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Systematic Literature Review – Enhancing methodology competencies of young researchers

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Systematic Literature Review – Enhancing methodology competencies of young researchers
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Method and approach Systematic literature reviews aim to reduce biases and redundancies in academic research by using a formalized, transparent and replicable process. The SLRM was adapted to the Economics context and information about it has been provided on the library’s website, which has been structured along the SLR process. In addition to a detailed description of each phase, a toolkit has been developed consisting of SLR sources, learning videos (“Understanding retrieval bias” and “Understanding publication bias”), feedback on example SLR articles, as well as individual advice. Findings The amount of articles using the SLRM published by the academic staff of the faculty for Economics and Management has increased since the publication of the library’s SLR website. Researchers especially need support with developing an appropriate research string as well as the conduction of a content analysis. Only a handful of libraries provide information on the SLRM. Implications Information about the SLRM is relevant for young researchers and can improve their methodology competences. Other information institutions can also refer to the website. We are currently working on a SLR online course.