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Impact of Geolocation Data on Usability in Augmented Reality: A Comparative User Test

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Impact of Geolocation Data on Usability in Augmented Reality: A Comparative User Test
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This presentation discusses the development of a location-based augmented reality (AR) application for educational field trips, with a focus on addressing usability challenges and improving geolocation accuracy. Initially, a proof-of-concept AR application was created for visualizing geospatial biodiversity data, revealing the potential of AR in education but also usability issues. Three main challenges were identified: enabling non-experts to create AR experiences using open geospatial data, allowing users to publish observations in AR, and addressing the instability of points of interest (POIs). To tackle these challenges, a cartographic authoring tool was designed, leveraging open web frameworks and user-centered methodologies. This tool enables the creation of AR learning experiences by importing open geospatial data and customizing POIs with media attachments. The application offers flexibility in triggering location-based media and sharing environments publicly or for visualization only. A user test compared the use of different geolocation data types, revealing the significant impact of varying data sources on usability. Unexpectedly, combining the AR application with more accurate geolocation data did not lead to better usability, possibly due to jittering caused by RTK positioning systems. The findings emphasize the importance of geolocation data quality and its impact on the usability of location-based AR applications. The study's results will inform further research into hardware and software solutions to enhance geolocation data accuracy and usability in similar educational contexts.