Mapping the Metaverse
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Anzahl der Teile | 41 | |
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Identifikatoren | 10.5446/58220 (DOI) | |
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State of the Map US 202218 / 41
Offene MengeVirtuelle RealitätCoxeter-GruppeShape <Informatik>ExpertensystemHypermediaVirtuelle RealitätGenerator <Informatik>RauschenOffene MengeMAPPhysikalisches SystemDifferenteInterpretiererVersionsverwaltungComputerspielAvatar <Informatik>SchlussregelBefehl <Informatik>Mapping <Computergraphik>Fächer <Mathematik>Meta-TagGüte der AnpassungQuick-SortVideokonferenzInklusion <Mathematik>Selbst organisierendes SystemSoftwareHardwareProgrammierungDienst <Informatik>Bridge <Kommunikationstechnik>BitSoftwareentwicklerStellenringInternetworkingMinimumGruppenoperationSystemaufrufNotebook-ComputerAggregatzustandNeuroinformatikNichtlinearer OperatorBildgebendes VerfahrenKontextbezogenes SystemUmsetzung <Informatik>SystemzusammenbruchUmwandlungsenthalpieCyberspaceProzess <Informatik>MultiplikationsoperatorEinfach zusammenhängender RaumGrundraumRechter WinkelPolygonTexteditorProgrammierumgebungTermDatenbankForcingOpen SourceSpieltheorieGoogle Street ViewEinsComputersimulationIterationPrimzahlzwillingeZweiImmersion <Topologie>QuellcodeTwitter <Softwareplattform>Software Development KitRichtungEndliche ModelltheorieTrennschärfe <Statistik>Web SiteGoogolKartesische KoordinatenPlotterNotepad-ComputerDemo <Programm>Reelle ZahlOffice-PaketDimensionsanalyseSystemplattformIdeal <Mathematik>TouchscreenGebäude <Mathematik>Natürliche ZahlSmartphoneLeistung <Physik>AnalysisPolygonnetzProjektive EbeneDigitalisierungATMMereologieComputeranimation
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Good afternoon everyone My name is William Evans and Today I'm going to be talking about mapping the metaverse which I admit was the The biggest buzzword I could find to to bring to state of the map this year and no I do not work for meta
I'm just a fan of technology and And Yeah, this is me. Actually. I began working with humanitarian open street map team about four years ago First in Turkey. My background is as a humanitarian worker I was working with the Syrian refugee community there doing mapping of services in Istanbul and
from there I moved to East Africa where I joined the Tanzania team and have been working with them for about the past three years In my day job, I'm the director of open skies fellows, which is a technology fellowship program that we're running collaboratively
With these these three organizations You can see the bottom humanitarian open street map team probably being the most familiar to most of you But also working with a local Tanzanian organization called open map development Tanzania and a local drone operator called rule outs And this is not at all relevant to my presentation
But just to to give a little bit of a background Open skies is all about young people being able to work with emerging technologies kind of Bridging that skills gap that often exists in in educational systems so our biggest goal is really to develop the next generation of
experts on emerging technologies in East Africa with an emphasis on women as leaders and so My my Presentation today is actually drawing on some of the work that we've done with one of our young fellows named Mohamed who lives in Zanzibar and this picture that you can see here Which must be very confusing to most of you is of me as an avatar standing in a virtual version of stone town
Which is in in Zanzibar Pointing out a 360 video there and a nice map we made of Zanzibar. So with that This is basically an overview of today's presentation I'll talk a little bit about what is the metaverse?
origins and rules that have been set up and then and talk about this this Interesting question of how do you actually map the metaverse and then moving on from there? How do you actually bring open street map and bridge this gap between open street map in the metaverse? And then finally, I will try to do a demonstration
Technology allowing I was hoping to do something with an oculus here in virtual reality I think I may just present from my laptop and then finally a call to action which I'll speak more about at the end of my presentation so Most of you probably know this so we have a very nerdy community here We should be proud of it, but the origins of the metaverse are in science fiction
So we have Neuromancer by William Gibson back in 1984 which talks about cyberspace and then of course snow crash by Neal Stephenson written in 1992 which talks about the metaverse and probably the most popular and let's see like
Like public image consciousness it is ready player one the movie that that Steven Spielberg made Based on the book by Ernest Cline And that movie was out in 2000 2011 and that's what a lot of us imagine when we think about the metaverse And what I think is really interesting about this is this quote
That many of you are probably familiar with from Oscar Wilde which is that life imitates art for far more than art imitates life So I think when we're actually thinking of the metaverse and you've heard lots of interpretations lots of takes on it It's like we're drawing from science fiction. We're drawing from literature We're drawing from movies and books and and different different imaginations that have put put the ideas of the metaverse out there
so For those of you not familiar. There's a very Useful rubric out there by someone named Tony Parisi. He has written this thing called the metaverse manifesto and When we're starting to understand what the metaverse is and what the metaverse isn't
These are very helpful rules. So I'll just go through them very quickly There is only one metaverse and that simply is suggesting that you know The metaverse is sort of a collective one all of the different virtual worlds being connected The metaverse is for everyone which I think surely resonates with with many in the open street map community
It's a statement of inclusivity No matter what your background is Nobody controls the metaverse. I think this is also very important There's no corporation. There's no government. There's no one that's actually controlling the metaverse. The metaverse is open The metaverse is hardware independent, you know
You shouldn't necessarily have to have an oculus for example to access it or even necessarily a computer It should be available on phones and other devices The metaverse is a network and finally the metaverse is the internet so I This is this is breaking many of the rules of good presentations
But I wanted to put up some of the definitions of the metaverse that I have found And perhaps more importantly if you guys will excuse me I will read this very Very profound quote quote, which I think does a good job of sort of summarizing the state of where it is. So bear with me
And and listen along The strangeness and novelty of this new digital capability is generating confusion Ideas abound unmoored from practice and practical reality Well intentioned but naive seekers are grasping for a conceptual foundation on which to base their work and place their bets
Entrenched players with specific agendas are attempting to favorably direct the conversation in an early bid for market dominance All of this becomes amplified removed from context and repeated with increasing noise added to the original signal via social media
Ultimately none of this published public discourse will matter there will come a day when we look upon what we have accomplished and Know that we have done it as of now. We do not know exactly what shape the metaverse will take and So aside from breaking all kinds of presentation rules I think that that quotation is a very telling story of where we are right now with the discussions of the metaverse
okay, so How do you map the metaverse Well, you put on an oculus go into ID editor and draw a few polygons, right It's not that easy, right? This is an interesting conceptual question, of course because
One right now. It's not really clear whether whether the metaverse exists according to those seven rules By by Tony Parisi So maybe one way to begin is to think about who are the companies who are the forces the investors the money? The databases that are behind it
So this again will not necessarily come as a surprise But here are some of the biggest players right now investing in the metaverse. Of course, you have people like Microsoft who've recently acquired Activision Also connected to Minecraft you have video which is a major player in terms of the hardware building the metaverse You have game engines like unity and epic games
You have the games themselves and the companies behind them like roblox my antics second life Of course you have meta you have Google you have many of these different companies and actually Far more that are involved in these these various stages of the metaverse and of course It's it's simply become the hottest trend in technology right now
Which is why I thought it would be interesting to figure out exactly what open street maps role is in the metaverse and For some kind of geospatial take on this you also have the sandbox which is just one iteration one version Three dimensional game built on the blockchain, which is again
Just let's say one world within the metaverse that has been mapped out here with various plots So the concept of a map of the metaverse highlights some of the profound challenges and how our shared universe is shaped so when we think about how we could potentially map it out, it's it's kind of
an impossible question right now both in terms of Conceptually because it hasn't necessarily been fully established, but then when you actually think of mapping it out How would one even do that? There have been some interesting takes as well on on on actual GIS
applications within the metaverse And this is pretty bizarre territory. Actually you think about site selection for example going back to the the the sandbox there if you want to have Maybe an ideal piece of real estate in the metaverse, maybe you'll do a little analysis to figure out. Okay, my plot is
One minute away from Snoop Dogg's and there's getting a lot of traffic right here So this is exactly where I want my plot to be Work on design and another and research into the nature of virtual geography Which I I think is kind of just a bizarre concept, right if we imagine Building these virtual worlds then theoretically there would also be virtual geography that would go along with it
And then perhaps most interestingly to me is this quote by by Christopher Mitchell the true metaverse is a massively multi-use environment that replicates our real world Built on top of a richly labeled digital twin of the earth
And I think that's where it really connects very strongly with OpenStreetMap Because we have all this data that communities around the world have been generating for for many years now and Where does all of that data go? How does it connect with the metaverse and Wouldn't this idea digital twin of the entire world with all of that rich data
Be one of the most powerful iterations of the metaverse And there are there are companies working on this you have Geopipe there and then you also have Companies like Black Shark AI which is perhaps most famously known as the engine behind For example the Microsoft real flight simulator where they've made an amazing
Three-dimensional version of the entire earth, and it's just really stunning if any of you have experienced that So here's just a fun Tool for anyone who is interested in how you might be able to begin bridging OpenStreetMap with metaverse
There's a very great add-on out there that that works with blender which is 3d software and It's called blender GIS and as you can see from the the gifs there You're able to just grab your data directly from OpenStreetMap As well as a few other sources and then bring it directly within to blender and then perhaps bring it into
Another platform whether a game or a website etc. So it makes it very easy to bring in OpenStreetMap data in three dimensions and into immersive media so One of the things I really wanted to touch on today was this effort by my colleagues and it's called 3d street view
dashboard so you can see the dashboard here and What it's doing is is is the kind of direction that I would like to see the metaverse take Which is empowering local people with local tools to actually create the metaverse themselves Essentially, we use the same familiar stack of open source tools that many of you know of like open data kit and we also use
Open drone map as well to put this all together. So what we do is Anyone in the world with a smartphone is able to go around collect imagery Put it through a photogrammetry process and then recreate the 3d model and I'll show you a couple of examples of this
And the power of this is not so much in the technology though That's impressive But it's more in the fact that anyone with a cheap smartphone anywhere in the world can begin to do 3d modeling And so here are some of the examples you have immersive environments in the Philippines You have the OpenStreetMap office here in Tanzania for those of you have been we've made a really
brilliant immersive 3d model of it that you can experience from a desktop or from virtual reality you have You would Jima Japan and then you have this mudslide in Uganda, which which the which which the OpenStreetMap Uganda team recently
completed a few months back And then there you can see some of these if you'd like to check them out on our website mesh rater comm Okay, so now the demo I was going to call My lovely assistant up to do this for you in virtual reality, but it's a bit tricky
So what I'm going to try instead is to flip over my screen here and Let's see if I can get this to work. So For those of you interested in building in the metaverse in terms of building in Three 3d models and then playing with OpenStreetMap map data in three dimensions
There's this really brilliant platform out there, which I'm showing you right now, which is called Neos PR so this is actually the project of My fellow and colleague Mohammed my Isha who as I told you guys Was one of our fellows who's working in Zanzibar So what you can see here is that we've actually brought in a 3d mesh using drone imagery
And we also have some some traditional maps here for a little bit of guidance And I'm just going to quickly fly up here To show you guys kind of the scope of this so taking some drone imagery 3d model We're able to bring in a good chunk of stone town Zanzibar and put it right here for anyone to explore
Of course, it's much cooler in virtual reality But just the fact that you're able to sort of see things in this high resolution And explore I really think is just an amazing Is an amazing accomplishment, so I want to show you guys one of my favorite parts of this world
Let me drop down real quick to this locomotion mode And so we have this nice 360 video here of some kids Who love jumping off the shore in Zanzibar here? and of course
You I think the sound is there, but it's probably not playing because I'm not connected But this this project that he did was meant to basically showcase Zanzibar in stone town for anyone around the world who wants to visit I know my time is up. So I'll quickly
I'll quickly wrap up with this call to action There's a lot of things that we don't know right now between the connections of the open street map and the metaverse What does it look like and how do we ensure that it's community driven? I know a lot of people in this room have worked on Bringing communities together and so what I would like to do is simply issue a call to action
For any of you out there who feel that it's important for for open street map To bridge with the metaverse and to build a metaverse that's that's truly open and collaborative like the open street map experiment So thank you guys for your time