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InBestSoil - Monetary valuation of soil ecosystem services and creation of initiatives to invest in soil health: setting a framework for the inclusion of soil health in business and in the policymaking process

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InBestSoil - Monetary valuation of soil ecosystem services and creation of initiatives to invest in soil health: setting a framework for the inclusion of soil health in business and in the policymaking process
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Dr. Diego Soto Gómez (https://bidi.uvigo.es/es/investigador/diego-soto-gomez) is a postdoctoral researcher in the field of soil science, with expertise in areas such as soil physics and microbiology, tomography, image analysis and hydrology. Currently, he conducts his research at the University of Vigo (UVigo). In addition to his work as a researcher, he coordinates the European project InBestSoil (Monetary valuation of soil ecosystem services and creation of initiatives to invest in soil health: setting a framework for the inclusion of soil health in business and in the policymaking process), within the framework of the Mission Soil of the Horizon Europe program. InBestSoil (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101091099/es) is a research and innovation action funded under the call: Incentives and business models for soil health. The idea behind this project is to translate into monetary values the interventions that we make to improve the soil quality, as well as the ecosystem services provided by healthy soils. The project is going to be developed around nine case studies spread across Europe: three living labs and six lighthouses. For the economic valuation, we will combine Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). On the one hand, the LCA is going to focus on the positive and negative impacts of producing healthy soils, i.e., the interventions used to improve soils. The results of the LCA will be one of the inputs to the CBA. For the CBA, the costs and benefits derived from ecosystem services will also be considered. And this valuation of ecosystem services will be made considering market values calculated directly; and non-market values, which will be determined through preference methods (contingent valuation or choice experiment) and benefit transfer methodologies.