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Validating the European Ground Motion Service: An Assessment of Measurement Point Density

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Validating the European Ground Motion Service: An Assessment of Measurement Point Density
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

The European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) is a pioneering project that employs high-resolution ground deformation monitoring using Copernicus Sentinel-1 radar images. It's the first initiative of its kind and offers valuable insights into geohazards and human-induced deformations. This project aims to validate the EGMS product's spatial coverage and density of measurement points across twelve diverse sites in Europe, representing various regions and data processing entities. The validation process evaluates usability criteria such as completeness, consistency, and pointwise quality measures. Ensuring completeness and consistency is crucial for effective use, requiring alignment between data gaps and land cover classes susceptible to landscape variations. Pointwise quality measures, like temporal coherence and root-mean-square error, are essential in assessing the quality of EGMS PSI results. The validation includes twelve selected sites representing different regions, rural and urban areas, and various processing entities, using the Copernicus Land – Urban Atlas 2018 dataset. With 27 different land cover classes defined in Urban Atlas, the results are aggregated and presented for key categories like Artificial Surfaces, Forest, Agricultural Areas, Wetlands, and Water Bodies. Key performance indices (KPIs) are calculated to normalize density values for each service provider, facilitating outlier detection and ensuring consistent and accurate measurements across different land cover types. In conclusion, the EGMS dataset, as an open and freely available resource, holds immense potential for various applications, including geohazard assessment, environmental monitoring, and infrastructure management, particularly when integrated with free and open-source geospatial analysis software. The validation results presented here are crutial in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the EGMS product, enabling further research and applications in geospatial analysis fields.