishment?
punishment we need to do to go to the idea of how can we repair this harm and One example, this is applied. This has been applied in schools a lot and in these examples There's like a zero tolerance policy that you go through
something happened So you put a metal detector and a police search and Then the teachers go to the class you point the finger this person becomes the evil like a good and bad is a thing for sure and then well the the school
detains this person goes to a Juvenile or some punishment system and it's done. You're out of society and when you apply the other framework You're like, okay Something happened someone felt hurt Let's talk about it and understand why that happened why this person did what it did this person knew
What was doing? Let's put those people together with some mediator and understand it so the person who heard someone can listen the person who was heard it and Understand the harm it did because most of the time I believe people do not know they are doing harm
At the end you grow as a society and you have people Integrated there will probably become the voice for the ones to stop this from happening Like okay great, but how the heck do apply that to my community when I'm doing that in volunteer based time and I was not prepared to deal with human nature at all and
All of the things are really in between the lines. They are in a very opaque scale So this is what we have done and when After Going through something trying to open our heads to understand. How can we listen and held accountability?
Those are some things we learned Always assume people's best intentions instead of putting yourself in front putting the finger and say let's Beaten this person to come into this place because that was the first one send an email say you're forbidden to come We're just assumed the best intention
Not signing up the name signing up as a community, you know, it was not Paloma signing was the community assigning We left very clear Instead of saying you did this that date You changed the speech to this person fell hurt on that date and that and then you use your code of conduct
That means that a code of conduct code of conduct has been broken in this line So this is why we're opening and leaving a space for reply if this person wants But we need time to heal so we ask you to kindly
Please don't come in the next event because this person will be there This person is hurt but we're open to talk or we don't need to you don't actually have to be open to talk because that it's also a Lot of time consuming for you on top of your regular job and on your top of your own personal Necessities and your community necessities but time to you. It's quite important
But we're also Acknowledging this is a systemic issue. We created or start to creating a whole of self educating material It's not I don't have the time or the possibility to educate everyone about some things and But I can offer a lot of materials so the person can itself try to search for something that it fits
And then this is a list of resources You can have a bunch of resources and this is where you can find the slides and I believe that's what I had to share. I thank you a lot for coming and sharing your time. So thanks Paloma
Thanks a lot. Are there any questions in the audience? I Don't think I have any online questions
Yeah, have a question about what happens before code of conduct is applied I have a friend who actually tried to resolve a massive issue Before using the code of conduct by relying on individual community leaders and asking them to mediate
So what do you think is the good practice or is the bad practice? To not have a code of conduct or to have no there is a code of conduct in that particular community But that person decided that it would be better before applying Public code of conduct and before making a lot of people suffer and probably in between the community
They decided to actually use informal process and try mediation Got it. Is it not to is it a net positive thing or is it a massive risk from your opinion? So I think you're not talking that applying the code of conduct, but a punishment
Normally a lot of conduct codes of conduct Assume that you try to mediate the issue somehow resolve it before you apply the code of conduct because otherwise Well, it's not a good personal relationship But is it a good practice in a big community or would you rather expect code of conduct to be always supplied? I
would expect And Ideally in the ideal scenario you do have a very clear understanding that if something happened there is something a reaction for some action and This is what I said about
Let it to the person who commit the harm. Let it clear Why someone got hurt and why this is hurting the code of conduct? So when this is clear You don't need to directly Do a punishment You're being beat it three times It's not like applying the punishment and trying to indeed mediate and solve
But a mediation part is what I find it tricky Because you will be the front line and the target and this is the worst So if you try to mediate don't do it alone and do it on with the community on your back This is also why I understand that you don't sign your name and you leave it right really clear like
It's different you're saying You you're wrong. You have to leave this room because you're seeing your cell phones right now And it's different you're saying that and saying hey This person didn't felt listen
because you instead of Looking to the left This harms the code of conduct. It is different. Do you know what I mean? Does it make sense? So mediation is great Because I believe you're talking about the punishment and I'm kind of a I always doubtful about enforcement of punishment
I'm very have serious issues with that but your privilege always It's better to have a plan directly clear punishment system That your community feels safe and having nothing and Always thinking about it afraid of doing something because if someone felt hurt the whole community will feel totally broken and unsafe
So it's better if you have a clear system that say if you do something wrong You won't be able to come to the event anymore. It's Awful, but better than doing nothing Make sense. Yeah, it does. Thank you
Great talk. Thank you in your experience. Have you found a difference between creating a code of conduct for an online event versus an in-person event and
Have you found longer code of contact contacts versus shorter code of conducts to be more useful Massive difference between scale. I'm not even sure about the
Online and digital but scale it's quite different when you deal with a 10 50 people community and 50,000 and especially because the 50,000 of course will be online and that means that you have like what happens in a thread In them when you have like a gazillions of talk at once and people in a non-material of the digital
That can be quite complicated and in that case as clear as possible I Think it's unfortunately necessary. It is you have less male ability for mediation and talk-to-talk about the size of it I always preferred the
Shorter ones that people will actually read it because the big ones you may think That happened. I will add to that and then it's like it's just like a broken legal system That is so fully detail that it do not have the nuances of actually human nature personal opinion
Any other questions, yeah, thank you for the talk I am really interested in hearing your thoughts a little bit more on signing things anonymously when it's dealing with the code of conduct because I
For a smaller community or a large community with a small team managing it there's only so many people that it could eventually be attributed to especially if you have certain teams or like an ombudsman or something for the community that is managing code of conduct or code of conduct violations, so
In those kinds of situations. Is there a benefit still to signing anonymously or is it better to be more Transparent and say that these are the team members or assuming that the team changes over time sometimes How would you handle it in that kind of? Situation where it's probably not too difficult to figure out who was involved in a decision
Oh, you know, who's the team because the team is often like I stayed in the website or something, but you I Cannot be more explicit because of what we lived do not sign up Paloma you sign up by ladies community, for example my community
If they know what they know who it is Some kind of human Psychology if they read Paloma you will become the directly target and if you read the community it even it is It's I am the only organizer. It still feels different because you know, it's not personal It's not like a me fighting you But you're in behind a whole community that I say I'm protecting this community in the name of being the responsible for it
It changes so it's good to be explicit and they know I think it's always transparencies Always the best way to go but don't sign specific names Okay, thanks follow whatever so really great, thank you