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The Role of Open Source for an Interoperable Europe

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The Role of Open Source for an Interoperable Europe
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

The European Commission’s Open Source Observatory (OSOR) Team will present the Interoperable Europe Act (IEA) and its implications for the free and open source software ecosystem. The Act, which the European Commission adopted as a proposal for a regulation in November 2022, aims to reinforce the cross-border interoperability of the public sector in the EU. Practically, it aims to facilitate “the co-creation of an ecosystem of interoperability solutions across the EU”. This talk will mainly present two aspects. First, the governance structure, in which the Interoperable Europe Board and the Interoperable Europe Community will work together to implement the Act’s provisions. The free and open source software community will have a role in this governance structure, so input will be needed on how interoperability policy can benefit free and open source software. Second, the OSOR Team will present the Act’s article 4, "Share and reuse of interoperability solutions", as well as a brief look at the IE portal, the IE agenda, the interoperability assessment and regulatory sandboxes. The attendees will also have the opportunity to learn more about the OSOR platform’s offer and how OSOR will be helping national and local governments with free and open source software strategies in 2023.