Building DCP's Housing Database, NYC Planning's Data Engineering team's latest data product In 2020, while from working from home, NYC Planning's Data Engineering team in collaboration with the Housing Economic and Development team built and released to the public DCP's Housing Database, which contains all NYC Department of Buildings (DOB)-approved housing construction jobs filed or completed in NYC since January 1, 2010 that add or remove residential units. During this talk NYC Planning's Data Engineering team will share how we built a new NYC Open Data product using open data and open source technologies, including PostgreSQL/PostGIS, GDAL, and GitHub Actions, highlighting the work done by NYC Planning's Data Engineering team to create open data openly. At FOSS4G NA 2019 San Diego I presented how NYC Planning's Data Engineering team reverse engineered PLUTO, NYC’s definitive tax lot dataset, and moved the development process off of the mainframe and into PostgreSQL/PostGIS. Since then, the team has grown and improved how we build NYC's premier open data products using free and open source technologies including PostgreSQL/PostGIS, GDAL, Streamlit, and GitHub Actions. In 2020, while at working from home, we built DCP's Housing Database, which contains all NYC Department of Buildings (DOB)-approved housing construction and demolition jobs filed or completed in NYC since January 1, 2010. It includes all three construction job types that add or remove residential units: new buildings, major alterations, and demolitions, and can be used to determine the change in legal housing units across time and space. At FOSS4G 2021 we'd like to share how we built a new NYC Open Data product using open data and open source technologies, highlighting the work done by NYC Planning's Data Engineering team. Authors and Affiliations – Doyle, Amanda (1) Cao, Baiyue (2) Graber, Molly (3) NYC Department of City Planning, Enterprise Data Management, Data Engineering, United States, New York, NY Track – Open data Topic – Data collection, data sharing, data science, open data, big data, data exploitation platforms Level – 1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed. Language of the Presentation – English |