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Mapillary: The path to 2 billion images

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Mapillary: The path to 2 billion images
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Inhaltliche Metadaten

Mapillary is an open platform for street-level imagery and map data that began in 2013. Since then around 1.8 billion images have been contributed from around the world. Imagery has been contributed from horseback in Kyrgyzstan, boats in the canals of Amsterdam, and bicycles on the streets and trails of Sydney. As Mapillary approaches 2 billion images, we’d like to summarize the latest features, acknowledge some of the amazing contributions, and hint at some of the updates that are coming. Some of the things that we have been working on include: Desktop Uploader improvements including support for videos and popular cameras. Improvements to Mapillary Tools, command line scripts for working with and uploading geotagged imagery and video. Mobile app updates including multi-tasking, redesigns, multi-language support, and upload improvements. Camera Grant programs in the US and Europe, providing 360º cameras for people interested to map pedestrian infrastructure. Integrations with Rapid Editor, an AI powered OpenStreetMap editor which we will demo in more detail at a workshop. Updated Help Pages to make capturing, uploading, and using street-level imagery far easier. After walking through the latest Mapillary improvements, we will take a look at case studies of organizations contributing and using imagery. We’ll zoom in on an NGO, a government agency, and a commercial entity, each of which are using Mapillary in different ways. We’ll finish our talk with an exploration of upcoming Mapillary features and projects.