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Revolutionizing Solar Potential Assessments in Kosovo

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Revolutionizing Solar Potential Assessments in Kosovo
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

FOSS4G 2023 Prizren Imagine a future where entire communities can harness the power of the sun to fuel their homes and businesses, reducing their dependence on traditional energy sources and helping to build a more sustainable world. In this keynote, you will witness a groundbreaking project that is making this vision a reality in Kosovo, using the latest geospatial technology. Through the USAID funded Kosovo Energy Security of Supply (KESS) activity, DT global is working to promote sustainable energy solutions in Kosovo. A partnership between DT Global and DevGlobal, are leveraging the power of drones, GIS software, and open-source machine learning models to revolutionize the way we evaluate the solar potential of individual structures. By accurately delineating the boundaries of rooftops using drone imagery, we can then apply cutting-edge photogrammetry analytics to determine the optimal placement of solar panels. But we're not stopping there. By training the Ramp* open buildings model to successfully identify and delineate rooftops in Kosovo, using data obtained from the Kosovo Cadastral Agency's 2023 high-resolution aerial survey campaign, we are laying the groundwork for a national-level approach to mapping building footprints that can be utilized for a range of applications beyond evaluating rooftop solar potential.