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Tackling document collaboration challenges in 2023


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Tackling document collaboration challenges in 2023
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Several years of pandemic spread influenced every branch. Document collaboration is no exception in this case. Lots of teams face certain difficulties: some users want to stay in home office and work remotely despite it’s now possible to get back to real office. Therefore, lots of groups became even more distributed. To ensure effective teamwork in the current conditions, it’s important to choose right tools. In our session: - We’ll present an open-source project ONLYOFFICE and all the novelties over the year since last FOSDEM. - We’ll tell you how to organize efficient and secure document collaboration for any team using open-source software.
Kollaboration <Informatik>Kollaboration <Informatik>AusnahmebehandlungDemoszene <Programmierung>Rationale ZahlGeradeAdditionTelekommunikationInhalt <Mathematik>Coxeter-Gruppe
Mixed RealityOffice-PaketKollaboration <Informatik>Rechter WinkelSoundverarbeitungGruppenoperationCASE <Informatik>AusnahmebehandlungSelbst organisierendes SystemSummengleichungGeradeRationale ZahlTopologieRoutingKraftComputeranimation
BenutzerfreundlichkeitComputersicherheitKollaboration <Informatik>SpeicherabzugDateiformatOpen SourceVersionsverwaltungRichtungTexteditorProzess <Informatik>Einfache GenauigkeitUmsetzung <Informatik>ComputersicherheitBenutzerfreundlichkeitZahlenbereichSpeicherabzugKollaboration <Informatik>Office-PaketBildschirmmaskeOpen SourceProjektive EbeneRechenschieberCodeSoundverarbeitungCybersexKoordinatenVersionsverwaltungDichte <Stochastik>Service providerProgrammierumgebungFokalpunktIntegralTopologieEinfach zusammenhängender RaumMedianwertArithmetisches MittelTwitter <Softwareplattform>Computeranimation
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DatensichtgerätWeg <Topologie>TropfenSpezialrechnerPlastikkarteDatenfeldAdressraumCodeZahlenbereichE-MailKomplex <Algebra>FlächeninhaltKollaboration <Informatik>BildschirmmaskeDigitalsignalTemplateViewerGoogolPaarvergleichVideokonferenzTabellenkalkulationPunktwolkeWeb SiteOffice-PaketBefehlsprozessorElement <Gruppentheorie>Wurm <Informatik>Konfiguration <Informatik>MinimalgradEinfügungsdämpfungBildschirmmaskeDatenfeldFunktionalDichte <Stochastik>SoundverarbeitungMultiplikationsoperatorVersionsverwaltungAdditionSichtenkonzeptKollaboration <Informatik>DatensichtgerätMathematikMultiplikationRechter WinkelDifferenteGraphfärbungFormale SprachePlastikkarteCodeEchtzeitsystemProgrammbibliothekElektronische UnterschriftKomplexe EbeneCoxeter-GruppeTypentheorieKategorie <Mathematik>TabellenkalkulationDämpfungGemeinsamer SpeicherReelle ZahlTemplateEndliche ModelltheorieEinsGleitendes MittelFormation <Mathematik>BestimmtheitsmaßGrenzschichtablösungMaßerweiterungKomplex <Algebra>Nichtlinearer OperatorDesign by ContractDifferenzkernBitrateFlächeninhaltQuaderDigitalisierungComputerspielWorkstation <Musikinstrument>E-MailComputeranimation
DatensichtgerätKollaboration <Informatik>TabellenkalkulationProgrammpaketBefehlsprozessorVideokonferenzSpeicherkarteSoftwareHardwareDienst <Informatik>VersionsverwaltungMini-DiscNP-hartes ProblemKonfigurationsraumPlastikkarteMinimumPROMPrimzahlzwillingeSpezialrechnerTabelleUnendlichkeitInformationAdressraumStrukturierte ProgrammierungAuszeichnungsspracheKonfiguration <Informatik>ATMDifferenteCoxeter-GruppeOrdnung <Mathematik>MultiplikationsoperatorSchnittmengeTrennschärfe <Statistik>VersionsverwaltungBestimmtheitsmaßGraphfärbungInteraktives FernsehenEchtzeitsystemKette <Mathematik>MAPMathematikKonfiguration <Informatik>TexteditorTabellenkalkulationModallogikATMElektronische PublikationOffice-PaketDatensichtgerätKollaboration <Informatik>Computeranimation
VLIW-ArchitekturSoundverarbeitungGeradeWeb-SeiteOrtsoperatorStandardabweichungProgrammbibliothekDesintegration <Mathematik>BenutzerfreundlichkeitZoomPhysikalisches SystemKontrast <Statistik>Interface <Schaltung>SchlussregelTexteditorTabellenkalkulationE-MailHyperlinkStellenringURLDistributionenraumSinusfunktionSchiefe WahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungHochdruckSpannweite <Stochastik>Orientierung <Mathematik>Zentrische StreckungKonfiguration <Informatik>TabelleAbfrageParametersystemRechenschieberAutokorrelationsfunktionMailing-ListeHierarchische StrukturMatrizenrechnungProzess <Informatik>Dreiecksfreier GraphPlastikkarteBildschirmfensterUnicodeNichtlineares GleichungssystemTwitter <Softwareplattform>Interface <Schaltung>BenutzerfreundlichkeitImplementierungGraphfärbungRechenbuchBus <Informatik>CursorOffice-PaketSpannweite <Stochastik>TypentheorieWeb-SeiteKonfigurationsraumCoxeter-GruppeTexteditorPhysikalisches SystemProgrammierumgebungAbfrageSkriptspracheTabellenkalkulationFontKonfiguration <Informatik>Lesen <Datenverarbeitung>HochdruckElektronische PublikationMultiplikationsoperatorGruppenoperationElementargeometrieHyperlinkShape <Informatik>ResultanteVersionsverwaltungVerschlingungRechenschieberSchnelltasteAusdruck <Logik>Nichtlineares GleichungssystemBildschirmfensterDateiformatATME-MailStellenringKontrast <Statistik>BitrateExogene VariableDigital Rights ManagementURLDialektTabelleDezimalzahlStörungstheorieTVD-VerfahrenBestimmtheitsmaßStandardabweichungSprachsyntheseTopologieGemeinsamer SpeicherMultifunktionMaßerweiterungZellularer AutomatRechenwerkComputeranimation
DateiformatMailing-ListeHierarchische StrukturMatrizenrechnungProzess <Informatik>BenutzerfreundlichkeitVersionsverwaltungBildschirmfensterUnicodeNichtlineares GleichungssystemRechenschieberStatistikDigitalisierungOvalGraphfärbungMultiplikationRadiusOffice-PaketVersionsverwaltungEinsVarietät <Mathematik>SpeicherabzugDateiformatComputeranimation
Attributierte GrammatikAbfrageTabelleDateiformatInformationZahlenbereichAdressraumBildschirmmaskeDigitalsignalTropfenPermanenteCliquenweiteZoomViewerWeb-SeiteDichte <Stochastik>VerschlingungThumbnailCursorATMHilfesystemOffene MengeMenütechnikUmsetzung <Informatik>HochdruckVersionsverwaltungCoxeter-GruppeKollaboration <Informatik>RechenschieberSpezialrechnerWurm <Informatik>CASE <Informatik>CAN-BusElektronische PublikationObjekt <Kategorie>Mechanismus-Design-TheorieVideokonferenzGemeinsamer SpeicherWort <Informatik>TouchscreenCoxeter-GruppeAudiodateiKnotenpunktWeb SiteGotcha <Informatik>PackprogrammGrenzschichtablösungAttributierte GrammatikATMDichte <Stochastik>BildschirmmaskeDateiformatTemplateSpeicherabzugOpen SourceKartesische KoordinatenAusnahmebehandlungViewerApp <Programm>VersionsverwaltungClientThumbnailSichtenkonzeptWeb-SeiteComputeranimation
IntegralPhysikalisches SystemPunktwolkeTexteditorComputeranimation
Konfluenz <Informatik>SoftwarePunktwolkeDigital Rights ManagementPunktPhysikalisches SystemKundendatenbankCodeWort <Informatik>ZählenSystemaufrufClientZahlenbereichVirtuelle RealitätInstallation <Informatik>Desintegration <Mathematik>Generator <Informatik>Einfach zusammenhängender RaumQuaderOpen SourceZellularer AutomatMAPTexteditorBeobachtungsstudieInstallation <Informatik>InformationsspeicherungApp <Programm>Automatische HandlungsplanungPunktwolkeVollständiger VerbandDigital Rights ManagementSoftwareDatenstrukturProjektive EbeneSoftwareentwicklerAdditiont-TestPunktIntegralStereometrieKollaboration <Informatik>ComputersicherheitGesetz <Physik>EinsPlug inKartesische KoordinatenVollständigkeitCanadian Mathematical SocietyOffice-PaketBildschirmmaskeSystemplattformService providerProgrammfehlerFunktionalProgrammpaketProdukt <Mathematik>Minkowski-MetrikProzess <Informatik>Computeranimation
Architektur <Informatik>ARM <Computerarchitektur>DistributionenraumHardwarePunktwolkeKomponente <Software>Framework <Informatik>Interface <Schaltung>BildschirmmaskeRegistrierung <Bildverarbeitung>Umsetzung <Informatik>Wrapper <Programmierung>Konfiguration <Informatik>ProgrammbibliothekZahlenbereichDateiformatDistributionenraumOffice-PaketVersionsverwaltungComputersicherheitTexteditorGrenzschichtablösungSmartphoneGüte der AnpassungPhysikalisches SystemWurm <Informatik>MinimumProzess <Informatik>Komponente <Software>DatenbankBildgebendes VerfahrenSoftwareentwicklerKonfiguration <Informatik>ProgrammierumgebungService providerElektronisches ForumMathematikWirkungsgradCoxeter-GruppeArithmetisches MittelPaarvergleichGenerator <Informatik>Kollaboration <Informatik>GamecontrollerWeb SiteQuaderDigital Rights ManagementDienst <Informatik>SystemplattformCloud ComputingApp <Programm>AuswahlaxiomComputerarchitekturPunktwolkeFaserbündelMereologieDigitales ZertifikatKartesische KoordinatenInformationsspeicherungFramework <Informatik>DefaultVolumenvisualisierungGewicht <Ausgleichsrechnung>Klasse <Mathematik>BildschirmmaskeProgrammbibliothekTabellenkalkulationComputeranimation
Office-PaketSoftwareentwicklerMereologieOffice-PaketURLVierzigKette <Mathematik>Computeranimation
PunktwolkeContent ManagementElektronisches ForumPunktwolkeWeb SiteNabel <Mathematik>MultiplikationsoperatorOffice-PaketMehrrechnersystemDatenverarbeitungssystemDatensatzInhalt <Mathematik>Kategorie <Mathematik>Elektronisches ForumBitCloud ComputingDigital Rights ManagementKollaboration <Informatik>Computeranimation
VerschlingungStrategisches SpielMultiplikationsoperatorSelbst organisierendes SystemNichtlinearer OperatorEigentliche AbbildungCoxeter-GruppeGemeinsamer SpeicherTermInternetworkingArithmetische FolgeDigital Rights ManagementSchlussregelRechter WinkelPunktIntegralProtokoll <Datenverarbeitungssystem>VollständigkeitKollaboration <Informatik>CASE <Informatik>BitVersionsverwaltungInterface <Schaltung>Web SiteComputervirusInternettelefonieMigration <Informatik>Inhalt <Mathematik>MereologieOffice-PaketComputeranimationFlussdiagramm
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Hi everyone, my name is Mike. I'm communications and tech content specialist at OmniOffice. The topic of my presentation today is tackling document collaboration challenges in 2023.
So we'll speak about it and I will present the most important updates in our solutions and features since the last Folsom edition. So the very use of pandemic spread influenced every line of work. Document collaboration is no exception in this case. Lots of teams face certain difficulties.
Some users want to stay at home office and work remotely despite it's now possible to get back to a real office. And therefore, lots of groups became even more distributed. Therefore, a question arises. Where is the balance and how to organize effective document collaboration in such conditions?
So we suppose that with the right tools it's possible to ensure effective teamwork for any company or group in any situation. So we defined our directions for OmniOffice to meet the user needs in 2023. This is what will help with tackling collaboration challenges.
And it can be applicable to any project as well. So first is security to make work with data and all kinds of office documents as secure as possible. Taking into consideration the growing number of cyber attacks. Then, of course, collaboration itself to ensure effective coordination for teams of any size and in any environment.
And usability follows as well to provide excellent user experience. And at least, last but not least, this flexibility and integrations to make the solutions available and accessible to as many people as possible. So just a small reminder, OmniOffice is an open source project with focus
on advanced and secure document processing with the code reference available on GitHub. It comprises editors for text documents, sheets and slides along with the form creator, PDF reader and converter with Office OpenXML as a core file format.
OmniOffice has a single agent for online, mobile and desktop versions and can be deployed on any platform and on any device. In 2022, we released three major updates along with four intermediate hotfixes. The recent update is version 7.3 released in the end of January.
Let's see what we did last year. So since the last post, according to the trending directions we just specified. Data security is, of course, a crucial question for everyone who works with documents online. Starting with version 7.2, Joot that protects documents from unauthorized access is
enabled by default in OmniOffice Docs, integrations for security reasons and for data integrity. A random secret is automatically generated and this needs to be added on the side of the host application. If required, you can also replace the default Joot secret with your own custom key.
Processing sensitive data and spreadsheets became more secure but the ability to set password protection for separate sheets and workbooks. Additional security measures here allow editing for specific ranges, hiding formulas and locking cells.
Version 7.3 provides users with another option to password protect text documents with the ability to allow only certain actions in the pile. Reading, filling forms, commenting or tracking changes. And collaboration is, of course, of great importance for lots of teams, including distributed groups and those who work remotely.
So, at the beginning of 2022, we introduced OmniOffice forms. They are also known as forms and allow you to automate your paperwork routine, making it easier to create and fill out model documents. With OmniOffice, it is possible to build complex digital forms from any docx document from scratch or from scratch.
Users can add the required fields, such as text area, combobox, drop-down list, checkbox, radio button, image, email, phone, complex fields. And adjust the properties to get a contract, assignment, decoration and virtually any other type of document ready quickly.
It is possible to collaborate on a form in real time, share the ready forms and fill them out digitally. If needed, the forms can also be exported to PDF. So, our approach to digital forms allows implementing additional features.
So, in version 7.3 of OmniOffice Docs, we brought more effective work with forms to simplify the document workflow. You can create and you can assign various recipient roles for fill filling.
This way users can virtually identify which fields they should fill out, depending on the role matching colors. In the future updates, we are also going to extend this functionality by adding an ability to separate between roles with restrictions as well as electronic signatures.
In addition to that, version 7.3 brings more ready to use fields for quicker form creation, such as date and time with multiple display options, zip code and credit card. We also provide forms library with multiple templates in different languages.
All forms there are absolutely free to use. Another collaboration update is Live Viewer, which allows users to see changes made by other collaborators when opening document spreadsheets or presentation in the view only mode. So, this basically lets you participate in a document but without the right to access, still checking and seeing all changes in real-time.
To make collaboration in spreadsheets more comfortable, we added Collaborators Core Store Display. So, when co-editing your workbook with other people in real-time, you can see their selections marked with different colors.
Only Office Spreadsheet Editor got support for the Version History feature, so that users can navigate through their previous drafts and restore them if necessary. By default, each draft is saved as a version when the last user closes the file.
User interaction in Docs also became more convenient. You can quickly sort comments in a text document, spreadsheet or presentation, which makes it easier to work with comments by different users at different time.
For example, you can view all the comments in chronological order from the newest to oldest and vice versa. Also, you can sort the comments by the author, basically using two available options, A-Z or Z-to-A. Version 7.0 brought the ability to choose between two display modes when reviewing changes made by other co-authors.
You can show changes in balloons when you click them and in tooltips when you hover your mouse over them. Usability trend implies adding new useful features along with interface improvements.
It's exactly what we did and we are going to do further. Thanks for the implementation of Clark Bus text shaping library. The Office font agent supports lots of new scripts. The Enco writing system, which belongs to RTL, is only one of the examples. The editors now also support ligatures.
That allows merging multiple symbols into one and hence the support for new languages, for example, Bengali and Sinhala. It also makes for a more harmonious reading experience. You can configure ligatures and choose between standard, contextual, discretionary
and historical types and also like the combo options for ligatures. With version 7.0, we added dark mode for the text editor. It prevents the eye strain and improves readability in half-life environments. When the mode is on, the light color is presented against the dark screen, which significantly reduces the light emitted by devices.
Following user requests, we also added another dark mode variation, which is dark contrast. One more bonus feature here is also a dark document mode, which allows changing
canvas to blackish-gray shade and adjusts the content colors for the best readability. Besides, you can make the editors automatically switch to dark or light mode, depending on the theme used in your system. Throughout the year, an Office document editor brought such useful features as mail merge, data import from local files and URLs,
hyperlink color correction, inserting all the spreadsheets, updated search and replace and more convenient work with shapes, including the ability to edit shape geometry with a mouse cursor. Calculations and spreadsheets became more comfortable with query tables, print review, currency options according to the ISO 4217 standard,
and tooltips for formulas, text qualifiers, hotkeys for page specials and a link to data range and 1904 date system. New features in onlyOffice docs, presentation editor, comprise full automation support, new transitions tab,
hyperlink color correction, duplicate slide option and others. The latest version 7.3 brings support for SmartArt and Unicode and LATX equation syntax,
page specials for slides and watch window and spreadsheets, which allows inspecting, auditing or confirming formula calculations and results in large files. There are multiple formats that onlyOffice docs works with.
Core formats are docx, xxx and pptx and also supports ODF formats and a variety of other popular ones such as txt, rtf, html, pdf, csv etc.
With the version 7.0, we greatly improved overall support for Office OpenXML features, including the introduction of new mechanics and our work for the existing objects and attributes. For working with digital forms, we introduced our own formats docxf and oform, since
the standard formats do not allow us to bring all our ideas to life. So docxf, based on docx, is a form template which you can edit and collaborate on. And oform is a created ready-to-fill-out form that you share with others, which they can fill out. So you can fully work with both from the web and open the forms in the mobile apps to fill them.
Starting from version 7.1, you can use onlyOffice docs to view PDF, XPS and JVU files in a more convenient way. The built-in viewer opens files on the client side and offers such improvements as page thumbnail
panel, navigation bar, support for external and internal links, as well as the core source or hand mode. When you save a PDF file, you can convert it to docx and other available formats, except for PDF.
This option, together with the improved PDF viewer, allows you to work with PDF files in onlyOffice without any third-party applications. And last but not least, which of us has worked with formats, is that you can export presentations in picture formats, JPG and PNG.
OnlyOffice docs will create an archive with the separate slides, in pictures in this case. Besides, BPS X presentations are supported for viewing now. Integrations, both internal and external ones, play an important role in all of this ecosystem.
For now, we count more than 30 ready-to-use connectors, which allow us to use our editors within other cloud services, as well as more than 30 plugins, which bring extra third-party features to the editors. So over the last year, a lot has been done in the integrations development.
We introduced four new connectors. The first one is Moodle, which allows users to add document activities to courses and enable editing and collaboration directly within the course structure for students and teachers. And we developed three connectors for open-source CMS frameworks, WordPress, Strapi and Vupal.
In addition to developing new connectors, we've worked on improving existing integrations. First of all, the introduced forms functionality became possible in our existing integrations. Besides, we added new features and fixed bugs in the current connectors, trying to keep our users back in mind,
including the apps for Hamhub, SharePoint, Alfresco, Liferay, Nextcloud, Confluence, Moodle, Plone, Jira and Redmine. And we also welcome our partners, who add only offers to their platforms to provide users with document processing.
Among the new partner integrations are Fink-ISL, an intuitive quality management software. O2-OA, a collaborative office space to boost productivity developed by Chinese company Lambda Network.
C-360, a suite of secure and accessible applications by the Italian company, Innovatione digitale. And L'enroche-Fonset, a complete French collaborative solution built on 100% open-source infrastructure.
And N2WIP, which is an open-source, agile project management software by our French partner Enaylin. Plugins can significantly extend and simplify your work in the editors. In 2022, we added several handy ones.
Jitsi and Rabel, to organize audio and video meetings right in the editors. Droll.io to create charts, mind maps, diagrams, infographics, etc. Doc2MD to quickly convert text to markdown. And moreover, we introduced a brand new plugin manager or a plugin marketplace to make plugin installation even easier and more straightforward.
It allows you to explore all available plugins and install or remove any plugin with just one click without leaving the editors. And of course, we always do our best to make only office docs available for every users.
So we always extend in the number of distribution formats and packages. So we officially rolled out on the office docs as a service. You can easily launch our online editors and create your collaborative environments with the platform of your choice in the cloud.
And as all the editors of only office docs and document builder can be installed on devices with the RVM architecture that allows for higher performance, energy efficiency and integrated security. The RVM compatible version of only office docs is available as a separate
build and offers several installation options such as Docker images, GP and RPM packages. OnlyOffice desktop app became pre-installed on such Linux distributions as Amaroq Linux, VCOS, VROS and was verified in the official application store of QtFish.
Besides, we got compatibility certificate with China's national operating system, Kailin OS. The editor is now available in Vulture and Alibaba cloud marketplaces. monthly app on Linode marketplaces is coming soon.
And Artura, an internet service provider from Switzerland is now offering only office docs as a part of their hosting solutions. Moreover, last year, the minis forum and Manjaro officially launched mini PC on 350 where only office desktop app was the default office suite of the pre-installed system.
OnlyOffice is also part of the Marina cloud service bundle included in the device default app ecosystem on the Marina one smartphone. We released framework components which you can use to easily deploy only office docs within React, Angular and Vue environments.
And an update which will be really interesting for developers is the new API class. It allows interacting with text documents, spreadsheets and presentations and fillable forms from the outside.
This way you can create special connector to make changes in the documents using your own buttons or methods instead of the editor buttons. For example, you will be able to generate a feed with comments from all your documents, reply to them and close comments in one place or automatically fill out forms with the data exported from databases.
With version 7.2 update, we also fully upgraded the native OnlyOffice document builder API to make document generation more comfortable using JS commands instead of text commands. Moreover, we added the .NET doc render library which allows working with the document builder API in your .NET based app.
Finally, in the last year, our team grew both in numbers and in Jager Ekhik Ridge. We opened three new office departments resulting in six office locations overall, Latvia,
UK, USA and the new one Singapore, Yerevan in Armenia and Dashkent in Uzbekistan. Our development hub is now located in Uzbekistan. The Armenian office became home for our customer care team and lots of our teammates also work remotely from various parts of Europe.
Let us boast a bit and once again thank our users for support since we made it to the top three in the cloud computer insider awards for the second year in a row. This time OnlyOffice received gold in the category cloud content management.
Thanks a lot for your attention. If you have any questions, you can always visit our official website www.onlyoffice.com and contact our team on GitHub or forum. We are always open for any collaboration. Thank you and enjoy the rest of custom.
Okay, so we have a link for the OnlyOffice API for the WAP connector.
So that's nice. Thank you. Sorry again, I have a bit of echo.
Yeah, great question actually, Alex. So any success stories illustrating strategies to make organization move?
Okay. Hello. Hello. Hello. Thanks everyone for listening. I'm not self made over the interface. I'm sorry for wasting a bit of time.
Okay, I'm jumping to the questions now. So we have one question which is do you have any success stories illustrating the strategies to make organization move away from Microsoft only tools? Anything that you saw as part of the OnlyOffice migrations maybe?
Okay, thank you. So yeah, we have a few examples and you can definitely access all the success stories on the website of the customers. So just not to give any information, I just offer you to jump to the session.
Is there any way for me to share a link? I can do it in the chat afterwards. So basically right now I believe that people should be able to access the room that you joined and connect to the conference.
And then we can have a discussion I think here directly. It could be a bit easier. And connect to the conference. I'm sorry, I have a bit of echo.
Okay, so maybe Alex you can sit directly with Mike to answer your question. Also I saw the question in the collaboration and content management chat about is OnlyOffice supporting or planning to support the Volpe protocol?
Yes, we do. Since last year we added support for Volpe on the office docs and it still requires building a connector. So just like a classic API-based integration.
We already have a few examples of Volpe connectors. The first one we tried was SharePoint which works completely. There was also OpenKM connector and there was also a kind of work in progress version connector for on-cloud, also based on Volpe.
It's not publicly available but this one we are working on. It's like a collaboration with the on-cloud team. So yes we do and it's possible to create connectors to connect via Volpe protocol.
Thanks a lot Mike. On my end I will need to leave. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to join the tackling document collaboration challenges in 2.23. The link is in the chat of the Dev Room and here you can discuss.
And globally thanks a lot for coming to this Dev Room this year. I hope that next year we will be able to do it physically and that we will have a bit more time for presentations. Sounds great. Thank you everyone again. I will hang out in the chat so in case there are any other questions coming I will be there.
I will also drop the link but the use cases briefly. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Bye.